Original post:
linkLooking for a “big idea”? Start off by seeking a solution to one of
your own problems. See, chances are others are feeling the same pain.
Find a cure and these fellow sufferers will pay up for it.
Case in point: Bird in Hand.
Unlike traditional shoulder bags, which experts say cause neck and back
pain, Bird in Hand bags are designed to be clutched or carried in the
crook of the arm.
Bird in Hand founder and designer Rachel Lincoln Sarnoff
had her eureka moment when she forgot her shoulder bag on a business
trip and was forced to carry a clutch for seven days. By the time she
got home, her persistent and nagging shoulder and neck pain was gone.
Several hundred “research” bags later, Rachel hit upon the formula for
the perfect bag, and Bird in Hand was born.
It’s the same technique we’ve used for our products. Basecamp
started because managing projects was a pain in the neck for us.
Writeboard started because collaborating on text was a pain in the neck
for us. No pain, no gain.
This, again, reflects the philosphy behind a new wave of online business trend. The market is penetrated where niches exist. Be ware to my own big idea as well. The smaller the USP(Unique Selling Point) is, the easier it can be operated to shine.
Residents, fellows and attendings can follow the up-to-date, step-by-step instructions and images in this book to perform reconstructive surgical techniques for head and neck cancer patients. The ...
在IT领域,尤其是在数据存储与保护的技术探讨中,《Avoiding the Disk Bottleneck in the Data Domain Deduplication File System》一文提供了深入的见解和技术解决方案,旨在优化基于磁盘的重复数据删除...
23. The five layers in the Internet protocol stack are – from top to bottom – the application layer, the transport layer, the network layer, the link layer, and the physical layer. The principal ...
You have database bottleneck in your application and want to solve the problem. You want to develop and deploy Microservices in a distributed fashion. You have an existing Hadoop ecosystem (OLAP&...
The key bottleneck is from the current data storage and processing hardware, which has not only the well-known memory wall and power wall with limited accessing bandwidth but also large leakage power ...
With the arrival of the big data era, data requirements are gradually no longer an obstacle (at least for many areas), but the determination of network topology is still a bottleneck. This is ...
However, the growth in design productivity for digital circuits cannot keep up with the technological growth [136]. This gap represents a serious bottleneck for the implementation of new competitive ...
framework, then automating the required computation to draw inferences from the model, for example finding the model parameters likely to give rise to a certain output. By decoupling model ...
6.1.9 Select a Test Case that Exposes the Runtime Bottleneck . . 68 6.1.10 The Difference Between Algorithm and Implementation . . 70 6.2 Using Profiling Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 6.2.1 Do Not ...
The concept of two-way databinding (being able to sync data between the controller and the view automatically), which was touted early on as its best feature, became a performance bottleneck in large...
Head and Neck Imaging presents the challenging cases that are most likely to be encountered by residents and radiologists focusing on imaging of the head and neck. It helps radiologists correctly ...
本讨论的重点在于YOLOv8的一个重要组件——Gold-YOLO Neck,它是对原有YOLO架构的改进,旨在提升模型的性能。 Neck在目标检测模型中扮演着关键角色,它通常被用来连接特征提取层(如Backbone)和预测层(如Head),...
- **Handling of Memory Reads and Writes:** Outlines the processes involved in reading from and writing to memory. - **Bus Snooping Process:** Explains the bus snooping mechanism used to maintain cache...
important to remove non-linearities in the narrow layers in order to maintain representational power. We demon- strate that this improves performance and provide an in- tuition that led to this design...
Oracle SQL Tuning with Oracle SQLTXPLAIN: Oracle Database 12c... Both developers and DBAs will benefit from learning how to use the SQLTXPLAIN tool, and from the problem solving methodology in this book.
Lack of large available datasets fully annotated is a fundamental bottleneck in pulmonary nodule detection, especially when the sensing equipment and the corresponding computed to-mography (CT) images...
most useful when other similar tools cannot precisely pinpoint a bottleneck in the system, requiring a deep analysis of kernel activity. In the same manner, application developers can also use ...