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ROR: the disruptive innovation

  • Ruby
I happen to read about a great analogue of so-called disruptive innovation on the current trend of ROR(Ruby on Rails, the emerging technology for easy web application development) at IDEA plugin forum. I'm also quite surprised at the fact that half of ROR users come from PHP world. Share with anyone who maybe interested:

"...You can compare it to the situation of the advent of the personal computer and the spreadsheet. Before that, you had people doing calculations with pen and paper (PHP) and people who used mainframes/workstations to do large calculations (J2EE). The personal computer alone (Ruby) was interesting, but not totally compelling. Adding a spreadsheet program (Rails) suddenly made the personal computer more interesting.

The pen and paper crowd, who couldn't afford, or didn't have the need for, a complicated mainframe or workstation, started buying personal computers to use the spreadsheet. For them this was an improvement on pen and paper calculations.

The mainframe/workstation crowd were split. Most had no use for the inferior personal computer. But there were some who found the relative inexpensiveness and simplicity of the personal computer to be well suited to some of their simpler projects.

Fueled by the pen and paper crowd, for whom the personal computer + spreadsheet was in almost all ways superior, the personal computer became more popular and new sustaining innovations made it more and more capable. Soon, the PC became so good that there was no real need for mainframes and workstations except in some small niche markets."

Time to jump on a truck of Rails?


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    ROR环境 Ruby version 1.9.3 (java) RubyGems version 1.8.24 Rack version 1.4 Rails version 3.2.12 JavaScript Runtime therubyrhino (Rhino) Active Record version 3.2.12 Action Pack version 3.2.12 ...


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    Use ROR's Lic Generator to generate the license file for your PTC HostID, use this license file as Locked license file for Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire installation. Enjoy this fine release from TEAM ROR :)


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