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A new infectious disease is crazily spread.
Currently, a new disease which is called by H1N1 by WHO recently, is firstly being discovered in Mexico, which has been discovered in eighteen countries all over the world, and include one in Hang Kong, China.
So far as I can remember, the 2003's SARS have greatly affected our daily life, and every one is very cautious about this disease, and formed a lot of good hygiene habit, for example, wash hands before dinner, a lot of service person in restaurant wears cleanly, and also of our environment.
Last week, by accident, I found this time is not the first time which a crazy disease spread all over the world, but the period is relatively longer than this time.
More than 176 people have died due to in Mexico which is the H1N1's seedbed, and our country have provide 500 million dollars to help Mexico to carry through the difficult for free.
I hope all of us should remember the SARS's affect, and
should form a good habit to reject this crazy disease.
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《Modeling Infectious Diseases in Humans and Animals》一书就是这样一个及时且成功的尝试,它填补了这一知识空缺。 在本书中,作者Matthew James Keeling和Pejman Rohani介绍了传染病流行病学数学建模的重要话题...
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New genomic technologies are providing infectious disease scientists with a unique ability to study at the genetic level those viruses that cause disease and the interactions they have with infected ...
- The second part introduces first-order systems, including models of infectious disease, thermal systems, and pharmacokinetics. - The third part is about second-order systems, including mechanical ...
The significance of this system lies not only in its ability to assist in controlling infectious diseases but also in its potential applications in public safety, workplace health regulations, and ...
例如: Measles is an infectious disease. 37. **inferior** (较次的/较劣的): 比较时用以表示质量或地位较低。如: This brand is inferior to its competitors. 38. **inherent** (固有的/生来的): 表示内在的或...
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The so-called SEIR model is a standard way to model the spread of infectious diseases. It is an example of a compartmental model. We will look at this model in its most basic form, and solve it ...
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- **例句**:The flu is highly infectious. ##### inferior α. 较次的/较劣的 - **定义**:质量或价值低于标准的。 - **例句**:The quality of the product was inferior compared to others. ##### inherent ...