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Qt and MeeGo



1.Qt SDK

Qt SDK 在一个单独的安装程序内包括了使用 Qt 构建跨平台应用程序所需的工具。


  1. Qt 库 4.7.0  (change notes)
  2. Qt Creator IDE 2.0.1  (change notes)
  3. Qt 开发工具(Qt Add-Ons, Qt Mobility)

2.Frameworks on top of Qt

(1)Qt Mobility

Qt Mobility delivers a set of APIs to Qt, with features that are well known from the mobile device 

world. However, these APIs allow the developer to, with ease, use features from one framework and 

apply them to phones, netbooks, and non-mobile personal computers.

Qt Mobility provides APIs for mobile device development. This includes access to a device's data (for example, sensor data, location), as well as abstractions for telephony, connectivity, contacts, multimedia and other generic services. Qt Mobility also has adapters so it can be used with QML.

(2)Meego Touch Framework

MeeGo Touch is a Qt-based application development framework targeting mobile touch screen 

devices. It is part of the MeeGo Platform API (not part of the MeeGo Core API, and therefore not 

guaranteed to be available or supported after MeeGo 1.1). It provides all the necessary building blocks for creating native applications that follow the MeeGo Handset UX guidelines. The framework itself is built on top of the Qt Graphics View Framework.

3.Qt Quick (is a technology)

Qt Quick is a collection of technologies that are designed to help developers create the kind of 

intuitive, modern-looking, fluid user interfaces that are increasingly used on mobile phones, media 

players, set-top boxes and other portable devices.

Qt Quick consists of a rich set of user interface elements, a declarative language (QML)for describing 

user interfaces and a language runtime(Qt Declarative Module). A collection of C++ APIs is used to 

integrate these high level features with classic Qt applications.

4.MeeGo API

MeeGo 1.1 includes the official MeeGo API based on Qt 4.7 and Qt mobility 1.0. It also includes 

framework and middleware components along with some preview technologies as described in the 

Platform API.

(1)Meego API (core API)


Based on Qt and Qt Mobility.

(2)Platform API

The Platform API includes libraries and components that are part of the MeeGo 1.1 SDK but are not 

recommended for general use.Meego Touch Framework is part of Platform API.

5.MeeGo SDK 几种开发环境




    Beginning Nokia Apps Development Using MeeGo Mobile QT and OpenSymbian

    ### 《Beginnings Nokia Apps Development Using MeeGo Mobile QT and OpenSymbian》知识点解析 #### 一、书籍概述 本书《Beginnings Nokia Apps Development Using MeeGo Mobile QT and OpenSymbian》由Ray ...

    Developing MeeGo apps with Python and QML

    "Developing MeeGo apps with Python and QML.pdf"这份文档可能包含了逐步的教程,从创建新项目开始,指导读者如何设置开发环境,编写Python后端代码,设计QML界面,以及如何实现两者之间的交互。通过实践案例,...

    下午3_Intel_Fenghaitao_MeeGo API and Application Development.pdf

    MeeGo 1.2 支持的 Qt 4.7.2 模块包括 Qt Script、Qt Sql、Qt Svg、Qt WebKit、Qt Xml、Qt XmlPatterns、QtCore、QtGui、Qt Declarative、QtDBus 和 Qt Network 等。 - **QtCore**:包含核心非 GUI 功能,如 ...


    接下来是Qt的核心机制,信号与槽(Signals and Slots)的介绍。这是Qt特有的事件处理机制,用于对象之间的通信。在Qt中,当某个对象产生一个信号时,与其连接的槽函数将被调用。这种机制使得开发者能够实现事件驱动...

    QtQQ:Qt QQ for Symbian and Meego,由第三方个人开发



    Why is this interesting in a Qt course? •  Mobile devices vs. desktop/server systems •  Android, Maemo, and MeeGo today •  Designing software for mobile environments

    Developing MeeGo apps with Python and QML-28页

    开发 MeeGo 应用程序使用 Python 和 QML 本文将详细介绍如何使用 Python 和 QML 开发 MeeGo 应用程序。MeeGo 是一个基于 Linux 的操作系统,旨在提供一个统一的平台 для桌面和移动设备。Python 是一个流行的编程...

    Developing MeeGo apps with Python and QML.pdf

    随着该项目的演进,很多开发者开始探索如何利用Python和QML(Qt Modeling Language)来开发适用于MeeGo的应用程序。这篇文档提供了详细的教程,展示了如何设置开发环境,编写Python脚本,并结合QML来创建用户界面。 ...

    Developing MeeGo apps with Python and QML.zip

    Python作为强大的脚本语言,QML则是Qt库中的一个高级用户界面描述语言,两者结合为开发者提供了高效且灵活的编程体验。 本资源主要包含一本PDF电子书,详细阐述了如何利用Python和QML的强大功能来设计和实现MeeGo...

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