We're pretty sure this is one Sun box that really doesn't need any introduction. We hear Scott McNealy's even got one in his den.
Ryan: "I'm sorry, Dave, I'm going to have to cut you off."
Paul: "You're going to need quite a bit of Java to combat
that hangover"
Peter: "I have one mission: To find Sarah Connor and get her totally wasted." or "Sun Microbrewsystems"
Marc: "So this is Sun's new liquid-cooled computer!"
Evan: "I don't get it- do we use roofies or a virus to steal it?"
(Quoted from engadget)
根据提供的文档信息,我们可以归纳出以下相关知识点: ### 一、存储环境与IT挑战 #### 数据增长持续 随着数字化转型的加速,企业面临的数据量正在以前所未有的速度增长。根据文档中的图表显示,数据的增长呈现出...
Oracle Global Order Promising Implementation and User’s Guide 是一份针对Oracle企业级软件的重要文档,适用于Release 11i版本,编号B10512-03。该指南详细介绍了如何实施和使用Oracle全球订单承诺(Global ...
《Nonlinear IHS: A Promising Method for Pan-Sharpening》是一篇关于图像处理领域的研究文章,专注于多光谱与全色图像的融合技术。本文提到的Nonlinear IHS(非线性亮度、对比度、饱和度)方法是基于传统IHS(亮度...
scholars will be inspired with promising research directions; and practitioners will find suitable methods for their applications of interest along with useful instructions. Volume 2 includes 17 ...
Biometric_ Promising Frontiers for Emerging Identification Market指纹图像识别国外文献
ABSTRACT: Ultrasensitive and specific in situ imaging of ...may provide a new promising paradigm in developing highly sensitive and specific FISH methods for various diagnostic and research applications.
例子一个 GET 请求可能像这样简单: require ( "promising-http-client" ). request ( "http://www.somedomain.com/path.html" ). spread ( function ( req , res , document ) {// req is object providing request...
【文章标题】:“莲花种子壳来源的多孔碳材料具有卓越的超级电容性能” 【文章摘要】:本文介绍了一种简单的方法,利用废弃的莲花种子(LS)作为生物质前体,通过两步法制备出有前景的多孔碳材料。...
Solid-state batteries, which eliminate the need for flammable liquid electrolytes, are a promising area of research. Additionally, recycling technologies for spent lithium-ion batteries will also ...
Magento is the most promising e-business framework and CMS.
东南景天(Sedum alfredii)是一种具有锌超积累特性的植物。这种特性使其在植物修复领域具有重要的应用潜力。锌是一种对植物生长至关重要的微量营养素,但当其在植物体内累积过多时,可能会产生毒害效应。...
宽松内存并发的有前途的语义 ... opam remote add coq-promising -k git https://github.com/snu-sf/promising-opam-coq-archive opam install coq-paco.2.0.3 opam install coq-sflib opam install
As China and the world strive to reduce reliance on fossil fuels, the growth of the new energy vehicle market presents a promising opportunity to reshape the automotive landscape. By overcoming the ...
If you’re new to data science and applied machine learning, evaluating a machine-learning model can seem pretty overwhelming. Now you have help. With this O’Reilly report, machine-learning expert ...
Gottsegen, C. B. and Gottsegen, M. G. Professional school psychology. (Vol. 3) New York: Grime & Stratton, 1969, ...sizes what the editors consider are promising trends and practices. The book is divid
如:“The turning point of my life was my decision to give up a promising business career and study music.”这里的“turning point”转换为动词“转折”,“curb the nuclear arms race”中的“curb”也由...