- 初始化操作
- 返回一个topic的所有partition
- 跟进brokerId返回broker
- 返回一个cluster中的所有的broker
- updateInfo方法是用来更新zk集群里面的数据结构
- close是做一些相关的资源关闭操作
/brokers/topics/[topic]/[0...N] --> nPartions (ephemeral node)
private Map<String, SortedSet<Partition>> getZKTopicPartitionInfo() { // 创建一个结果集合,里面存放topic和partition之间的对应关系 final Map<String, SortedSet<Partition>> brokerPartitionsPerTopic = new HashMap<String, SortedSet<Partition>>(); // 保证路径 /brokers/topics 路径在zk上存在 ZkUtils.makeSurePersistentPathExists( zkClient, ZkUtils.BrokerTopicsPath ); // 获取 /brokers/topics 路径下的所有child,因为路径是/brokers/topics/[topic] List<String> topics = ZkUtils.getChildrenParentMayNotExist( zkClient, ZkUtils.BrokerTopicsPath ); for (String topic : topics) { // find the number of broker partitions registered for this topic String brokerTopicPath = ZkUtils.BrokerTopicsPath + "/" + topic; // 获取到所有的partition,路径如下:/brokers/topics/[topic]/[0...N] List<String> brokerList = ZkUtils.getChildrenParentMayNotExist( zkClient, brokerTopicPath); // final SortedSet<Partition> sortedBrokerPartitions = new TreeSet<Partition>(); for (String bid : brokerList) { final String numPath = brokerTopicPath + "/" + bid; final Integer numPartition = Integer.valueOf(ZkUtils.readData(zkClient , numPath)); final int ibid = Integer.parseInt(bid); for (int i = 0; i < numPartition.intValue(); i++) { sortedBrokerPartitions.add( new Partition(ibid, i)); } } logger.debug("Broker ids and # of partitions on each for topic: " + topic + " = " + sortedBrokerPartitions); brokerPartitionsPerTopic.put(topic, sortedBrokerPartitions); } return brokerPartitionsPerTopic; }我们再来看获取所有broker的代码:
/brokers/ids/[0...N] --> host:port (ephemeral node)
private Map<Integer, Broker> getZKBrokerInfo() { Map<Integer, Broker> brokers = new HashMap<Integer, Broker>(); List<String> allBrokersIds = ZkUtils.getChildrenParentMayNotExist( zkClient, ZkUtils.BrokerIdsPath ); if (allBrokersIds != null) { logger.info("read all brokers count: " + allBrokersIds.size()); for (String brokerId : allBrokersIds) { String brokerInfo = ZkUtils.readData(zkClient, ZkUtils. BrokerIdsPath + "/" + brokerId); Broker createBroker = Broker.createBroker(Integer.valueOf(brokerId), brokerInfo); brokers.put(Integer.valueOf(brokerId), createBroker); logger.info("Loading Broker " + createBroker); } } return brokers; }关于获取路径信息的相关就不进行多描述了,下来我们重点看下BrokerTopicListener这个类的实现:
- 加入了新的代理
- 有一个代理下线了
- 注册了新的话题
- 代理注册了已有话题。
class BrokerTopicsListener implements IZkChildListener { private Map<String, SortedSet<Partition>> originalBrokerTopicsParitions ; private Map<Integer, Broker> originBrokerIds; public BrokerTopicsListener(Map<String, SortedSet<Partition>> originalBrokerTopicsParitions, Map<Integer, Broker> originBrokerIds) { super(); this.originalBrokerTopicsParitions = new LinkedHashMap<String, SortedSet<Partition>>( originalBrokerTopicsParitions); this.originBrokerIds = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, Broker>(originBrokerIds); logger.debug("[BrokerTopicsListener] Creating broker topics listener to watch the following paths - \n" + "/broker/topics, /broker/topics/<topic>, /broker/<ids>"); logger.debug("[BrokerTopicsListener] Initialized this broker topics listener with initial mapping of broker id to " + "partition id per topic with " + originalBrokerTopicsParitions); } public void handleChildChange(final String parentPath, List<String> currentChilds) throws Exception { final List<String> curChilds = currentChilds != null ? currentChilds : new ArrayList<String>(); synchronized (zkWatcherLock ) { // 如果parentPath等于/brokers/topics if (ZkUtils.BrokerTopicsPath .equals(parentPath)) { // 将之前的topic删除 Iterator<String> updatedTopics = curChilds.iterator(); while (updatedTopics.hasNext()) { String t = updatedTopics.next(); if (originalBrokerTopicsParitions .containsKey(t)) { updatedTopics.remove(); } } // 对于新创建的topic和相应的brokers绑定 for (String addedTopic : curChilds) { String path = ZkUtils.BrokerTopicsPath + "/" + addedTopic; List<String> brokerList = ZkUtils.getChildrenParentMayNotExist( zkClient, path); processNewBrokerInExistingTopic(addedTopic, brokerList); zkClient.subscribeChildChanges(ZkUtils.BrokerTopicsPath + "/" + addedTopic, brokerTopicsListener); } } else if (ZkUtils.BrokerIdsPath .equals(parentPath)) { // 处理broker新增的情况 processBrokerChange(parentPath, curChilds); } else { //check path: /brokers/topics/<topicname> String[] ps = parentPath.split("/" ); if (ps.length == 4 && "topics".equals(ps[2])) { logger.debug("[BrokerTopicsListener] List of brokers changed at " + parentPath + "\t Currently registered " + " list of brokers -> " + curChilds + " for topic -> " + ps[3]); // broker的状态发生变化 processNewBrokerInExistingTopic(ps[3], curChilds); } } // //update the data structures tracking older state values resetState(); } } private void processBrokerChange(String parentPath, List<String> curChilds) { final Map<Integer, Broker> oldBrokerIdMap = new HashMap<Integer, Broker>(originBrokerIds ); for (int i = curChilds.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Integer brokerId = Integer.valueOf(curChilds.get(i)); if (oldBrokerIdMap.remove(brokerId) != null) {//old topic curChilds.remove(i); //remove old topics and left new topics } } //now curChilds are all new brokers //oldBrokerIdMap are all dead brokers for (String newBroker : curChilds) { final String brokerInfo = ZkUtils.readData(zkClient, ZkUtils. BrokerIdsPath + "/" + newBroker); String[] brokerHostPort = brokerInfo.split(":" );//format creatorId:host:port final Integer newBrokerId = Integer.valueOf(newBroker); final Broker broker = new Broker(newBrokerId.intValue(),// brokerHostPort[1], // brokerHostPort[1], // Integer.parseInt(brokerHostPort[2])); allBrokers.put(newBrokerId, broker); callback.producerCbk(broker.id , broker.host, broker.port ); } // //remove all dead broker and remove all broker-partition from topic list for (Map.Entry<Integer, Broker> deadBroker : oldBrokerIdMap.entrySet()) { //remove dead broker allBrokers.remove(deadBroker.getKey()); //remove dead broker-partition from topic for (Map.Entry<String, SortedSet<Partition>> topicParition : topicBrokerPartitions.entrySet()) { Iterator<Partition> partitions = topicParition.getValue().iterator(); while (partitions.hasNext()) { Partition p = partitions.next(); if (deadBroker.getKey().intValue() == p.brokerId ) { partitions.remove(); } } } } } private void processNewBrokerInExistingTopic(String topic, List<String> brokerList) { SortedSet<Partition> updatedBrokerParts = getBrokerPartitions(zkClient, topic, brokerList); SortedSet<Partition> oldBrokerParts = topicBrokerPartitions.get(topic); SortedSet<Partition> mergedBrokerParts = new TreeSet<Partition>(); if (oldBrokerParts != null) { mergedBrokerParts.addAll(oldBrokerParts); } //override old parts or add new parts mergedBrokerParts.addAll(updatedBrokerParts); // // keep only brokers that are alive Iterator<Partition> iter = mergedBrokerParts.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { if (!allBrokers.containsKey(iter.next().brokerId )) { iter.remove(); } } // mergedBrokerParts = Sets.filter(mergedBrokerParts, new Predicate<Partition>() { // // public boolean apply(Partition input) { // return allBrokers.containsKey(input.brokerId); // } // }); topicBrokerPartitions.put(topic, mergedBrokerParts); logger.debug("[BrokerTopicsListener] List of broker partitions for topic: " + topic + " are " + mergedBrokerParts); } private void resetState() { logger.debug("[BrokerTopicsListener] Before reseting broker topic partitions state " + this.originalBrokerTopicsParitions ); this.originalBrokerTopicsParitions = new HashMap<String, SortedSet<Partition>>(topicBrokerPartitions ); logger.debug("[BrokerTopicsListener] After reseting broker topic partitions state " + originalBrokerTopicsParitions ); // logger.debug("[BrokerTopicsListener] Before reseting broker id map state " + originBrokerIds); this.originBrokerIds = new HashMap<Integer, Broker>(allBrokers ); logger.debug("[BrokerTopicsListener] After reseting broker id map state " + originBrokerIds); } } class ZKSessionExpirationListener implements IZkStateListener { public void handleNewSession() throws Exception { /** * When we get a SessionExpired event, we lost all ephemeral nodes and zkclient has * reestablished a connection for us. */ logger.info("ZK expired; release old list of broker partitions for topics "); topicBrokerPartitions = getZKTopicPartitionInfo(); allBrokers = getZKBrokerInfo(); brokerTopicsListener.resetState(); // register listener for change of brokers for each topic to keep topicsBrokerPartitions updated // NOTE: this is probably not required here. Since when we read from getZKTopicPartitionInfo() above, // it automatically recreates the watchers there itself for (String topic : topicBrokerPartitions.keySet()) { zkClient.subscribeChildChanges(ZkUtils.BrokerTopicsPath + "/" + topic, brokerTopicsListener); } // there is no need to re-register other listeners as they are listening on the child changes of // permanent nodes } public void handleStateChanged(KeeperState state) throws Exception { } } /** * Generate a mapping from broker id to (brokerId, numPartitions) for the list of brokers * specified * * @param topic the topic to which the brokers have registered * @param brokerList the list of brokers for which the partitions info is to be generated * @return a sequence of (brokerId, numPartitions) for brokers in brokerList */ private static SortedSet<Partition> getBrokerPartitions(ZkClient zkClient, String topic, List<?> brokerList) { final String brokerTopicPath = ZkUtils.BrokerTopicsPath + "/" + topic; final SortedSet<Partition> brokerParts = new TreeSet<Partition>(); for (Object brokerId : brokerList) { final Integer bid = Integer.valueOf(brokerId.toString()); final Integer numPartition = Integer.valueOf(ZkUtils.readData(zkClient, brokerTopicPath + "/" + bid)); for (int i = 0; i < numPartition.intValue(); i++) { brokerParts.add( new Partition(bid, i)); } } return brokerParts; }
分区表和分区索引是数据库管理系统中的重要概念,它们对于大型数据存储的高效管理和查询具有至关重要的作用。本文将深入探讨这两个主题,帮助你更好地理解它们的原理、用途以及实际应用。 1. 分区表(Partitioning...
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