新接触ubuntu(base on debian)的人,大多会因为安装中没有提示root密码而不太清楚为什么会这样。
如何设定/改变/启用 root 使用者的密码?
sudo passwd root
为了启用 root 帐号 (也就是 设置一个口令) 使用:
sudo passwd root
当你使用完毕后屏蔽 root 帐号 使用:
sudo passwd -l root
这个将锁住 root 帐号.
如何在终端机模式下切换到 root 身份?
sudo -s -H
如何安装Vm tools
Mware Tools for Linux Guests
Power on the virtual machine.
After the guest operating system has started, prepare your virtual machine to install
VMware Tools.
Choose File > Install VMware Tools.
The remaining steps take place inside the virtual machine.
Be sure the guest operating system is running in text mode. You cannot install VMware Tools
while X is running.
As root (su -), mount the VMware Tools virtual CD-ROM image, change to a working directory
(for example, /tmp), uncompress the installer, then unmount the CD-ROM image.
Note: You do not use an actual CD-ROM to install VMware Tools, nor do you need to download
the CD-ROM image or burn a physical CD-ROM of this image file. The VMware Workstation
software contains an ISO image that looks like a CD-ROM to your guest operating system.
This image contains all the files needed to install VMware Tools in your guest operating
Note: Some Linux distributions use different device names or organize the /dev directory
differently. If your CD-ROM drive is not /dev/cdrom, modify the following commands to
reflect the conventions used by your distribution.
mount /dev/cdrom /mnt
cd /tmp
tar zxf /mnt/vmware-linux-tools.tar.gz
umount /mnt
Run the VMware Tools installer.
cd vmware-tools-distrib
Log out of the root account.
Start X and your graphical environment.
In an X terminal, launch the VMware Tools background application.
vmware-toolbox &
Note: You may run VMware Tools as root or as a normal user. To shrink virtual disks, you
must run VMware Tools as root (su -).
Starting VMware Tools Automatically
You may find it helpful to configure your guest operating system so VMware Tools starts
when you start your X server. The steps for doing so vary depending on your Linux
distribution and your desktop environment. Check your operating system documentation for
the appropriate steps to take.
For example, in a Red Hat Linux 7.1 guest using GNOME, follow these steps.
Open the Startup Programs panel in the GNOME Control Center.
Main Menu (click the foot icon in the lower left corner of the screen) > Programs >
Settings > Session > Startup Programs
Click Add.
In the Startup Command field, enter vmware-toolbox.
Click OK, click OK again, then close the GNOME Control Center.
The next time you start X, VMware Tools starts automatically.
Uninstalling VMware Tools
If you need to remove VMware Tools from your Linux guest operating system, log on as root
(su -) and run the following command:
VMware Tools for FreeBSD Guests
Power on the virtual machine.
Prepare your virtual machine to install VMware Tools.
Choose File > Install VMware Tools.
The remaining steps take place inside the virtual machine, not on the host computer.
Be sure the guest operating system is running in text mode. You cannot install VMware Tools
while X is running.
As root (su -), mount the VMware Tools virtual CD-ROM image, change to a working directory
(for example, /tmp), uncompress the installer, then unmount the CD-ROM image.
Note: You do not use an actual CD-ROM to install VMware Tools, nor do you need to download
the CD-ROM image or burn a physical CD-ROM of this image file. The VMware Workstation
software contains an ISO image that looks like a CD-ROM to your guest operating system.
This image contains all the files needed to install VMware Tools in your guest operating
mount /cdrom
cd /tmp
tar zxf /cdrom/vmware-freebsd-tools.tar.gz
umount /cdrom
Run the VMware Tools installer.
cd vmware-tools-distrib
Log out of the root account.
Start X and your graphical environment
In an X terminal, launch the VMware Tools background application.
vmware-toolbox &
Note: You may run VMware Tools as root or as a normal user. To shrink virtual disks, you
must run VMware Tools as root (su -).
Note: In a FreeBSD 4.5 guest operating system, sometimes VMware Tools does not start after
you install VMware Tools, reboot the guest operating system or start VMware Tools on the
command line in the guest. An error message appears:
Shared object 'libc.so.3' not found.
The required library was not installed. This does not happen with full installations of
FreeBSD 4.5, but does occur for minimal installations. To fix the problem of the missing
library, take the following steps:
Insert and mount the FreeBSD 4.5 installation CD or access the ISO image file.
Change directories and run the installation script.
cd /cdrom/compat3x
### Ubuntu 12.0.4安装VMware Tools详尽指南 #### 一、引言 随着虚拟化技术的发展,越来越多的人开始通过虚拟机来学习和使用不同的操作系统,特别是Linux。其中,Ubuntu作为一款非常流行的Linux发行版,因其良好的...
### 在Ubuntu 9.04上安装VMware Tools的详细步骤及注意事项 #### 一、背景介绍 在虚拟化环境中,为了提高宿主机与虚拟机之间的兼容性和性能,通常需要在虚拟机内部安装一个名为VMware Tools的软件包。本文将详细...
#### 标题:VM9下ubuntu安装vmtools(郝锦原创) #### 描述:虚拟机上ubuntu系统安装vmware tools的简单方法,亲测有效。如有疑问请留言。 #### 标签:vm vmtools unbuntu vmwaretools 郝锦 #### 内容摘要: 本文...
- **Ubuntu的root用户默认是禁用的**,如果需要启用root账户,可以通过`sudo passwd root`命令设置root密码。 - **切换到root用户**:可以使用`sudo -s -H`命令直接切换到root权限,或者在设置过root密码后,使用`...
- 如果不再需要 root 用户,可以再次执行 `sudo passwd root` 并留空密码来禁用 root 登录。 安装 VMware Tools 后,虚拟机的性能将得到提升,例如图形界面响应更快,文件拖放更顺畅,虚拟机和宿主机之间的时钟...
- **安装Tools**:进入解压后的目录`vmtools`,执行`./install`命令开始安装。对于某些特定的操作系统,如DOPRA ICTOM等,可能需要使用`./install -i`命令。 - **安装验证**:安装完成后,重启虚拟机,然后再次...
在Ubuntu下安装VMware-Tools不像在Windows下安装容易,昨晚整了挺长时间终于安上了.方法在下面. 感谢提供方法的大侠! VMware Tools位置:VMware的安装路径\VMware\VMware Workstation\linux.iso 启动后按Esc选择...
ubuntu linux系统下VMware tools安装过程。
在Ubuntu中,如果root用户无法登录,可以使用`sudo passwd`命令,然后根据提示更改root密码。确保使用当前用户密码,并遵循提示完成密码设置。 **3. Ubuntu系统更新与桌面环境修复** 系统更新可能导致用户无法登录...
最新版本的VMtools,解决Ubuntu共享文件无法查看问题。 复制CD中的VMwareTools-10.3.21-14772444.tar.gz文件到根目录下: cp /media/user/VMware\ Tools/VMwareTools-10.3.21-14772444.tar.gz / 然到移动到...
- **个人桌面领域**:虽然早期Linux因界面简洁、操作相对复杂以及可用应用程序较少等因素,在桌面操作系统市场上不如Windows受欢迎,但近年来随着Ubuntu、Fedora等优秀桌面环境的发展,以及硬件厂商的支持加强,...
这个工具对于运行在Ubuntu或其他Linux发行版上的虚拟机至关重要,能够显著提升虚拟环境中的系统性能、图形显示效果以及文件同步能力。 首先,VMware Tools的核心功能之一是提高虚拟硬件的性能。安装后,它能提供与...
VMtools用于VM10~14,可以用于linux的系统 1.打开命令端 2.登陆root用户 3.使用tar -zxvf VMwareTools- -C /home/user/Desktop 4.linux不同系统的一点区别 1.ubuntu一开始要写yes 5.一路回车 ...
VMtools用于VM10~14,可以用于linux的系统 1.打开命令端 2.登陆root用户 3.使用VMware-Tools-core-10.2.5-8068406.tar.gz -C /home/user/Desktop 4.linux不同系统的一点区别 1.ubuntu一开始要写yes 5.一路回车 6....