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package myas { import flash.display.*; import flash.events.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; //import flash.utils.Timer; import fl.transitions.Tween; import fl.transitions.easing.*; import fl.transitions.TweenEvent; /** * Example: var tt:ToolTip = new ToolTip(); tt.show( DisplayObject, "", "这里是信息" ); 或: var tf:TextFormat = new TextFormat(); tf.bold = true; tf.size = 12; tf.color = 0xff0000; var contentFormat:TextFormat = new TextFormat(); contentFormat.size = 14; contentFormat.color = 0xFFFFFF; contentFormat.bold = false; var tt:ToolTip = new ToolTip(); tt.hook = true; tt.hookSize = 20; tt.cornerRadius = 20; tt.align = "center"; tt.titleFormat = tf; tt.contentFormat = contentFormat; tt.show( DisplayObject, "Title Of This ToolTip", "Some Copy that would go below the ToolTip Title" ); * ****** by zcheng 2011-3-22 626272689@qq.com 基于* @author Duncan Reid, www.hy-brid.com * @date October 17, 2008 * @version 1.1 * */ public class ToolTip extends Sprite { //objects private var _stage:Stage; private var _parentObject:DisplayObject; private var _tf:TextField;// title field private var _cf:TextField;//content field private var _tween:Tween; //formats private var _titleFormat:TextFormat; private var _contentFormat:TextFormat; /* check for format override */ private var _titleOverride:Boolean = false; private var _contentOverride:Boolean = false; //defaults private var _defaultWidth:Number = 200;//宽 private var _buffer:Number = 10;//四周留白数 private var _align:String = "right";//箭头位置 private var _cornerRadius:Number = 4;//圆角度数 private var _bgColors:Array = [0xFFF4E1,0xFFF4E1]; //private var _bgColors:Array = [0xB5FEB4,0x003300];//背景色 private var _autoSize:Boolean = false;//自动调整大小 private var _hookEnabled:Boolean = true;//有无箭头 //private var _delay:Number = 0; //延迟出现毫秒数,已精简 private var _hookSize:Number = 10;//箭头大小 //offsets private var _offSet:Number; private var _hookOffSet:Number; public function ToolTip():void { //do not disturb parent display object mouse events this.mouseEnabled = false; this.buttonMode = false; this.mouseChildren = false; //setup delay timer /*_timer = new Timer(this._delay, 1); _timer.addEventListener("timer", timerHandler);*/ this.animate(true); } public function show( p:DisplayObject, title:String, content:String=null ):void { //get the stage from the parent this._stage = p.stage; this._parentObject = p; this.addCopy( title, content ); this.setOffset(); this.drawBG(); this.bgGlow(); //initialize coordinates var parentCoords:Point = new Point(_parentObject.mouseX,_parentObject.mouseY); var globalPoint:Point = p.localToGlobal(parentCoords); this.x = globalPoint.x + this._offSet; this.y = globalPoint.y - this.height - 10; this.alpha = 0; this._stage.addChild( this ); this._parentObject.addEventListener( MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, this.onMouseOut ); //removed mouse move handler in lieu of enterframe for smoother movement; //this._parentObject.addEventListener( MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, this.onMouseMovement ); this.follow( true ); //_timer.start(); } public function hide():void { this.animate( false ); } /*private function timerHandler( event:TimerEvent ):void { this.animate(true); }*/ private function onMouseOut( event:MouseEvent ):void { event.currentTarget.removeEventListener(event.type, arguments.callee); this.hide(); } private function follow( value:Boolean ):void { if (value) { addEventListener( Event.ENTER_FRAME, this.eof ); } else { removeEventListener( Event.ENTER_FRAME, this.eof ); } } private function eof( event:Event ):void { this.position(); } private function position():void { var speed:Number = 3; var parentCoords:Point = new Point(_parentObject.mouseX,_parentObject.mouseY); var globalPoint:Point = _parentObject.localToGlobal(parentCoords); var xp:Number = globalPoint.x + this._offSet; var yp:Number; if ((_hookEnabled &&globalPoint.y>this.height) || (!_hookEnabled &&globalPoint.y>this.height+10)) { yp = globalPoint.y - this.height - 10; if (! _hookEnabled) { _hookEnabled = true; this.graphics.clear(); drawBG(); } } else if (stage.stageHeight/2>this.height) { yp = globalPoint.y + 25; if (_hookEnabled) { _hookEnabled = false; this.graphics.clear(); drawBG(); } } var overhangRight:Number = this._defaultWidth + xp; if (overhangRight > stage.stageWidth) { xp = stage.stageWidth - this._defaultWidth; } if (xp < 0) { xp = 0; } if (yp < 0) { yp = 0; } this.x += ( xp - this.x ) / speed; this.y += ( yp - this.y ) / speed; } private function addCopy( title:String, content:String ):void { if (! this._titleOverride) { this.initTitleFormat(); } var titleIsDevice:Boolean = this.isDeviceFont(_titleFormat); this._tf = this.createField(titleIsDevice); this._tf.htmlText = title; this._tf.setTextFormat( this._titleFormat); //this._tf.setTextFormat( this._titleFormat, 0, title.length ); if (this._autoSize) { this._defaultWidth = this._tf.textWidth + 4 + ( _buffer * 2 ); } else { this._tf.width = this._defaultWidth - ( _buffer * 2 ); } this._tf.x = this._tf.y = this._buffer; this.textGlow( this._tf ); addChild( this._tf ); if (content != null) { if (! this._contentOverride) { this.initContentFormat(); } //check for device font var contentIsDevice:Boolean = this.isDeviceFont(_contentFormat); this._cf = this.createField(contentIsDevice); this._cf.htmlText = content; var bounds:Rectangle = this.getBounds(this); this._cf.x = this._buffer; this._cf.y = bounds.height + 5; this.textGlow( this._cf ); this._cf.setTextFormat( this._contentFormat ); if (this._autoSize) { var cfWidth:Number = this._cf.textWidth + 4 + ( _buffer * 2 ); this._defaultWidth = cfWidth > this._defaultWidth ? cfWidth:this._defaultWidth; } else { this._cf.width = this._defaultWidth - ( _buffer * 2 ); } addChild( this._cf ); } } //create field, if not device font, set embed to true private function createField( deviceFont:Boolean ):TextField { var tf:TextField = new TextField(); tf.embedFonts = ! deviceFont; tf.gridFitType = "pixel"; //tf.border = true; tf.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT; tf.selectable = false; if (! this._autoSize) { tf.multiline = true; tf.wordWrap = true; } return tf; } //draw background, use drawing api if we need a hook private function drawBG():void { var bounds:Rectangle = this.getBounds(this); var fillType:String = GradientType.LINEAR; //var colors:Array = [0xFFFFFF, 0x9C9C9C]; var alphas:Array = [1,1]; var ratios:Array = [0x00,0xFF]; var matr:Matrix = new Matrix(); var radians:Number = 90 * Math.PI / 180; matr.createGradientBox(this._defaultWidth, bounds.height + ( this._buffer * 2 ), radians, 0, 0); var spreadMethod:String = SpreadMethod.PAD; this.graphics.beginGradientFill(fillType, this._bgColors, alphas, ratios, matr, spreadMethod); if (this._hookEnabled) { var xp:Number = 0; var yp:Number = 0; var w:Number = this._defaultWidth; var h:Number = bounds.height + ( this._buffer * 2 ); this.graphics.moveTo( xp + this._cornerRadius, yp ); this.graphics.lineTo( xp + w - this._cornerRadius, yp ); this.graphics.curveTo( xp + w, yp, xp + w, yp + this._cornerRadius ); this.graphics.lineTo( xp + w, yp + h - this._cornerRadius ); this.graphics.curveTo( xp + w, yp + h, xp + w - this._cornerRadius, yp + h ); //hook this.graphics.lineTo( xp + this._hookOffSet + this._hookSize, yp + h ); this.graphics.lineTo( xp + this._hookOffSet , yp + h + this._hookSize ); this.graphics.lineTo( xp + this._hookOffSet - this._hookSize, yp + h ); this.graphics.lineTo( xp + this._cornerRadius, yp + h ); this.graphics.curveTo( xp, yp + h, xp, yp + h - this._cornerRadius ); this.graphics.lineTo( xp, yp + this._cornerRadius ); this.graphics.curveTo( xp, yp, xp + this._cornerRadius, yp ); this.graphics.endFill(); } else { this.graphics.drawRoundRect( 0, 0, this._defaultWidth, bounds.height + ( this._buffer * 2 ), this._cornerRadius ); } } /* Fade In / Out */ private function animate( show:Boolean ):void { var end:int = show == true ? 1:0; _tween = new Tween(this,"alpha",Strong.easeOut,this.alpha,end,.5,true); if (! show) { _tween.addEventListener( TweenEvent.MOTION_FINISH, onComplete ); //_timer.reset(); } } private function onComplete( event:TweenEvent ):void { event.currentTarget.removeEventListener(event.type, arguments.callee); this.cleanUp(); } /* End Fade */ /** Getters / Setters */ public function set tipWidth( value:Number ):void { this._defaultWidth = value; } public function set titleFormat( tf:TextFormat ):void { this._titleFormat = tf; if (this._titleFormat.font == null) { this._titleFormat.font = "_sans"; } this._titleOverride = true; } public function set contentFormat( tf:TextFormat ):void { this._contentFormat = tf; if (this._contentFormat.font == null) { this._contentFormat.font = "_sans"; } this._contentOverride = true; } public function set align( value:String ):void { var a:String = value.toLowerCase(); var values:String = "right left center"; if (values.indexOf(value) == -1) { throw new Error(this + " : Invalid Align Property, options are: 'right', 'left' & 'center'"); } else { this._align = a; } } /*public function set delay( value:Number ):void { this._delay = value; this._timer.delay = value; }*/ public function set hook( value:Boolean ):void { this._hookEnabled = value; } public function set hookSize( value:Number ):void { this._hookSize = value; } public function set cornerRadius( value:Number ):void { this._cornerRadius = value; } public function set colors( colArray:Array ):void { this._bgColors = colArray; } public function set autoSize( value:Boolean ):void { this._autoSize = value; } /* End Getters / Setters */ /* Cosmetic */ private function textGlow( field:TextField ):void {//对显示对象应用发光效果 var color:Number = 0x000000; var alpha:Number = 0.2; var blurX:Number = 2; var blurY:Number = 2; var strength:Number = 1; var inner:Boolean = false; var knockout:Boolean = false; var quality:Number = BitmapFilterQuality.HIGH; var filter:GlowFilter = new GlowFilter(color, alpha, blurX, blurY, strength, quality, inner, knockout); var myFilters:Array = new Array(); myFilters.push(filter); field.filters = myFilters; } private function bgGlow():void {//对显示对象应用发光效果 var color:Number = 0x000000; var alpha:Number = 0.40; var blurX:Number = 2; var blurY:Number = 2; var strength:Number = 1; var inner:Boolean = false; var knockout:Boolean = false; var quality:Number = BitmapFilterQuality.HIGH; var filter:GlowFilter = new GlowFilter(color, alpha, blurX, blurY, strength, quality, inner, knockout); var myFilters:Array = new Array(); myFilters.push(filter); filters = myFilters; } private function initTitleFormat():void { _titleFormat = new TextFormat(); _titleFormat.font = "_sans"; _titleFormat.bold = true; _titleFormat.size = 16; _titleFormat.color = 0x01430E; } private function initContentFormat():void { _contentFormat = new TextFormat(); _contentFormat.font = "_sans"; _contentFormat.bold = false; _contentFormat.size = 14; _contentFormat.color = 0x000000; } /* End Cosmetic */ /* Helpers */ /* Check if font is a device font */ private function isDeviceFont( format:TextFormat ):Boolean { var font:String = format.font; var device:String = "_sans _serif _typewriter"; return device.indexOf( font ) > -1; //_sans //_serif //_typewriter } private function setOffset():void { switch ( this._align ) { case "left" : this._offSet = - _defaultWidth + ( _buffer * 3 ) + this._hookSize; this._hookOffSet = this._defaultWidth - ( _buffer * 3 ) - this._hookSize; break; case "right" : this._offSet = 0 - ( _buffer * 3 ) - this._hookSize; this._hookOffSet = _buffer * 3 + this._hookSize; break; case "center" : this._offSet = - ( _defaultWidth / 2 ); this._hookOffSet = ( _defaultWidth / 2 ); break; default : this._offSet = - ( _defaultWidth / 2 ); this._hookOffSet = ( _defaultWidth / 2 ); break; } } /* End Helpers */ /* Clean */ private function cleanUp():void { this._parentObject.removeEventListener( MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, this.onMouseOut ); this.follow( false ); this._tf.filters = []; this.filters = []; removeChild( this._tf ); this._tf = null; if (this._cf != null) { this._cf.filters = []; removeChild( this._cf ); } this.graphics.clear(); parent.removeChild( this ); } /* End Clean */ } }
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1. **Tooltip类定义**:定义一个Tooltip类,可能继承自系统提供的基础Tooltip类,或者完全自定义实现。这个类应该包含必要的属性(如Tooltip文本)和方法(如显示、隐藏、设置文本等)。 2. **关联控件**:类中可能...
在标题提到的"VC 简洁的tooltip提示类"中,我们可以理解为这是一个专门为VC++开发的自定义类,用于增强或简化对控件(如static、Edit、Button等)添加Tooltip提示的过程。 Tooltip提示通常用于提供额外的信息,当...
在3D地球这种场景下,由于地球表面的复杂性,如何让tooltip准确地跟随鼠标并清晰地显示信息,确实是一个挑战。 为了解决这个问题,开发者可以利用ECharts的自定义tooltip功能。在ECharts的配置项中,可以通过`...
在网页设计中,Tooltip通常用于提供额外的上下文信息,当用户将鼠标悬停在某个元素上时,会弹出一个小窗口显示详细信息。Ajax Tooltip的优点在于,它无需刷新页面就能获取并展示远程数据,从而提供更加流畅的用户...
1.声明一实例变量 nvo_ToolTip ToolTip 2.在需要此服务的对象的构造事件中加入 ToolTip.AddTool(this, string(this.tag), 0) 3.在对象的MouseMove事件中加入ToolTip.RelayMsg(This) 4.把要显示的ToolTips文本...
标题“MFC_ToolTip超级类”指的是一个专门扩展了MFC原生`CToolTipCtrl`类的自定义类,以实现更丰富的功能,比如创建不同类型的ToolTip。 `ToolTip`控件通常用来提供关于用户界面上各个控件的额外信息,当鼠标悬停在...
"一个Vue2x的tooltip提示信息组件"就是这样一个专门用于在用户与界面交互时提供额外信息的组件。 该组件的核心功能在于,当用户对某个元素执行特定操作(如悬停、点击等)时,它会动态地显示或隐藏提示信息。这些...
在ActionScript 3 (AS3)中,ToolTip 类是一个用于创建和管理鼠标悬停提示的内置组件。这个类使得开发者可以自定义显示在鼠标指针附近的文本或图形提示,为用户提供更多的上下文信息。在本篇文章中,我们将深入探讨...
- AS3(ActionScript 3.0):引入`flash.ui.ToolTip`类,创建一个Tooltip实例并用`new ToolTip()`初始化,然后使用`ToolTip.displayObject.text`设置文本。 3. 自定义Tooltip样式: - 通过修改Tooltip的样式属性...
1. **创建Tooltip**: 在MFC应用程序中,你可以通过在对话框或窗口类的初始化成员函数中创建`CToolTipCtrl`对象,并调用`Create()`函数来创建一个Tooltip控件。 2. **关联控件与Tooltip**: 使用`AddTool()`或`...
我们需要创建一个继承自System.Windows.Forms.ToolTip的类,如`CustomToolTip`,并在其中添加我们需要的新特性。例如,我们可以添加一个属性来存储自定义的图标,或者方法来设置背景颜色和边框颜色。 2. **使用GDI...
在描述中提到的“一个tooltip类,表示一个长方形的小弹出窗口”,实际上就是在创建一个自定义的Tooltip类,以便在用户将鼠标悬停在特定的舞台对象(如按钮或图形)上时显示相关信息。 创建自定义Tooltip类的步骤...
首先,我们需要创建一个继承自ClistCtrl的自定义类,例如CToolTipListCtrl。在这个新类中,我们将重写一些必要的成员函数来处理tooltip的显示。 2. **初始化tooltip控制**: 在CToolTipListCtrl的构造函数中,...
在Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) 中,Tooltip是一个用于显示与鼠标指针相关的简短提示信息的控件。它通常在用户将鼠标悬停在其他UI元素上时出现,提供额外的信息。在默认情况下,Tooltip的样式是有限的,但...
在Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC)库中,ToolTip控件是一个非常实用的功能,它可以在用户将鼠标悬停在特定控件上时显示简短的提示信息。这个“MFC示例:ToolTip的使用.rar”文件包含了一个示例项目,用于演示如何...
这是一个示例Tooltip! </ReactTooltip> ); } export default MyComponent; ``` 在上面的代码中,当鼠标悬停在`span`元素上时,将在其上方显示一个黑色背景的Tooltip。 `react-tooltip`还支持各种类型的...
简单 ToolTip 类,可以设置显示位置,自己控制显示或隐藏。