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MeeGo-OS Middleware
1.Comms Services
(1)Connection Mgmt---connman
The ConnMan project provides a daemon for managing internet connections within embedded devices running the Linux operating system. The Connection Manager is designed to be slim and to use as few resources as possible, so it can be easily integrated. It is a fully modular system that can be extended, through plug-ins, to support all kinds of wired or wireless technologies. Also, configuration methods, like DHCP and domain name resolving, are implemented using plug-ins. The plug-in approach allows for easy adaption and modification for various use cases.
oFono.org is a place to bring developers together around designing an infrastructure for building mobile telephony (GSM/UMTS) applications. oFono is licensed under GPLv2, and it includes a high-level D-Bus API for use by telephony applications of any license. oFono also includes a low-level plug-in API for integrating with open source as well as third party telephony stacks, cellular modems and storage back-ends. oFono Architecture
Telepathy is a flexible, modular communications framework that enables real-time communication via pluggable protocol backends. Telepathy is a communications service that can be accessed by many applications ("clients") simultaneously.
Offical Linux Bluetooth protocol stack.
2.Internet Service
(1)Layout Engine---WebKit
WebKit is an open source web browser engine. WebKit is also the name of the Mac OS X system framework version of the engine that's used by Safari, Dashboard, Mail, and many other OS X applications. WebKit's HTML and JavaScript code began as a branch of the KHTML and KJS libraries from KDE.
(2)Web RunTime---WebKit
(3)Web Services---libSocialWeb
LibSocialWeb is a data client and server which will fetch data from the "social web", such as your friend's blog posts and photos, upcoming events, recently played tracks, and pending eBay* auctions. It also provides a service to update your status on web services which support it, such as MySpace* and Twitter*.
Geoclue is a modular geoinformation service built on top of the D-Bus messaging system. The goal of the Geoclue project is to make creating location-aware applications as simple as possible.
3.Visual Service
(1)3D Graphics---OpenGL/OpenGL ES
The Industry's Foundation for High Performance Graphics
(2)2D Graphics---cario QPainter
Cairo is a 2D graphics library with support for multiple output devices. Currently supported output targets include the X Window System, Quartz, Win32, image buffers, PostScript, PDF, and SVG file output. Experimental backends include OpenGL, XCB, BeOS, OS/2, and DirectFB.
(3)i18n Rendering---Pango QtText
Pango is a library for laying out and rendering of text, with an emphasis on internationalization. Pango can be used anywhere that text layout is needed, though most of the work on Pango so far has been done in the context of the GTK+ widget toolkit. Pango forms the core of text and font handling for GTK+-2.x.
GTK+ is a highly usable, feature rich toolkit for creating graphical user interfaces which boasts cross platform compatibility and an easy to use API.
Clutter is an open source (LGPL 2.1) software library for creating fast, compelling, portable, and dynamic graphical user interfaces. It is a core part of MeeGo, and is supported by the open source community. Its development is sponsored by Intel.
4.Media Services
GStreamer is a library for constructing graphs of media-handling components. The applications it supports range from simple Ogg/Vorbis playback, audio/video streaming to complex audio (mixing) and video (non-linear editing) processing.
(2)Camera---GStreamer plug-in
(3)Codecs---GStreamer plug-in
PulseAudio (formerly Polypaudio) is a cross-platform, networked sound server commonly used on the Linux-based and FreeBSD operating systems. It can be used as an improved drop-in replacement for the Enlightened Sound Daemon (ESD).
(5)Upnp(Universal Plug and Play)---GUPnP
GUPnP is an elegant, object-oriented open source framework for creating UPnP devices and control points, written in C using GObject and libsoup. The GUPnP API is intended to be easy to use, efficient and flexible. It provides the same set of features as libupnp, but shields the developer from most of UPnP's internals.
5.Data Mgmt
(1)Content Framework---Tracker
Tracker is a search engine and that allows the user to find their data as fast as possible. Users can search for their files and search for content in their files too.
(2)Context Framework--ContextKit
ContextKit is a framework for collecting contextual information from the bowels of the system, cleaning them up and offering them through a simple API.
(3)Package Manager---PackageKit
PackageKit is a system designed to make installing and updating software on your computer easier. The primary design goal is to unify all the software graphical tools used in different distributions, and use some of the latest technology like PolicyKit to make the process suck less.
6.Device Services
(1)Device Health
(2)Sersor Framework
(3)Resource Mgr
(4)Backup & Restore
7.Personal Services
(1)PIM services
(2)Device Sync
(3)Accts & SSO
Meego-OS Base
1.HW Adaptation Software
2.MeeGo Kernel
(1)Setting Database---GConf
GConf is a system used by the GNOME desktop environment for storing configuration settings for the desktop and applications. Changes to this system are controlled by GConfd, a daemon. GConfd watches out for changes to the database, and when they are changed, it applies the new settings to applications using it.
(2)System Libraries--glibc,glib,etc.
(3)Messages Bus---D-Bus
D-Bus is a message bus system, a simple way for applications to talk to one another. In addition to interprocess communication, D-Bus helps coordinate process lifecycle; it makes it simple and reliable to code a "single instance" application or daemon, and to launch applications and daemons on demand when their services are needed.
(4)Platform Info---libudev
Because it's cumbersome and error-prone to walk the Sysfs tree from within an application's code, there's a convenient library called libudev to do this task for us.
2011-11-27 14:57 608#include <stdio.h> vo ... -
2011-11-26 19:33 746#include <stdio.h> vo ... -
2011-11-26 19:32 701#include <stdio.h> vo ... -
2011-11-26 19:31 647#include <stdio.h> vo ... -
2011-11-26 19:29 649#include <stdio.h> vo ... -
2011-11-26 13:45 664#include <stdio.h> vo ... -
2011-11-14 15:27 1208http://www.cnblogs.com/skynet/a ... -
2011-09-22 17:17 1519#include <stdio.h> int f ... -
2011-09-21 15:27 603#include <stdio.h> #incl ... -
2011-09-18 17:15 685#include <stdio.h> #i ... -
2011-09-08 14:21 1183typedef int Item; typedef s ... -
2011-09-01 23:37 1411/** *链表逆序的递归/非递归算法 */ # ... -
2011-08-30 23:01 1221#include <stdio.h> #i ... -
2011-08-28 21:11 1898/** *正整数n,m,从数列1、2、3、...、n中随 ... -
2011-08-28 17:24 1257/** *求一字符串所有字串的组合 */ #i ... -
2011-08-28 10:38 1896/** * 求解x1+x2+x3+...+x10 = ... -
2011-08-27 18:16 586http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_ ... -
2011-08-27 17:53 1578结构体默认的字节对齐一般满足三个准则: 结构体变量的首 ... -
list.h from linux-2.4
2011-08-25 09:59 606#ifndef _LIST_H_ #define _L ... -
The C Programming Lang (K&R) hash table
2011-08-25 09:52 936hash.h #include <stdio.h ...
meego体系架构图 meego体系架构图 meego体系架构图
1. OS支撑层:这一层包含了Linux内核和硬件适配所需的核心组件,确保MeeGo能够适应多种硬件架构。它包括内核、驱动程序、核心架构补丁和软件配置等,这些都使得MeeGo具有广泛的硬件兼容性。 2. 中间件层:这是MeeGo...
- **硬件兼容性**:MeeGo不仅支持ARM架构,也兼容Intel/ATOM架构,能够处理计算和通信任务。而Android主要侧重于通信设备,虽然也可用于计算设备,但核心仍是面向手持设备。 - **开发平台**:MeeGo的中间件层提供...
#### 二、MeeGo架构 MeeGo的整体架构设计遵循模块化的原则,以便于不同设备类型的适配与开发。其架构主要分为以下几个层次: 1. **内核层**:该层主要负责提供基本的操作系统功能,如进程管理、内存管理等,并支持...
下面将详细介绍MeeGo架构的三个主要层次。 1. **MeeGo OS Base层**:这是MeeGo操作系统的基础,包含了Linux内核以及核心服务。这一层还负责硬件适配软件,确保MeeGo能够适应各种不同的硬件架构。硬件适配软件包括...
**MeeGo架构与技术特点** 1. **Linux基础**:MeeGo基于Linux内核,利用了Linux的稳定性、安全性和可扩展性。它采用了LGPL和GPL许可证,鼓励社区贡献和创新。 2. **Qt应用框架**:MeeGo的主要应用开发框架是Qt,这...
标题与描述均提到了"下午1_Intel_Yang, Elton_MeeGo-Arch-Update-Final.pdf",这表明文档主要围绕MeeGo架构更新展开,由Sunil Saxena和Elton Yang在2011年4月14日进行讲解。MeeGo是一款由Intel和Nokia共同开发的操作...
MeeGo的架构分为三个层次:以Moblin内核为主的OS基础层、MeeGo UI框架和其他服务构成的中间层,以及针对不同设备的用户体验参考设计。这一设计允许MeeGo在应用兼容性方面具有优势,原有的Moblin和Maemo应用可以直接...
2. **安装SDK**: 根据系统提示进行安装,确保选择正确的架构(例如x86或ARM)。 3. **设置环境变量**: 安装完成后,需要将SDK的路径添加到PATH环境变量中,以便在终端中可以轻松调用相关命令。 ### 四、配置MeeGo...
四、MeeGo应用架构 在MeeGo平台上,典型的Python+QML应用通常包含以下组件: 1. Python后端:负责业务逻辑和数据处理,通常通过QML的JavaScript引擎暴露API给前端。 2. QML前端:定义用户界面,通过与Python后端的...
MeeGo* 技术架构概述: 从开发者的视角看 MeeGo 技术 包括:• MeeGo* 概述 • MeeGo 技术架构 • MeeGo 1.2 新功能 • MeeGo 应用编程接口 • MeeGo 应用开发工具套件
### MeeGo UI Framework & SDK概述 MeeGo是一个由Linux基金会管理的开源项目,它融合了Intel的Moblin和Nokia的Maemo操作系统。MeeGo的目标是为设备提供一个强大、灵活且开放的软件平台,适用于各种类型的计算设备,...
- 准备文件系统,将编译好的用户空间组件放入合适的目录结构。 - 使用工具如`dd`或`mkfs`创建一个空白的磁盘映像文件,然后将文件系统挂载到这个映像上。 - 将内核和initrd复制到镜像的指定位置,通常是`/boot`...
在Meego菜谱软件中,Qt C++作为基础架构,负责实现复杂的业务逻辑和系统交互,确保软件的稳定性和性能。开发者通过Qt C++可以编写高效、可维护的代码,同时利用Meego系统的原生API,实现与硬件的深度集成,提高用户...
在解压的文件中包含了"usr"目录,这是一个标准的Linux文件系统结构的一部分。usr目录通常存放用户级别的可执行文件、库、头文件、帮助文档等。在MeeGo中文输入法的上下文中,usr目录可能包含以下内容: 1. **bin**...
3. 组织:Weego采用多层级的项目和子任务结构,让用户可以将任务按照项目进行划分,实现任务之间的逻辑关联。 4. 反馈:软件设有明确的进度条和提醒机制,帮助用户跟踪任务完成情况,提供及时的反馈。 5. 清理:定期...
- **技术融合**: MeeGo整合了Maemo和Moblin的优势,支持ARM和x86架构,覆盖智能手机、上网本和平板电脑等多种设备类型。 - **市场定位**: 尽管MeeGo在技术和功能方面表现出色,但由于市场定位模糊、竞争对手的强大...
2. **跨平台兼容性**:MeeGo支持多种硬件架构,包括x86、ARM等,可以在不同的设备上运行,提供了广泛的市场覆盖。 3. **统一的开发环境**:MeeGo为开发者提供了统一的开发工具和API,使得应用程序能够在不同类型的...