1. 当前channel的状态,是open还是connected
2. 这个channel的一些配置信息
3. 这个channel所支持的一些io操作
4. 和这个channel相关联的ChannelPipeline
public interface Channel extends Comparable<Channel> { /** * The {@link #getInterestOps() interestOps} value which tells that only * read operation has been suspended. */ static int OP_NONE = 0; /** * The {@link #getInterestOps() interestOps} value which tells that neither * read nor write operation has been suspended. */ static int OP_READ = 1; /** * The {@link #getInterestOps() interestOps} value which tells that both * read and write operation has been suspended. */ static int OP_WRITE = 4; /** * The {@link #getInterestOps() interestOps} value which tells that only * write operation has been suspended. */ static int OP_READ_WRITE = OP_READ | OP_WRITE; /** * Returns the unique integer ID of this channel. */ Integer getId(); /** * Returns the {@link ChannelFactory} which created this channel. */ ChannelFactory getFactory(); /** * Returns the parent of this channel. * * @return the parent channel. * {@code null} if this channel does not have a parent channel. */ Channel getParent(); /** * Returns the configuration of this channel. */ ChannelConfig getConfig(); /** * Returns the {@link ChannelPipeline} which handles {@link ChannelEvent}s * associated with this channel. */ ChannelPipeline getPipeline(); /** * Returns {@code true} if and only if this channel is open. */ boolean isOpen(); /** * Returns {@code true} if and only if this channel is bound to a * {@linkplain #getLocalAddress() local address}. */ boolean isBound(); /** * Returns {@code true} if and only if this channel is connected to a * {@linkplain #getRemoteAddress() remote address}. */ boolean isConnected(); /** * Returns the local address where this channel is bound to. The returned * {@link SocketAddress} is supposed to be down-cast into more concrete * type such as {@link InetSocketAddress} to retrieve the detailed * information. * * @return the local address of this channel. * {@code null} if this channel is not bound. */ SocketAddress getLocalAddress(); /** * Returns the remote address where this channel is connected to. The * returned {@link SocketAddress} is supposed to be down-cast into more * concrete type such as {@link InetSocketAddress} to retrieve the detailed * information. * * @return the remote address of this channel. * {@code null} if this channel is not connected. * If this channel is not connected but it can receive messages * from arbitrary remote addresses (e.g. {@link DatagramChannel}, * use {@link MessageEvent#getRemoteAddress()} to determine * the origination of the received message as this method will * return {@code null}. */ SocketAddress getRemoteAddress(); /** * Sends a message to this channel asynchronously. If this channel was * created by a connectionless transport (e.g. {@link DatagramChannel}) * and is not connected yet, you have to call {@link #write(Object, SocketAddress)} * instead. Otherwise, the write request will fail with * {@link NotYetConnectedException} and an {@code 'exceptionCaught'} event * will be triggered. * * @param message the message to write * * @return the {@link ChannelFuture} which will be notified when the * write request succeeds or fails * * @throws NullPointerException if the specified message is {@code null} */ ChannelFuture write(Object message); /** * Sends a message to this channel asynchronously. It has an additional * parameter that allows a user to specify where to send the specified * message instead of this channel's current remote address. If this * channel was created by a connectionless transport (e.g. {@link DatagramChannel}) * and is not connected yet, you must specify non-null address. Otherwise, * the write request will fail with {@link NotYetConnectedException} and * an {@code 'exceptionCaught'} event will be triggered. * * @param message the message to write * @param remoteAddress where to send the specified message. * This method is identical to {@link #write(Object)} * if {@code null} is specified here. * * @return the {@link ChannelFuture} which will be notified when the * write request succeeds or fails * * @throws NullPointerException if the specified message is {@code null} */ ChannelFuture write(Object message, SocketAddress remoteAddress); /** * Binds this channel to the specified local address asynchronously. * * @param localAddress where to bind * * @return the {@link ChannelFuture} which will be notified when the * bind request succeeds or fails * * @throws NullPointerException if the specified address is {@code null} */ ChannelFuture bind(SocketAddress localAddress); /** * Connects this channel to the specified remote address asynchronously. * * @param remoteAddress where to connect * * @return the {@link ChannelFuture} which will be notified when the * connection request succeeds or fails * * @throws NullPointerException if the specified address is {@code null} */ ChannelFuture connect(SocketAddress remoteAddress); /** * Disconnects this channel from the current remote address asynchronously. * * @return the {@link ChannelFuture} which will be notified when the * disconnection request succeeds or fails */ ChannelFuture disconnect(); /** * Unbinds this channel from the current local address asynchronously. * * @return the {@link ChannelFuture} which will be notified when the * unbind request succeeds or fails */ ChannelFuture unbind(); /** * Closes this channel asynchronously. If this channel is bound or * connected, it will be disconnected and unbound first. Once a channel * is closed, it can not be open again. Calling this method on a closed * channel has no effect. Please note that this method always returns the * same future instance. * * @return the {@link ChannelFuture} which will be notified when the * close request succeeds or fails */ ChannelFuture close(); /** * Returns the {@link ChannelFuture} which will be notified when this * channel is closed. This method always returns the same future instance. */ ChannelFuture getCloseFuture(); /** * Returns the current {@code interestOps} of this channel. * * @return {@link #OP_NONE}, {@link #OP_READ}, {@link #OP_WRITE}, or * {@link #OP_READ_WRITE} */ int getInterestOps(); /** * Returns {@code true} if and only if the I/O thread will read a message * from this channel. This method is a shortcut to the following code: * <pre> * return (getInterestOps() & OP_READ) != 0; * </pre> */ boolean isReadable(); /** * Returns {@code true} if and only if the I/O thread will perform the * requested write operation immediately. Any write requests made when * this method returns {@code false} are queued until the I/O thread is * ready to process the queued write requests. This method is a shortcut * to the following code: * <pre> * return (getInterestOps() & OP_WRITE) == 0; * </pre> */ boolean isWritable(); /** * Changes the {@code interestOps} of this channel asynchronously. * * @param interestOps the new {@code interestOps} * * @return the {@link ChannelFuture} which will be notified when the * {@code interestOps} change request succeeds or fails */ ChannelFuture setInterestOps(int interestOps); /** * Suspends or resumes the read operation of the I/O thread asynchronously. * This method is a shortcut to the following code: * <pre> * int interestOps = getInterestOps(); * if (readable) { * setInterestOps(interestOps | OP_READ); * } else { * setInterestOps(interestOps & ~OP_READ); * } * </pre> * * @param readable {@code true} to resume the read operation and * {@code false} to suspend the read operation * * @return the {@link ChannelFuture} which will be notified when the * {@code interestOps} change request succeeds or fails */ ChannelFuture setReadable(boolean readable); }
Netty-SocketIO API接口文档是为开发者提供关于如何使用Netty-SocketIO框架进行通信的一个详细指南。Netty是一个高性能、异步事件驱动的网络应用程序...同时,它也是进一步学习Netty和SocketIO底层原理的重要参考资料。
Netty学习之ServerChannel Netty是一个高性能、异步事件驱动的网络应用程序框架,用于快速开发可维护的高性能协议服务器和客户端。在本篇中,我们将深入探讨ServerChannel这一核心概念,它是Netty中用于接收客户端...
这个“netty官网学习手册中文版”针对的是Netty的3.1版本,虽然现在的Netty已经发展到了5.x版本,但3.1版本的知识仍然具有历史参考价值,特别是对于那些初次接触或需要理解Netty基础概念的开发者来说。 1. **Netty...
Netty的强大之处在于它能够轻松地处理自定义协议。通过示例,我们可以学习如何定义自己的消息结构,创建相应的编解码器,并将其整合进Netty的Pipeline中。 10. **异常处理** Netty提供了全面的异常处理机制,通过...
- **高度可定制**:Netty 的 ChannelHandler 接口允许用户自定义数据处理逻辑。 3. **Netty 的核心组件** - **Bootstrap**:用于启动服务器或客户端的配置类。 - **Channel**:代表一个连接,可以读写数据。 - ...
通过阅读Javadoc,开发者可以了解每个类、接口、方法的详细说明,是学习和调试代码的重要参考资料。 - **jar** 文件夹可能包含Netty的编译后的jar包,其中可能包括了Netty的核心库、示例代码以及其他依赖。这些jar...
每个 Channel 都有一个 ChannelHandler,用于处理与之相关的事件。 2. **Bootstrap**:Bootstrap 是启动类,用于配置和启动客户端或服务器。在服务端,我们通常创建一个 ServerBootstrap 实例,然后添加一个或多个 ...
5. **装饰者模式(Decorator Pattern)**:Netty的ChannelHandlerContext可以看作是对原始Channel接口的装饰,增加了事件处理和管道管理的功能。 6. **状态机模式(State Pattern)**:Netty中的ChannelState可以视...
### Netty学习笔记知识点概述 #### 一、Netty简介 Netty是一个广泛使用的高性能、异步事件驱动的网络应用程序框架,它简化了网络编程的复杂性,使得开发者能够更轻松地开发高性能、高可靠性的网络服务器和客户端。...
以下是对 Netty 的详细介绍以及如何通过代码示例进行学习。 一、Netty 框架基础 Netty 是由 JBoss 组织开源的一个网络通信框架,基于 Java NIO(非阻塞I/O)构建,提供了一套高度抽象和优化的 API,使得开发者可以...
学习Netty,可以从基础的Socket编程开始,然后深入理解Java NIO的基本概念,接着熟悉Netty提供的各种组件和API,通过编写简单的服务端和客户端程序来实践。随着对Netty的理解加深,可以尝试实现更复杂的网络应用,如...
- **EventLoop**:每个线程都拥有一个EventLoop,负责处理分配给该线程的Channel上的I/O操作。 #### 五、Netty的特点与优势 - **高性能**:利用NIO技术实现了高效的I/O处理。 - **灵活性**:支持多种传输层协议(如...
这篇博客“Java学习之IO总结及mina和netty”探讨了Java IO的基础知识,并深入到两个高级网络通信框架——Mina和Netty。Mina和Netty都是基于NIO(非阻塞IO)的高性能网络应用框架,它们简化了复杂网络编程的实现。 *...
在Netty中,I/O操作被封装在Channel接口中,而ChannelHandler则用于处理I/O事件和数据。事件循环(EventLoop)是Netty处理事件的关键组件,它负责调度和执行事件处理器。 "粘包与半包"是网络通信中常见的问题。当...
这个“最新Netty中文文档CHM版”为中国的开发者提供了一个方便的中文学习资源,解决了阅读英文原版文档时的语言障碍,使学习过程更为轻松。 Netty 的核心特性包括: 1. **高性能**: Netty 使用了Java NIO(非阻塞I...
ChannelHandler是Netty的核心组件之一,它定义了处理这些事件的接口,如读取、写入、连接和关闭事件。 Netty 4.1引入了许多增强和改进,包括: 1. **ByteBuf**:Netty的缓冲区机制,它比Java的ByteBuffer更强大,...