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Insoshi is written in Ruby on Rails, so installing Insoshi means downloading the source code and running it on your local computer.  There are several methods to do this, which we list in order of increasing involvement in the Insoshi project.

Option #1: Source only (easy to download but no updates and hard to contribute)

If all you want is the source code, you can download the most recent release of Insoshi here.  Keep in mind that Insoshi is still evolving rapidly, though, so if you want to get easy updates or contribute you should read on about using Git.

Option #2: Cloning with Git (fairly easy to download, hard to contribute)

The source code to Insoshi is managed via Git, a version control system developed by Linus Torvalds to host the Linux kernel development.  What this means is that you can easily download the Insoshi source, get updates, contribute and manage your own local work.  (For information on installing Git, check out our guide for Installing Git.)

If you're already familiar with Git, you can clone our public Git repository on GitHub via the command

  git clone git://github.com/insoshi/insoshi.gitYou should also create a local development branch in your Git repository:

git checkout -b <firstname_lastname>where you should replace <firstname_lastname> with the your name (without the angle brackets!).

For more information on configuring your local clone of our repository, check out our Git Guides which also includes a scripted Quick Local Repository Setup (see next).

Option #3 (recommended): Forking at GitHub (still easy to download, easy to contribute)
The best way to get started with Insoshi if you want updates and might want to contribute is to follow the steps on our Quick Local Repository Setup.  This involves going to GitHub and forking our repository, to which you can then make changes.  By issuing a pull request at GitHub, you can let us know about your changes and start the process of incorporating them into Insoshi.  See our extensive Git Guides for more information.

Completing the installation

[This document includes and expands upon the README.rdoc included with the Insoshi code.  Check the README for any changes, especially if you're using the edge branch.]

Once you've gotten the source code using one of the above methods, you should install the libraries and gems needed by Insoshi.

If you don't already have Rails on your computer, you should download and install Rails now.

Required Libraries

Insoshi recommends using FreeImage and ImageScience for image manipulation:

FreeImage - an open source library project that supports standard graphics image formats (PNG, JPEG, etc.)
(If you're installing FreeImage on Windows, take a look at this blog post to avoid some possible headaches and issues.)

Insoshi will also work with ImageMagick/RMagick (more powerful but harder to install):
RMagick - installed as a gem but site has details for getting ImageMagick installed/built
You also need one of following databases

SQLite - a self-contained, serverless, zero-configuration, transactional SQL database engine (see note for Sphinx below!)

MySQL - the popular open source database
PostgreSQL - another good choice for an open source database

Insoshi uses Sphinx/Ultrasphinx for search


Ultrasphinx - Ruby on Rails Sphinx client (included with the Insoshi source under vendor/plugins)
Search using Sphinx is not supported with SQLite.  You'll have to use either MySQL or PostreSQL as your database or disable the search functionality.

When running Insoshi in a production environment, you should also set up a cron job to rotate the search index as described in the Ultrasphinx deployment notes.

Installation instructions can be found on their sites or via a Google search.

Required Gems
Insoshi requires the following gems

mysql - if you're using MySQL as your database engine
chronic - required for Ultrasphinx

image_science - if you're using FreeImage
rmagick - if you're using RMagick

You can install these gems via
  gem install <gem>Optional Gems
If you want Markdown formatting support you can install one of the following gems

rdiscount - fast but platform-dependent
BlueCloth - slower but pure Ruby

Configuring Your Insoshi Installation
You will need to set up your database configuration.  If you're using MySQL, you can just copy the example file:

  cp config/database.example config/database.ymlThen open up database.yml and set up the passwords to match your system. 

Run the following custom install script

  script/installThe install script will run the database migration and performs some additional setup tasks (generate an encryption keypair for password management,  creating an admin account, etc.)

If the install step fails, you may not have properly set up your database configuration.

Then prepare the test database and run the tests (which are actually RSpec examples in the spec/ directory):

  rake db:test:prepare  rake specIf the tests fail in the Photos controller test, double check that FreeImage/image_science or ImageMagick/rmagick are installed.

At this point, you'll need to configure and start the Ultrasphinx daemon for the test runtime

  rake ultrasphinx:configure RAILS_ENV=test  rake ultrasphinx:index RAILS_ENV=test  rake ultrasphinx:daemon:start RAILS_ENV=testand re-run the tests

  rake specThe search specs detect whether the search daemon is running and weren't performed during the first test run.  An initial test run is needed in order to populate the test database for indexing (search specs would fail on an empty database).

To shut down stop the Ultrasphinx daemon for test

  rake ultrasphinx:daemon:stop RAILS_ENV=testLoading Sample Data and Starting the Server
You can load sample data to make development easier:
  rake db:sample_data:reloadconfigure and start the Ultrasphinx daemon for the development runtime

  rake ultrasphinx:configure  rake ultrasphinx:index  rake ultrasphinx:daemon:startand start the server
  script/serverGo to http://localhost:3000

All the sample users have the email logins <name>@example.com with the password foobar

So, to log in as michael, use the following

email: michael@example.com
password: foobar

Admin User
To sign in as the pre-configured admin user, use

email: admin@example.com
password: admin

You should update the email address and password.  Insoshi will display warning messages to remind you to do that.

Start Hacking
Now you can open up your favorite editor and start hacking away at the Insoshi source code.

Check out our Git Guides for information on how to manage your local development and how you can contribute your updates back to us.

Stat Tracker
Note that there is a minimalist stat tracker in Insoshi that lets us keep track of how many different installs of Insoshi are out there.  We don't collect any personal information, but if you don't want to be tracked, just open application.html.erb and comment out the line after this one

<%# A tracker to tell us about the activity of Insoshi installs %>


    受激拉曼散射计量【Stimulated-Raman-Scattering Metrology】 附Matlab代码.rar

    1.版本:matlab2014/2019a/2024a 2.附赠案例数据可直接运行matlab程序。 3.代码特点:参数化编程、参数可方便更改、代码编程思路清晰、注释明细。 4.适用对象:计算机,电子信息工程、数学等专业的大学生课程设计、期末大作业和毕业设计。


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    1、文件内容:ibus-table-chinese-yong-1.4.6-3.el7.rpm以及相关依赖 2、文件形式:tar.gz压缩包 3、安装指令: #Step1、解压 tar -zxvf /mnt/data/output/ibus-table-chinese-yong-1.4.6-3.el7.tar.gz #Step2、进入解压后的目录,执行安装 sudo rpm -ivh *.rpm 4、更多资源/技术支持:公众号禅静编程坊


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    内容概要:本文全面介绍了深度学习模型的概念、工作机制和发展历程,详细探讨了神经网络的构建和训练过程,包括反向传播算法和梯度下降方法。文中还列举了深度学习在图像识别、自然语言处理、医疗和金融等多个领域的应用实例,并讨论了当前面临的挑战,如数据依赖、计算资源需求、可解释性和对抗攻击等问题。最后,文章展望了未来的发展趋势,如与量子计算和区块链的融合,以及在更多领域的应用前景。 适合人群:对该领域有兴趣的技术人员、研究人员和学者,尤其适合那些希望深入了解深度学习原理和技术细节的读者。 使用场景及目标:①理解深度学习模型的基本原理和结构;②了解深度学习模型的具体应用案例;③掌握应对当前技术挑战的方向。 阅读建议:文章内容详尽丰富,读者应在阅读过程中注意理解各个关键技术的概念和原理,尤其是神经网络的构成及训练过程。同时也建议对比不同模型的特点及其在具体应用中的表现。


    该文档提供了一个关于供应链管理系统开发的详细指南,重点介绍了项目安排、技术实现和框架搭建的相关内容。 文档分为以下几个关键部分: 项目安排:主要步骤包括搭建框架(1天),基础数据模块和权限管理(4天),以及应收应付和销售管理(5天)。 供应链概念:供应链系统的核心流程是通过采购商品放入仓库,并在销售时从仓库提取商品,涉及三个主要订单:采购订单、销售订单和调拨订单。 大数据的应用:介绍了数据挖掘、ETL(数据抽取)和BI(商业智能)在供应链管理中的应用。 技术实现:讲述了DAO(数据访问对象)的重用、服务层的重用、以及前端JS的继承机制、jQuery插件开发等技术细节。 系统框架搭建:包括Maven环境的配置、Web工程的创建、持久化类和映射文件的编写,以及Spring配置文件的实现。 DAO的需求和功能:供应链管理系统的各个模块都涉及分页查询、条件查询、删除、增加、修改操作等需求。 泛型的应用:通过示例说明了在Java语言中如何使用泛型来实现模块化和可扩展性。 文档非常技术导向,适合开发人员参考,用于构建供应链管理系统的架构和功能模块。



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