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Simple understanding for responsibility.
In the working phase, we have many duties to do, and we are often told to be responsible to our job. But what's the criteria to measure the our work responsiblity.
May be everyone of us will argue himself is very responsible to his job. But if you think carefully, and be honest, may be we often do other things which is unrelated to our job. For example, may be we chat with our colleague about the whether, and other interested things.
May be our work time is calculated by punching cards which can record your come and leave time. But in my mind this is just a record, which can't measure your work efficiency very well.
The first thing when we come in to the office we should do a little conclude about the things we have done yesterday. And we should form a simple schedule about what we should do today, what's priority?
The second thing when the time approached the leaving time, and you plan to leave the office, in this time you should show concern your team member currently is busy or not? Whether they have leaved? And if they are busy, you can ask what you can do to help they to enhance your team spirit.
The third thing is in any circumstance you should consider your company and your job. Sometimes, your private
benefits will be conflicted with other benefits, you should place other benefits in the first place.
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