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Top 10 Upcoming PC EXCLUSIVE Games of 2016!

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Top 10 Upcoming PC EXCLUSIVE Games of 2016! 


In this video, we take a look at the Top 10 Upcoming PC EXCLUSIVE Games of 2016. Do you agree with my list of the Top 10 Upcoming PC EXCLUSIVE Games of 2016? Do you disagree with my list of the Top 10 Upcoming PC EXCLUSIVE Games of 2016? Comment your thoughts on the Top 10 Upcoming PC EXCLUSIVE Games of 2016!


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# 10 - Lawbreakers

LawBreakers, previously known under the codename BlueStreak, is an upcoming video game developed by Boss Key Productions and published by Nexon.[4][5] The game will be a free-to-play sci-fi shooter for PC.[6]


#9 - Fortnite

Fortnite is an upcoming survival video game, developed by People Can Fly and Epic Games, who will also publish the game. It is centred on a scavenge by day and fight by night scenario. It will be the first game from Epic to use their Unreal Engine 4 and is currently set for release in 2016.


#8 - Total War Warhammer

Total War: Warhammer is an upcoming turn-based strategy real-time tactics video game in development by The Creative Assembly and published by Sega for Microsoft Windows. The game features the gameplay of the Total War series with factions of Games Workshop's Warhammer series. It will be the 10th title in the Total War series and will be the first title to be released in the Total War: Warhammer trilogy. The title is set to be released on April 28, 2016.


#7 - Lost Ark

Smilegate RPG proudly presents Lost Ark, an exciting Hack & Slash MMORPG. Using the Unreal engine, the game features a beautifully illustrated world of epic proportions. Enter our unique fantasy world where the East meets the West. 


#6 - Mount & Blade 2

Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord is an upcoming medieval action role-playing game, developed by TaleWorlds Entertainment. The game was announced in 2012. It is a prequel to Mount & Blade: Warband. The game's release date is 2016, according to one of the developers and PR managers, there will be public beta testing.


#5 -Dreadnought

Dreadnought is an upcoming combat flight simulator for Microsoft Windows developed by Yager Development and published by Grey Box with Six Foot.[2] The first previews were shown in 2014; it is set to be released in 2016.[3]


#4 - Kingdom Come Deliverance

Kingdom Come: Deliverance is an upcoming role-playing video game, set in the 15th century medieval Kingdom of Bohemia with a focus on historically accurate and realistic content. The game will be a single-player experience with branching quest lines and a highly interactive world encouraging emergent gameplay. Kingdom Come will feature period-accurate armor and clothing, combat techniques, and real-world castles recreated with the assistance of architects and historians.


#3 - Black Desert Online

Black Desert (Korean: 검은사막) is an upcoming sandbox-oriented massively multiplayer online role-playing game by Korean video game developer Pearl Abyss.[1][2] The game has been in development since 2010, and entered closed beta testing (CBT) in October 2013.[3][4][5][6] The game uses Pearl Abyss' own "Black Desert" engine specifically created to handle the fast rendering required for its seamless world and large-scale castle sieges.[7][8] Black Desert will be released using "free-to-play" model in Korea, Japan and Russia, although no further details of the business model or revenue generation have been announced,[1][9][10] while in Europe and North America the game will use "buy-to-play" model.[11]


#2 - XCOM 2

XCOM 2 is an upcoming video game in development by Firaxis Games and published by 2K Games for Microsoft Windows, OS X, and Linux. It is set to be released in February 2016. XCOM 2 serves as a sequel to 2012's reboot of the series, XCOM: Enemy Unknown, and will take place 20 years after the events of Enemy Unknown, following the continuity that XCOM lost the war.


#1 - Star Citizen

Star Citizen is an upcoming space sim video game for Microsoft Windows and Linux.[6][8] Star Citizen will consist of two main components: first-person space combat, mining and trading with first-person shooter elements in a massively multiplayer persistent universe and customizable private servers,[9][10] and a branching single-player and drop-in co-operative multiplayer campaign titled Squadron 42.[8] The game is built on a modified CryEngine and will feature Oculus Rift support.[3][11]



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