It seems the very time to summarize this wonderful year for myself:
- Finally finish my major and minor. Bravo~
- It took me a whole year to prototype and design the ambitious finance BI project. Now the core parts have been implemented and the data test shows off some promising results.
- Have known several damn good buddies.
- The previous Toshiba laptop was stolen, so I had the chance to get a brand new Thinkpad :)
- Be lucky to get on the boat of Rails after being exiled by Fabrique.
- Have more language in common with my dear mum in financial mindset.
- Apprentice is the best TV show I've ever seen
- Have been in top 10 of campus investment competition twice. /greedy~
- Moved my blog from Blogger to MSN space and seemed a bit more diligent on writing crappy stuffs.
- Reserved for refreshed memory later.
Keep working hard while dreaming in the new year~
Moving to Linux®: Kiss the Blue Screen of Death Goodbye! Second Edition By Marcel Gagné ............................................... Publisher: Addison Wesley Professional Pub Date: August 01...
要停止会话,只需键入bye 、 goodbye 、 done 、 exit或quit 。 为什么是“莉兹贝特”? 因为它是 NPM 中尚未采用的“eliza”的第一个公式:P 执照 该项目基于并改编自找到的代码。 这是它的许可证(或类似的东西...
2011年,艾薇儿发行了专辑《Goodbye Lullaby》,主打歌《What the hell》展示了她一贯的活泼风格。同时,她还涉足香水行业,推出了“Forbidden Rose”等个人品牌香水。 在个人生活方面,艾薇儿经历了婚姻变动,2009...
Sample Application <br>Steps App.cs Hello.cs GoodBye.cs HowDoYouDo.cs Compile Classes to DLLs - The CSharp Compiler (CSC) Group DLLs in a Private Assembly - The Assembly Linker ...
printf("Goodbye World\n"); } ``` 在这段代码中,`#pragma omp parallel`之后的大括号包围的代码块构成了并行区。这意味着在这个区域内,每条语句都将被并行执行。然而,在实际运行时,可以看到并行区内部的输出...