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Being a programmer, you have an invaluable skill that you need to
learn to harness. Investors realize this already which is why they’ll
spend stacks of cash to have you build them something that’ll someday be
profitable. Large corporations realize the value in good developers and
sometimes bend over backwards trying to retain their top talent. To be
able to program well is a skill that people clearly value but why do
programmers tend to place such little value on their own talents?
I know amazing developers who have spent the last decade building
other people a fortune in IP while spending very little of their time
building their own software. While its easy to look at the paychecks
coming in and be content with your progress as an individual, when you
put your progress into the context of intellectual property ownership
most developers are left with empty pockets. Investors and businessmen
use developers to build intellectual property for their businesses. They
pay good money for a developer’s time along the way and usually the
developer moves onto something else within a few years and the business
finds someone new they can use to extend their growing IP treasure
When I look back on my own past decade, I’ve seen plenty of cash come
and go yet the only thing that remains is the software I’ve built for
myself in my own time. I put my time and effort into the context of IP
and suddenly the value I place on my own time and skill begins to rise. I
recently read an article geared towards investors that was recommending
keeping good developers on your side at all costs. It argued no matter
what a developer was building it was better to keep them busy building
you IP and on your team than to lose valuable talent. I read that and
taking the context of IP and the value of my time into account I asked
myself why I wasn’t spending more of my free time extending my own IP
treasure chest? I listened to the advise of that article to investors
and I’ve committed to investing more in myself.
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