
Flash随机波形图Random wave curves with the drawing API

下面我们要在Flash as3中实现随机的波形图。

  • 大小: 5.9 KB


    The Arithmetic of Elliptic Curves 第二版 Silverman.J.H

    《The Arithmetic of Elliptic Curves 第二版》是由Joseph H. Silverman撰写的一本关于椭圆曲线算术的经典教材。该书第二版在原有的基础上进行了更新和完善,为读者提供了椭圆曲线密码学(ECC)所需要的数学基础的...

    Drawing Dashed Lines and Curves画虚的直线和曲线(42KB)

    "Drawing Dashed Lines and Curves"的主题主要涵盖了如何在编程环境中绘制具有虚线样式的效果。在这个主题中,我们将深入探讨相关知识点,包括基本的图形绘制原理、虚线模式的设定以及曲线的数学模型。 1. **基本...

    Focus on Curves and Surfaces

    Focus on Curves and Surfaces <br>by Kelly Dempski <br>This guide provides clear, practical explanations of curves and surfaces with the minimum of esoteric mathematical notation, making it far ...

    A History of Curves and Surfaces in CAGD

    This article provides a historical account of the major developments in the area of curves and surfaces as they entered the area of CAGD { Computer Aided Geometric Design { until the middle 1980s. We ...

    Mumford - The structure of the moduli spaces of curves and abelian varieties

    Mumford - The structure of the moduli spaces of curves and abelian varieties (Actes Congr. Int. Math. 1970)

    Analyzing Receiver Operating Characteristic Curves With SAS

    《使用SAS分析接收者操作特性曲线》一书由Mithat Gönen撰写,是一部深入探讨如何运用SAS软件进行ROC曲线分析的专业书籍。ROC曲线是统计学与机器学习领域中用于评估分类模型性能的重要工具,它通过绘制真阳性率...

    Curves and Surfaces for CAGD

    《Curves and Surfaces for CAGD》是计算机辅助几何设计(Computer-Aided Geometric Design,简称CAGD)领域的一本权威著作,由Gerald Farin撰写。这本书全面介绍了CAGD的基础理论和实践应用,是学习和研究CAGD不可...

    Drawing Dashed Lines and Curves画虚的直线和曲线(9KB)

    总的来说,"Drawing Dashed Lines and Curves"这个主题涵盖了从Web前端的CSS和JavaScript到后端的C++编程环境中的图形绘制技术。无论是在网页还是桌面应用中,理解和掌握这些技巧对于提升用户体验和视觉效果都至关...

    Intellipdf Curves 2.0 full

    Intellipdf Curves 2.0 是一款专为Adobe Acrobat 9及以下版本设计的PDF转曲插件。在PDF文档处理中,“转曲”(或称“曲线化文本”)是一个重要的步骤,主要是为了确保PDF文件在任何设备上打开时都能保持原始的字体和...

    Curves and Surfaces with Applications in CAGD.rar

    《Curves and Surfaces with Applications in CAGD》是一本深入探讨曲线与曲面理论及其在计算机辅助几何设计(CAGD)中应用的专业书籍。该书的核心内容围绕着数学中的几何表示方法、曲线和曲面的构造以及它们在实际...

    The Relationship Between Precision-Recall and ROC Curves

    2004)推荐使用成本曲线(cost curves),尽管成本曲线是一个很好的替代方案,但本文将重点讨论ROC曲线与精确率-召回率曲线之间的关系及其在机器学习中的应用。 ### ROC曲线与精确率-召回率曲线的关系 ROC曲线是通过...

    complex algebraic curves

    complex algebraic curves




    The PBC library is built on top of the GMP library, and the PBC API is strongly influenced by the GMP API. Accordingly, this manual tries to imitate the look and feel of the GMP manual. The PBC ...


    - FIX: After deleting the selected points in the TFlexPanel.DeleteSelectedPoints the all figures with one point also deleted. - FIX: When the curve contain more then one figure and they were all ...

    IntelliPDF Curves 1.0

    软件名称: IntelliPDF Curves Generator 软件版本: 1.0.1 原版安装: 不需要 运行环境: Windows9x/ME/NT4/2000/XP 用于Acrobat5,6,7的插件,作用是将无编辑限制的PDF文档中的文本(不包括表单域和批注里 的文本...

    Are Two Curves the Same?


    PDF转曲线IntelliPDF Curves Generator 1.0.1汉化版(绝对能用)

    用于Acrobat5,6,7的插件,作用是将无编辑限制的PDF文档中的文本(不包括表单域和批注里的文本内容)...先使用IntelliPDF Curves 1.0.exe安装,序列号用KeyGen.exe算出来,然后再运行汉化补丁,要选择你所对应的目录。

    Advanced Topics in the Arithmetic of Elliptic Curves Silverman(268s)

    DJVU阅读器打开 Advanced Topics in the Arithmetic of Elliptic Curves Silverman(268s)

    PDF转曲插件IntelliPDF Curves 2.0

    ntellipdf Curves 2.0是一款适用于Adobe Acrobat 5.0~9.0的Pdf转曲插件,利用Pdf转曲软件我们可以轻松的把PDF文档中嵌入的字体转曲,以方便在其他编辑软件中打开而字体不变形。此为Intellipdf Curves 2.0特别版,...

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