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Hasekll Road to Future

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Several friends have asked me about Haskell functional programming language. I haven't used it in daily jobs, yet I'm learning it not only because of its beauty and simplicity to express math, logic and algorthim, but also the fact that it's quite a hard excersize for my brain. There's no other language that has the density of new concepts as Haskell does.

Besides its being lazy and pure (shocked by the conecpts? hehe), Haskell also has the ability to define internal domain specific language (DSL) like Ruby. I wish there will be a Haskell killer application to utilize this advantage in the similar way as Rails to Ruby.
5 楼 simohayha 2007-06-11  
唉,最近已经直接被haskell的类型给弄晕了, .
4 楼 cookoo 2007-06-04  
实际有多个成功案例的比如Erlang, OCaml。Lisp和Haskell也有个别例子,比如Emacs和Darcs。


3 楼 simohayha 2007-06-04  


2 楼 cookoo 2007-06-03  
1 楼 simohayha 2007-06-02  
  我等sicp看完,就准备学习haskell了,看很多老外的blog,他们都很喜欢haskell 的说。



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