

public class LogManager implements PartitionChooser, Closeable { // 服务器配置 final ServerConfig config; // 一个定时任务执行器 private final Scheduler scheduler ; // log清理间隔 final long logCleanupIntervalMs ; // 默认log清理间隔 final long logCleanupDefaultAgeMs ; // 实现需要恢复,这个后面再讲 final boolean needRecovery ; private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LogManager.class); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// final int numPartitions ; // 消息队列的跟路径 final File logDir; // log的刷新频率 final int flushInterval ; // log创建的写锁 private final Object logCreationLock = new Object(); final Random random = new Random(); // 一个启动器的闭锁 final CountDownLatch startupLatch; // 一个log的池,key为topic,value是partition和Log的对应 private final Pool<String, Pool<Integer, Log>> logs = new Pool<String, Pool<Integer, Log>>(); // log flush的后台任务执行器 private final Scheduler logFlusherScheduler = new Scheduler(1, "jafka-logflusher-" , false); // topic的注册的task private final LinkedBlockingQueue<TopicTask> topicRegisterTasks = new LinkedBlockingQueue<TopicTask>(); // topic注册task是否停止状态 private volatile boolean stopTopicRegisterTasks = false; // log刷新频率的一个map,key为topic,value为刷新频率 final Map<String, Integer> logFlushIntervalMap; // log保持的一个map,key为topic,value为时长 final Map<String, Long> logRetentionMSMap; // log保留的size,这个后面详细解释 final int logRetentionSize ; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 记录broker、topic在zk的注册情况 private ServerRegister serverRegister; // topic和分区个数的一个map private final Map<String, Integer> topicPartitionsMap; // log的回滚策略 private RollingStrategy rollingStategy; // 最大的消息的size private final int maxMessageSize ;
public void load() throws IOException { // 滚动策略为fixedsize 的滚动策略 if (this .rollingStategy == null) { this.rollingStategy = new FixedSizeRollingStrategy(config .getLogFileSize()); } // 如果消息队列的根路径不存在,则创建 if (!logDir .exists()) { logger.info( "No log directory found, creating '" + logDir.getAbsolutePath() + "'"); logDir.mkdirs(); } // 判断是否是目录并且可写 if (!logDir .isDirectory() || !logDir.canRead()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(logDir .getAbsolutePath() + " is not a readable log directory."); } // 获取这个里面的所有的子文件 File[] subDirs = logDir.listFiles(); if (subDirs != null) { for (File dir : subDirs) { // 跳过文件,因为在这个目录下,全部是topic-partition的文件夹 if (!dir.isDirectory()) { logger.warn( "Skipping unexplainable file '" + dir.getAbsolutePath() + "'--should it be there?"); } else { logger.info( "Loading log from " + dir.getAbsolutePath()); // 获取到目录的名称 final String topicNameAndPartition = dir.getName(); if (-1 == topicNameAndPartition.indexOf('-' )) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("error topic directory: " + dir.getAbsolutePath()); } // 将目录名称按照-进行分割,得到一个 kv,然后key就是topic,value是partition final KV<String, Integer> topicPartion = Utils.getTopicPartition(topicNameAndPartition); final String topic = topicPartion.k ; final int partition = topicPartion.v; // 针对这个分区创建一个log对象 Log log = new Log(dir, partition, this.rollingStategy , flushInterval , needRecovery , maxMessageSize); // 将新创建的log加入到map中 logs.putIfNotExists(topic, new Pool<Integer, Log>()); Pool<Integer, Log> parts = logs.get(topic); parts.put(partition, log); // 如果时间的partition比配置中的大,则进行升级 int configPartition = getPartition(topic); if (configPartition <= partition) { topicPartitionsMap.put(topic, partition + 1); } } } } /* Schedule the cleanup task to delete old logs */ if (this .scheduler != null) { logger.debug( "starting log cleaner every " + logCleanupIntervalMs + " ms" ); this.scheduler .scheduleWithRate(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { cleanupLogs(); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error( "cleanup log failed.", e); } } }, 60 * 1000, logCleanupIntervalMs); } // 将topic的注册任务注册到 zk里面 if (config .getEnableZookeeper()) { this.serverRegister = new ServerRegister(config, this ); serverRegister.startup(); TopicRegisterTask task = new TopicRegisterTask(); task.setName( "jafka.topicregister"); task.setDaemon( true); task.start(); } }其他运行时的我就不做详细解释了,我都加了注释了,请大家对照着注释进行看下。
public class LogManager implements PartitionChooser, Closeable { // 服务器配置 final ServerConfig config; // 一个定时任务执行器 private final Scheduler scheduler ; // log清理间隔 final long logCleanupIntervalMs ; // 默认log清理间隔 final long logCleanupDefaultAgeMs ; // 实现需要恢复,这个后面再讲 final boolean needRecovery ; private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LogManager.class); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// final int numPartitions ; // 消息队列的跟路径 final File logDir; // log的刷新频率 final int flushInterval ; // log创建的写锁 private final Object logCreationLock = new Object(); final Random random = new Random(); // 一个启动器的闭锁 final CountDownLatch startupLatch; // 一个log的池,key为topic,value是partition和Log的对应 private final Pool<String, Pool<Integer, Log>> logs = new Pool<String, Pool<Integer, Log>>(); // log flush的后台任务执行器 private final Scheduler logFlusherScheduler = new Scheduler(1, "jafka-logflusher-" , false); // topic的注册的task private final LinkedBlockingQueue<TopicTask> topicRegisterTasks = new LinkedBlockingQueue<TopicTask>(); // topic注册task是否停止状态 private volatile boolean stopTopicRegisterTasks = false; // log刷新频率的一个map,key为topic,value为刷新频率 final Map<String, Integer> logFlushIntervalMap; // log保持的一个map,key为topic,value为时长 final Map<String, Long> logRetentionMSMap; // log保留的size,这个后面详细解释 final int logRetentionSize ; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 记录broker、topic在zk的注册情况 private ServerRegister serverRegister; // topic和分区个数的一个map private final Map<String, Integer> topicPartitionsMap; // log的回滚策略 private RollingStrategy rollingStategy; // 最大的消息的size private final int maxMessageSize ; public LogManager(ServerConfig config, // Scheduler scheduler, // long logCleanupIntervalMs, // long logCleanupDefaultAgeMs, // boolean needRecovery) { super(); this.config = config; this.maxMessageSize = config.getMaxMessageSize(); this.scheduler = scheduler; // this.time = time; this.logCleanupIntervalMs = logCleanupIntervalMs; this.logCleanupDefaultAgeMs = logCleanupDefaultAgeMs; this.needRecovery = needRecovery; // this.logDir = Utils.getCanonicalFile (new File(config.getLogDir())); this.numPartitions = config.getNumPartitions(); this.flushInterval = config.getFlushInterval(); this.topicPartitionsMap = config.getTopicPartitionsMap(); this.startupLatch = config.getEnableZookeeper() ? new CountDownLatch(1) : null; this.logFlushIntervalMap = config.getFlushIntervalMap(); this.logRetentionSize = config.getLogRetentionSize(); this.logRetentionMSMap = getLogRetentionMSMap(config.getLogRetentionHoursMap()); // } public void setRollingStategy(RollingStrategy rollingStategy) { this.rollingStategy = rollingStategy; } public void load() throws IOException { // 滚动策略为fixedsize 的滚动策略 if (this .rollingStategy == null) { this.rollingStategy = new FixedSizeRollingStrategy(config .getLogFileSize()); } // 如果消息队列的根路径不存在,则创建 if (!logDir .exists()) { logger.info( "No log directory found, creating '" + logDir.getAbsolutePath() + "'"); logDir.mkdirs(); } // 判断是否是目录并且可写 if (!logDir .isDirectory() || !logDir.canRead()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(logDir .getAbsolutePath() + " is not a readable log directory."); } // 获取这个里面的所有的子文件 File[] subDirs = logDir.listFiles(); if (subDirs != null) { for (File dir : subDirs) { // 跳过文件,因为在这个目录下,全部是topic-partition的文件夹 if (!dir.isDirectory()) { logger.warn( "Skipping unexplainable file '" + dir.getAbsolutePath() + "'--should it be there?"); } else { logger.info( "Loading log from " + dir.getAbsolutePath()); // 获取到目录的名称 final String topicNameAndPartition = dir.getName(); if (-1 == topicNameAndPartition.indexOf('-' )) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("error topic directory: " + dir.getAbsolutePath()); } // 将目录名称按照-进行分割,得到一个 kv,然后key就是topic,value是partition final KV<String, Integer> topicPartion = Utils.getTopicPartition(topicNameAndPartition); final String topic = topicPartion.k ; final int partition = topicPartion.v; // 针对这个分区创建一个log对象 Log log = new Log(dir, partition, this.rollingStategy , flushInterval , needRecovery , maxMessageSize); // 将新创建的log加入到map中 logs.putIfNotExists(topic, new Pool<Integer, Log>()); Pool<Integer, Log> parts = logs.get(topic); parts.put(partition, log); // 如果时间的partition比配置中的大,则进行升级 int configPartition = getPartition(topic); if (configPartition <= partition) { topicPartitionsMap.put(topic, partition + 1); } } } } /* Schedule the cleanup task to delete old logs */ if (this .scheduler != null) { logger.debug( "starting log cleaner every " + logCleanupIntervalMs + " ms" ); this.scheduler .scheduleWithRate(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { cleanupLogs(); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error( "cleanup log failed.", e); } } }, 60 * 1000, logCleanupIntervalMs); } // 将topic的注册任务注册到 zk里面 if (config .getEnableZookeeper()) { this.serverRegister = new ServerRegister(config, this ); serverRegister.startup(); TopicRegisterTask task = new TopicRegisterTask(); task.setName( "jafka.topicregister"); task.setDaemon( true); task.start(); } } private void registeredTaskLooply() { while (!stopTopicRegisterTasks ) { try { TopicTask task = topicRegisterTasks.take(); if (task.type == TaskType.SHUTDOWN) break; serverRegister.processTask(task); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } logger.debug( "stop topic register task"); } class TopicRegisterTask extends Thread { @Override public void run() { registeredTaskLooply(); } } // 将log保持的时间单位从小时换算到毫秒 private Map<String, Long> getLogRetentionMSMap(Map<String, Integer> logRetentionHourMap) { Map<String, Long> ret = new HashMap<String, Long>(); for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> e : logRetentionHourMap.entrySet()) { ret.put(e.getKey(), e.getValue() * 60 * 60 * 1000L); } return ret; } public void close() { // log的刷新器停止 logFlusherScheduler.shutdown(); // 将所有的log都关闭 Iterator<Log> iter = getLogIterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Closer. closeQuietly(iter.next(), logger); } // 构建一个topic shutdown的消息 if (config .getEnableZookeeper()) { stopTopicRegisterTasks = true ; //wake up again and again topicRegisterTasks.add(new TopicTask(TaskType.SHUTDOWN , null)); topicRegisterTasks.add(new TopicTask(TaskType.SHUTDOWN , null)); Closer. closeQuietly(serverRegister); } } /** * Runs through the log removing segments older than a certain age * * @throws IOException */ private void cleanupLogs() throws IOException { logger.trace( "Beginning log cleanup..."); int total = 0; Iterator<Log> iter = getLogIterator(); long startMs = System.currentTimeMillis(); // 遍历所有的log执行对过期的log进行清理和过大的log进行清理的操作 while (iter.hasNext()) { Log log = iter.next(); total += cleanupExpiredSegments(log) + cleanupSegmentsToMaintainSize(log); } if (total > 0) { logger.warn( "Log cleanup completed. " + total + " files deleted in " + (System.currentTimeMillis () - startMs) / 1000 + " seconds" ); } else { logger.trace( "Log cleanup completed. " + total + " files deleted in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startMs) / 1000 + " seconds"); } } /** * Runs through the log removing segments until the size of the log is at least * logRetentionSize bytes in size * * @throws IOException */ private int cleanupSegmentsToMaintainSize(final Log log) throws IOException { // 如果log大小永远有效或者还没有到清理的时机就不清理 if (logRetentionSize < 0 || log.size() < logRetentionSize) return 0; // 对log文件执行过滤,过滤的条件是,是否log的大小超过了 retentionsize List<LogSegment> toBeDeleted = log.markDeletedWhile(new LogSegmentFilter() { long diff = log.size() - logRetentionSize; public boolean filter(LogSegment segment) { diff -= segment.size(); return diff >= 0; } }); // 将需要删除的 logsegment从log中删除 return deleteSegments(log, toBeDeleted); } private int cleanupExpiredSegments(Log log) throws IOException { // 获取到当前时间 final long startMs = System.currentTimeMillis (); // 获取到topic String topic = Utils.getTopicPartition(log.dir.getName()). k; // 获取到log清楚的毫秒数 Long logCleanupThresholdMS = logRetentionMSMap.get(topic); if (logCleanupThresholdMS == null) { logCleanupThresholdMS = this.logCleanupDefaultAgeMs ; } final long expiredThrshold = logCleanupThresholdMS.longValue(); List<LogSegment> toBeDeleted = log.markDeletedWhile(new LogSegmentFilter() { // 如果文件超时,则被过滤为需要删除的文件 public boolean filter(LogSegment segment) { //check file which has not been modified in expiredThrshold millionseconds return startMs - segment.getFile().lastModified() > expiredThrshold; } }); // 执行删除文件操作 return deleteSegments(log, toBeDeleted); } /** * Attemps to delete all provided segments from a log and returns how many it was able to */ private int deleteSegments(Log log, List<LogSegment> segments) { int total = 0; // 对于需要删除的LogSegment,关闭messageSet,删除原始文件 for (LogSegment segment : segments) { boolean deleted = false; try { try { segment.getMessageSet().close(); } catch (IOException e) { logger.warn(e.getMessage(), e); } if (!segment.getFile().delete()) { deleted = true; } else { total += 1; } } finally { logger.warn(String. format("DELETE_LOG[%s] %s => %s", log.name, segment.getFile().getAbsolutePath(), deleted)); } } return total; } /** * Register this broker in ZK for the first time. */ public void startup() { // 注册broker,并创建topic的任务 if (config .getEnableZookeeper()) { serverRegister.registerBrokerInZk(); for (String topic : getAllTopics()) { serverRegister.processTask(new TopicTask(TaskType.CREATE , topic)); } startupLatch.countDown(); } // 初始化写log的刷新器 logger.debug( "Starting log flusher every {} ms with the following overrides {}", config.getFlushSchedulerThreadRate(), logFlushIntervalMap); logFlusherScheduler.scheduleWithRate(new Runnable() { public void run() { flushAllLogs( false); } }, config.getFlushSchedulerThreadRate(), config.getFlushSchedulerThreadRate()); } /** * flush all messages to disk * * @param force flush anyway(ignore flush interval) */ public void flushAllLogs(final boolean force) { Iterator<Log> iter = getLogIterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Log log = iter.next(); try { boolean needFlush = force; // 如果不需要刷新 if (!needFlush) { long timeSinceLastFlush = System.currentTimeMillis() - log.getLastFlushedTime(); Integer logFlushInterval = logFlushIntervalMap.get(log.getTopicName()); if (logFlushInterval == null) { logFlushInterval = config.getDefaultFlushIntervalMs(); } final String flushLogFormat = "[%s] flush interval %d, last flushed %d, need flush? %s"; // 判断刷新时间间隔是否大于刷新频率,如果大于则其实为强制刷新 needFlush = timeSinceLastFlush >= logFlushInterval.intValue(); logger.trace(String.format(flushLogFormat, log.getTopicName(), logFlushInterval, log.getLastFlushedTime(), needFlush)); } if (needFlush) { log.flush(); } } catch (IOException ioe) { logger.error( "Error flushing topic " + log.getTopicName(), ioe); logger.error( "Halting due to unrecoverable I/O error while flushing logs: " + ioe.getMessage(), ioe); Runtime. getRuntime().halt(1); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error( "Error flushing topic " + log.getTopicName(), e); } } } private Collection<String> getAllTopics() { return logs .keySet(); } private Iterator<Log> getLogIterator() { return new IteratorTemplate<Log>() { // 拿到一个topic里面的partition和Log的对应关系 final Iterator<Pool<Integer, Log>> iterator = logs.values().iterator(); Iterator<Log> logIter; @Override protected Log makeNext() { while (true ) { if (logIter != null && logIter.hasNext()) { return logIter .next(); } if (!iterator .hasNext()) { return allDone(); } logIter = iterator.next().values().iterator(); } } }; } private void awaitStartup() { if (config .getEnableZookeeper()) { try { startupLatch.await(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { logger.warn(e.getMessage(), e); } } } // 给一个topic和partition获取到partition和log的对应关系 private Pool<Integer, Log> getLogPool(String topic, int partition) { awaitStartup(); if (topic.length() <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("topic name can't be empty"); } // 这个里面是有一些判断,但是逻辑没啥 Integer definePartition = this.topicPartitionsMap .get(topic); if (definePartition == null) { definePartition = numPartitions; } if (partition < 0 || partition >= definePartition.intValue()) { String msg = "Wrong partition [%d] for topic [%s], valid partitions [0,%d)"; msg = format(msg, partition, topic, definePartition.intValue() - 1); logger.warn(msg); throw new InvalidPartitionException(msg); } return logs .get(topic); } /** * Get the log if exists or return null * * @param topic topic name * @param partition partition index * @return a log for the topic or null if not exist */ public ILog getLog(String topic, int partition) { // 验证topic是否非法 TopicNameValidator. validate(topic); Pool<Integer, Log> p = getLogPool(topic, partition); return p == null ? null : p.get(partition); } /** * Create the log if it does not exist or return back exist log * * @param topic the topic name * @param partition the partition id * @return read or create a log * @throws IOException any IOException */ public ILog getOrCreateLog(String topic, int partition) throws IOException { // 如果要创建的partition比配置中的partition大,则抛出异常 final int configPartitionNumber = getPartition(topic); if (partition >= configPartitionNumber) { throw new IOException("partition is bigger than the number of configuration: " + configPartitionNumber); } boolean hasNewTopic = false; // 获取到这个topic所对应partition的一个pool Pool<Integer, Log> parts = getLogPool(topic, partition); if (parts == null) { // 如果pool为空,则创建一个pool Pool<Integer, Log> found = logs.putIfNotExists(topic, new Pool<Integer, Log>()); if (found == null) { hasNewTopic = true; } parts = logs.get(topic); } // 根据partiition获取到对应的log Log log = parts.get(partition); if (log == null ) { // 创建log对象 log = createLog(topic, partition); // 将新创建的logput到parts中 Log found = parts.putIfNotExists(partition, log); if (found != null) { Closer. closeQuietly(log, logger); log = found; } else { logger.info( format("Created log for [%s-%d], now create other logs if necessary", topic, partition)); final int configPartitions = getPartition(topic); // 对于配置的partition都做一下检查 for (int i = 0; i < configPartitions; i++) { getOrCreateLog(topic, i); } } } // 如果发现有新创建的topic,则构造任务,并注册到 zk中 if (hasNewTopic && config .getEnableZookeeper()) { topicRegisterTasks.add(new TopicTask(TaskType.CREATE , topic)); } return log; } /** * create logs with given partition number * * @param topic the topic name * @param partitions partition number * @param forceEnlarge enlarge the partition number of log if smaller than runtime * @return the partition number of the log after enlarging */ public int createLogs(String topic, final int partitions, final boolean forceEnlarge) { // 判断topic名称是否合法 TopicNameValidator.validate(topic); synchronized (logCreationLock ) { final int configPartitions = getPartition(topic); if (configPartitions >= partitions || !forceEnlarge) { return configPartitions; } topicPartitionsMap.put(topic, partitions); if (config .getEnableZookeeper()) { if (getLogPool(topic, 0) != null) {//created already topicRegisterTasks.add(new TopicTask(TaskType.ENLARGE , topic)); } else { topicRegisterTasks.add(new TopicTask(TaskType.CREATE , topic)); } } return partitions; } } /** * delete topic who is never used * <p> * This will delete all log files and remove node data from zookeeper * </p> * * @param topic topic name * @return number of deleted partitions or - 1 if authentication failed */ public int deleteLogs(String topic, String password) { // 验证密码是否合法 if (!config .getAuthentication().auth(password)) { return -1; } int value = 0; synchronized (logCreationLock ) { // 获取到这个topic里面的所有的partition以及对应的log Pool<Integer, Log> parts = logs.remove(topic); if (parts != null) { // 对log挨个执行删除操作 List<Log> deleteLogs = new ArrayList<Log>(parts.values()); for (Log log : deleteLogs) { log.delete(); value++; } } // 如果zk enable,则要发送DELETE的任务 if (config .getEnableZookeeper()) { topicRegisterTasks.add(new TopicTask(TaskType.DELETE , topic)); } } return value; } private Log createLog(String topic, int partition) throws IOException { synchronized (logCreationLock ) { // 创建对应的文件夹,并且构造一个Log对象 File d = new File(logDir , topic + "-" + partition); d.mkdirs(); return new Log(d, partition, this.rollingStategy , flushInterval , false, maxMessageSize); } } // 获取log的个数 private int getPartition(String topic) { Integer p = topicPartitionsMap.get(topic); return p != null ? p.intValue() : this.numPartitions ; } /** * Pick a random partition from the given topic */ public int choosePartition(String topic) { return random .nextInt(getPartition(topic)); } /** * read offsets before given time * * @param offsetRequest the offset request * @return offsets before given time */ public List<Long> getOffsets(OffsetRequest offsetRequest) { // 根据topic和partition定位到log对象 ILog log = getLog(offsetRequest. topic, offsetRequest.partition); if (log != null ) { // 得到log对象的写指针 return log.getOffsetsBefore(offsetRequest); } return ILog.EMPTY_OFFSETS ; } public Map<String, Integer> getTopicPartitionsMap() { return topicPartitionsMap ; } }
`LogManager`是一个针对Laravel 5设计的界面工具,允许用户方便地预览、下载和删除日志文件,极大地提高了开发和维护效率。下面将详细解释Laravel的日志系统以及如何利用`LogManager`进行操作。 ### Laravel日志...
`LogManager`是一个专门为Linux设计的日志管理工具,它提供了日志分级和自动回滚功能,使得日志记录更加高效且易于维护。下面我们将深入探讨`LogManager`在Linux日志处理中的应用及其核心特性。 首先,日志分级是`...
在Java编程中,`LogManager`这个名字通常与日志管理相关,可能是Java Util Logging(JUL)框架的一部分。日志系统在软件开发中起着至关重要的作用,用于记录应用程序的运行状态、错误信息和调试信息。 `LogManager`...
《Flask-LogManager:构建高效日志管理系统》 在Python的世界里,Flask是一个轻量级的Web服务框架,以其简洁和灵活的设计赢得了开发者们的喜爱。而在实际开发过程中,日志管理是不可或缺的一部分,它可以帮助我们...
标题中提到的LogManager是log4j库中的一个关键类,负责管理日志记录器(Loggers)的创建和配置。 描述中出现的异常信息表明,在Java的主线程中发生了错误,具体是找不到log4j库中的LogManager类。这通常是因为运行...
Log4j是Apache的一个开放源代码项目,通过使用Log4j,我们可以控制日志信息输送的目的地是控制台、文件、GUI组件、甚至是套接口服务器、NT的事件记录器、UNIX Syslog守护进程等;我们也可以控制每一条日志的输出格式...
当我们在项目中遇到“java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/log4j/LogManager”这样的错误时,通常是因为缺少了Log4j的依赖库——log4j.jar。这个错误意味着系统在运行时找不到指定的类,即LogManager类,这...
《深入理解LogManager:探索日志管理的JDK实现与集成》 在IT行业中,日志管理是系统监控、故障排查以及性能优化的关键环节。本文将深入探讨标题为"fst-1.60.zip"的压缩包内容,该包包含了LogManager的相关实现,...
- **Logging**:Tomcat使用LogManager和定制的日志框架,如Juli,提供灵活的日志记录方式。 10. **测试用例与代码分析** - **测试驱动开发**:通过单元测试和集成测试确保代码的正确性。学习源代码时,结合测试...
private static readonly ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(MyClass)); public void MyMethod() { try { // ... 执行代码 } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error("An error occurred", ex); } } } `...
Magento 日志管理器有时您在 Magento 商家的网站上工作,您必须从 Magento 扩展程序中筛选数千行日志才能找到有用的东西。 此扩展程序可让您:基本功能 启用或禁用商店中某些 3rd 方扩展的日志记录查看所有正确安装...
日志管理器模拟器日志管理器至现在为止,其中包括一些功能: 通过两种方式将数据放入数据库:按用户手动和按脚本自动。 跟踪所有数据,然后显示为表格和数字。关于echarts的一些变化如何改变线条的颜色?...
然后,创建并初始化NLog的`LogManager`和`Logger`对象: ```csharp using NLog; // 初始化NLog var config = new NLog.Config.XmlLoggingConfiguration("nlog.config"); NLog.LogManager.Configuration = config; ...
在这里,我们使用`LogManager.GetLogger`获取一个日志对象,然后可以调用其各种方法(如Info、Error等)来记录不同级别的信息。 **参考资料** 压缩包中的文档提供了更深入的log4net使用指导: 1. **Log4Net使用...
3. **设置引导类路径**:`-Xbootclasspath/p:$JBOSS_HOME/modules/org/jboss/logmanager/main/jboss-logmanager-1.2.2.GA.jar`、`-Xbootclasspath/p:$JBOSS_HOME/modules/org/jboss/logmanager/log4j/main/jboss-...
根据给定的信息,本文将详细解释C#中的一个日志类——`LogManager`,它提供了灵活的日志记录功能,并支持自定义文件名、日志类型等特性。 ### 日志类概述 在软件开发过程中,良好的日志记录机制对于调试程序、监控...