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第四章 浏览器中的APN切换
业务需求:有些链接需要使用CMWAP接入点才能成功访问, 我们的浏览器必须能够自动切换CNNET, CMWAP.
分析:调用浏览器的时候在Intent中传递一个参数, 用于标示接入点需要。 我们的浏览器需要处理3种情况, 第一是参数为cmwap时, 切换成cmwap; 第二是参数为cmnet或者从桌面上的浏览器图标点击, 第一次启动浏览器时, 切换成cmnet; 第三是打开一个链接, 没有参数时, 不做切换, 直接使用当前接入点。 如果已经打开浏览器, 并且切换成cmwap, 无论后来如何去手动设置接入点, 当点击浏览器里面的链接, 或者输入其他地址进行访问时, 必须能够再次切换成wap. 已经打开为cmnet浏览器同理。 在需要切换的时候, 必须等到切换完成, 新的接入点成功连接上以后才能开始数据的载入。
改动: 1. 接入点切换方法
* change current network connection to cmwap if it's not. added by Qkf36923
public int forceAPNConnection(String apnName) {
//validate apn name.
if (apnName == null || apnName.equals("") ||
(!("cmwap".equals(apnName)||"cmnet".equals(apnName)))) {
return 0;
NetworkInfo info = conManager.getNetworkInfo(ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE);
if (!info.isAvailable()) {
return 0;
info = conManager.getActiveNetworkInfo();
String tempAPN = info == null ? "" : info.getExtraInfo();
//if current apn is not cmwap, we have to switch to cmwap.
if (!apnName.equals(tempAPN)) {
if (mNChangeReceiver != null) {
mNChangeReceiver = new NetworkChangeReceiver();
//register receiver for wap network connection.
IntentFilter upIntentFilter = new IntentFilter(ConnectivityManager.CONNECTIVITY_ACTION);
registerReceiver(mNChangeReceiver, upIntentFilter);
updateCurrentAPN(getContentResolver(), apnName);
return 1;
return 0;
在onCreate和onNewIntent的方法中去判断是否需要切换, 以及设置一些标示。
public void onCreate(Bundle icicle) {
if (!mTabControl.restoreState(icicle)) {
// clear up the thumbnail directory if we can't restore the state as
// none of the files in the directory are referenced any more.
new ClearThumbnails().execute(
// there is no quit on Android. But if we can't restore the state,
// we can treat it as a new Browser, remove the old session cookies.
final Intent intent = getIntent();
final Bundle extra = intent.getExtras();
// Create an initial tab.
// If the intent is ACTION_VIEW and data is not null, the Browser is
// invoked to view the content by another application. In this case,
// the tab will be close when exit.
UrlData urlData = getUrlDataFromIntent(intent, null);
* when request connection is specified to cmwap, we have to change current APN
* added by Qkf36923, 20110113
String requestConType = intent.getStringExtra("data_connection");
if (requestConType == null) {
//if launched from launcher, it's treated as WWW browser
if (intent.getAction().equals(Intent.ACTION_MAIN)) {
dataConnectionType = "cmnet";
} else {
//get current APN type and set it to browser
if (info != null) {
String tempAPN = info.getExtraInfo();
dataConnectionType = tempAPN;
if (forceAPNConnection(dataConnectionType) == 1) {
isSwitchingToNet = true;
} else if ("cmwap".equals(requestConType)
&& info != null && (!"cmwap".equals(info.getExtraInfo()))) {
dataConnectionType = "cmwap";
if (forceAPNConnection(dataConnectionType) == 1) {
isSwitchingToWap = true;
下面会去调用loadUrl和loadDataIn方法, 需要做相应修改:
private void loadUrl(WebView view, String url) {
updateTitleBarForNewLoad(view, url);
/**if url is navigation page, we can load it from local directly.
* Added by QuYueting 20110310. Start.
if (mNChangeReceiver != null) {
if (BrowserSettings.NAVIGATION_PAGE_URL.equals(url)
|| (url != null && url.startsWith("about:"))) {
autoLoad = true;
} else {
autoLoad = false;
mWebView = view;
tempUrl = url;
} else {
/**Added by QuYueting 20110310. End**/
private void loadUrlDataIn(Tab t, UrlData data) {
//if it's not called from OnCreate and it's switching to wap, postpone data loading. added by Qkf36923
updateTitleBarForNewLoad(t.getWebView(), data.mUrl);
/**if no need to switch or home page is set as empty, we should load navigation page instantly.
* Added by QuYueting 20110310. Start**/
if (mNChangeReceiver == null ||
(data.isEmpty() && mSettings.getHomePage().equals(""))
|| (BrowserSettings.NAVIGATION_PAGE_URL.equals(data.mUrl))
|| (data.mUrl != null && data.mUrl.startsWith("about:"))) {
} else {
mt = t;
mUrlData = data;
/**if no need to switch or home page is set as empty, we should load navigation page instantly.
* Added by QuYueting 20110310. End**/
protected void onNewIntent(Intent intent) {
UrlData urlData = getUrlDataFromIntent(intent, current);
//get request connection type, if current connection type is cmwap, it indicates
//this is monternet browser, we won't change APN any more.
String requestConType = intent.getStringExtra("data_connection");
if (requestConType == null) {
//get current APN, set browser connection type.
NetworkInfo network = conManager.getActiveNetworkInfo();
if (network != null && network.isAvailable()) {
dataConnectionType = network.getExtraInfo();
} else if ("cmwap".equals(requestConType) || "cmnet".equals(requestConType)){
dataConnectionType = requestConType;
if (forceAPNConnection(dataConnectionType) == 1) {
if ("cmwap".equals(requestConType)) {
isSwitchingToWap = true;
if ("cmnet".equals(requestConType)) {
isSwitchingToNet = true;
fromNewIntent = true;
fromNewIntent用来标志是否是第一次创建浏览器, 这在连接上目标APN网络以后如何打开页面有关系。
* receiver for observing network connection change, added by Qkf36923
public class NetworkChangeReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
if (ConnectivityManager.CONNECTIVITY_ACTION.equals(intent.getAction())) {
//NetworkInfo info = conManager.getNetworkInfo(ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE);
NetworkInfo info = intent.getParcelableExtra(
String apn = info.getExtraInfo();
if (((isSwitchingToWap && "cmwap".equals(apn))
|| (isSwitchingToNet && "cmnet".equals(apn)))
&& info.isConnected() && info.isAvailable()) {
* apn change message is sent out more than once during a second, but it
* only happens once practically.
if(mNChangeReceiver != null) {
if (fromNewIntent) {
} else {
if (!autoLoad) {
autoLoad = true;
mNChangeReceiver = null;
Message message = connectionHandler.obtainMessage(0);
connectionHandler.sendMessageDelayed(message, 300);
//load data when on Create. added by Qkf36923
private void loadUrlOnCreate() {
if (mUrlData.isEmpty()) {
if (mWebView != null) {
mWebView = null;
} else {
if (mUrlData != null) {
mUrlData = null;
private void loadUrlOnNewIntent() {
//updateTitleBarForNewLoad(mt.getWebView(), mUrlData.mUrl);
//new handler for setting wap switching flag. added by Qkf36923
Handler connectionHandler = new Handler() {
public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
if (receivedByStateListener) {
receivedByStateListener = false;
} else {
Message message = connectionHandler.obtainMessage(0);
connectionHandler.sendMessageDelayed(message, 300);
connectionHandler用于发送消息重置isSwitchingToWap和isSwitchingToNet标志。 因为本来浏览器中有一个网络监听器, 用于弹出网络是否存在的提示框。 我们进行接入点切换时网络会先断掉, 会被那个监听器收到, 从而弹出网络不存在的提示框, 这样用户体验不好,我们需要在切换的时候屏蔽掉。 所以做了以下修改:
mNetworkStateIntentReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() {
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
if (intent.getAction().equals(
ConnectivityManager.CONNECTIVITY_ACTION)) {…
if (!isSwitchingToWap && !isSwitchingToNet) {
} else {
这样当网络连接成功后, 我们需要把标志再重置回去。
业务需求:有些链接需要使用CMWAP接入点才能成功访问, 我们的浏览器必须能够自动切换CNNET, CMWAP.
分析:调用浏览器的时候在Intent中传递一个参数, 用于标示接入点需要。 我们的浏览器需要处理3种情况, 第一是参数为cmwap时, 切换成cmwap; 第二是参数为cmnet或者从桌面上的浏览器图标点击, 第一次启动浏览器时, 切换成cmnet; 第三是打开一个链接, 没有参数时, 不做切换, 直接使用当前接入点。 如果已经打开浏览器, 并且切换成cmwap, 无论后来如何去手动设置接入点, 当点击浏览器里面的链接, 或者输入其他地址进行访问时, 必须能够再次切换成wap. 已经打开为cmnet浏览器同理。 在需要切换的时候, 必须等到切换完成, 新的接入点成功连接上以后才能开始数据的载入。
改动: 1. 接入点切换方法
* change current network connection to cmwap if it's not. added by Qkf36923
public int forceAPNConnection(String apnName) {
//validate apn name.
if (apnName == null || apnName.equals("") ||
(!("cmwap".equals(apnName)||"cmnet".equals(apnName)))) {
return 0;
NetworkInfo info = conManager.getNetworkInfo(ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE);
if (!info.isAvailable()) {
return 0;
info = conManager.getActiveNetworkInfo();
String tempAPN = info == null ? "" : info.getExtraInfo();
//if current apn is not cmwap, we have to switch to cmwap.
if (!apnName.equals(tempAPN)) {
if (mNChangeReceiver != null) {
mNChangeReceiver = new NetworkChangeReceiver();
//register receiver for wap network connection.
IntentFilter upIntentFilter = new IntentFilter(ConnectivityManager.CONNECTIVITY_ACTION);
registerReceiver(mNChangeReceiver, upIntentFilter);
updateCurrentAPN(getContentResolver(), apnName);
return 1;
return 0;
在onCreate和onNewIntent的方法中去判断是否需要切换, 以及设置一些标示。
public void onCreate(Bundle icicle) {
if (!mTabControl.restoreState(icicle)) {
// clear up the thumbnail directory if we can't restore the state as
// none of the files in the directory are referenced any more.
new ClearThumbnails().execute(
// there is no quit on Android. But if we can't restore the state,
// we can treat it as a new Browser, remove the old session cookies.
final Intent intent = getIntent();
final Bundle extra = intent.getExtras();
// Create an initial tab.
// If the intent is ACTION_VIEW and data is not null, the Browser is
// invoked to view the content by another application. In this case,
// the tab will be close when exit.
UrlData urlData = getUrlDataFromIntent(intent, null);
* when request connection is specified to cmwap, we have to change current APN
* added by Qkf36923, 20110113
String requestConType = intent.getStringExtra("data_connection");
if (requestConType == null) {
//if launched from launcher, it's treated as WWW browser
if (intent.getAction().equals(Intent.ACTION_MAIN)) {
dataConnectionType = "cmnet";
} else {
//get current APN type and set it to browser
if (info != null) {
String tempAPN = info.getExtraInfo();
dataConnectionType = tempAPN;
if (forceAPNConnection(dataConnectionType) == 1) {
isSwitchingToNet = true;
} else if ("cmwap".equals(requestConType)
&& info != null && (!"cmwap".equals(info.getExtraInfo()))) {
dataConnectionType = "cmwap";
if (forceAPNConnection(dataConnectionType) == 1) {
isSwitchingToWap = true;
下面会去调用loadUrl和loadDataIn方法, 需要做相应修改:
private void loadUrl(WebView view, String url) {
updateTitleBarForNewLoad(view, url);
/**if url is navigation page, we can load it from local directly.
* Added by QuYueting 20110310. Start.
if (mNChangeReceiver != null) {
if (BrowserSettings.NAVIGATION_PAGE_URL.equals(url)
|| (url != null && url.startsWith("about:"))) {
autoLoad = true;
} else {
autoLoad = false;
mWebView = view;
tempUrl = url;
} else {
/**Added by QuYueting 20110310. End**/
private void loadUrlDataIn(Tab t, UrlData data) {
//if it's not called from OnCreate and it's switching to wap, postpone data loading. added by Qkf36923
updateTitleBarForNewLoad(t.getWebView(), data.mUrl);
/**if no need to switch or home page is set as empty, we should load navigation page instantly.
* Added by QuYueting 20110310. Start**/
if (mNChangeReceiver == null ||
(data.isEmpty() && mSettings.getHomePage().equals(""))
|| (BrowserSettings.NAVIGATION_PAGE_URL.equals(data.mUrl))
|| (data.mUrl != null && data.mUrl.startsWith("about:"))) {
} else {
mt = t;
mUrlData = data;
/**if no need to switch or home page is set as empty, we should load navigation page instantly.
* Added by QuYueting 20110310. End**/
protected void onNewIntent(Intent intent) {
UrlData urlData = getUrlDataFromIntent(intent, current);
//get request connection type, if current connection type is cmwap, it indicates
//this is monternet browser, we won't change APN any more.
String requestConType = intent.getStringExtra("data_connection");
if (requestConType == null) {
//get current APN, set browser connection type.
NetworkInfo network = conManager.getActiveNetworkInfo();
if (network != null && network.isAvailable()) {
dataConnectionType = network.getExtraInfo();
} else if ("cmwap".equals(requestConType) || "cmnet".equals(requestConType)){
dataConnectionType = requestConType;
if (forceAPNConnection(dataConnectionType) == 1) {
if ("cmwap".equals(requestConType)) {
isSwitchingToWap = true;
if ("cmnet".equals(requestConType)) {
isSwitchingToNet = true;
fromNewIntent = true;
fromNewIntent用来标志是否是第一次创建浏览器, 这在连接上目标APN网络以后如何打开页面有关系。
* receiver for observing network connection change, added by Qkf36923
public class NetworkChangeReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
if (ConnectivityManager.CONNECTIVITY_ACTION.equals(intent.getAction())) {
//NetworkInfo info = conManager.getNetworkInfo(ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE);
NetworkInfo info = intent.getParcelableExtra(
String apn = info.getExtraInfo();
if (((isSwitchingToWap && "cmwap".equals(apn))
|| (isSwitchingToNet && "cmnet".equals(apn)))
&& info.isConnected() && info.isAvailable()) {
* apn change message is sent out more than once during a second, but it
* only happens once practically.
if(mNChangeReceiver != null) {
if (fromNewIntent) {
} else {
if (!autoLoad) {
autoLoad = true;
mNChangeReceiver = null;
Message message = connectionHandler.obtainMessage(0);
connectionHandler.sendMessageDelayed(message, 300);
//load data when on Create. added by Qkf36923
private void loadUrlOnCreate() {
if (mUrlData.isEmpty()) {
if (mWebView != null) {
mWebView = null;
} else {
if (mUrlData != null) {
mUrlData = null;
private void loadUrlOnNewIntent() {
//updateTitleBarForNewLoad(mt.getWebView(), mUrlData.mUrl);
//new handler for setting wap switching flag. added by Qkf36923
Handler connectionHandler = new Handler() {
public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
if (receivedByStateListener) {
receivedByStateListener = false;
} else {
Message message = connectionHandler.obtainMessage(0);
connectionHandler.sendMessageDelayed(message, 300);
connectionHandler用于发送消息重置isSwitchingToWap和isSwitchingToNet标志。 因为本来浏览器中有一个网络监听器, 用于弹出网络是否存在的提示框。 我们进行接入点切换时网络会先断掉, 会被那个监听器收到, 从而弹出网络不存在的提示框, 这样用户体验不好,我们需要在切换的时候屏蔽掉。 所以做了以下修改:
mNetworkStateIntentReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() {
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
if (intent.getAction().equals(
ConnectivityManager.CONNECTIVITY_ACTION)) {…
if (!isSwitchingToWap && !isSwitchingToNet) {
} else {
这样当网络连接成功后, 我们需要把标志再重置回去。
1 楼
看了您的android 4篇 浏览器二次开发,感触颇深,写的很精彩,同时我又有几个问题,想请教一下:第一:怎么给内置浏览器增加一个导航的主页?第二:我将内置浏览器,独立的编译出来了,但是只能在特定的sdk版本中运行,比如:我使用Android 2.3.3版本的sdk编译的apk,它只能在android 2.3.3模拟器里运行,其他的任何版本都不可以。我想让我的浏览器支持多个版本的sdk该怎么做?
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本项目"android中的APN开发"显然是一个教学或示例应用,名为"MyApnDemo",旨在教给开发者如何在Android平台上创建、修改和管理APN设置。通过这个应用,开发者可以学习如何编写代码来实现以下功能: 1. **读取APN...
Android 系统中对于 APN 的网络 API 没有公开,但是我们可以通过阅读源代码,然后进行数据库操作,系统会自动监听数据库的变化,从而实现开启或者关闭 APN。 APN(Access Point Name)是移动网络上的一个概念,指的...
综上所述,"Android APN切换程序"是一个实用工具,它简化了Android设备上APN设置的管理,而压缩包中的文件则反映了该程序的开发结构和文档资料。对于Android用户和开发者来说,了解并掌握APN设置和此类工具的使用,...
Android APN 开发流程分析是指 Android 操作系统中数据连接的实现过程,主要涉及到数据连接的建立、维护和管理。以下是 Android APN 开发流程分析的关键知识点: 1. 数据连接流程分析 Android 的数据连接是基于 ...
### Android APN开发流程详解 #### 一、数据连接机制概览 Android设备的数据连接机制主要依赖于PPP(Point-to-Point Protocol)协议,这是一套用于在点对点链路上进行数据传输的标准协议,适用于拨号电话、ISDN、X....
在Android系统中,内置的网页浏览器“Browser”是Android开发者实现网页浏览功能的重要参考实例。这个应用程序使用了WebView组件,该组件是Android SDK的一部分,允许开发者在应用内嵌入一个可交互的网页视图。本篇...
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Android 手机中的 APN 设置是指在 Android 手机中设置移动网络的访问点名称,以便手机可以连接移动网络并进行上网、发送 MMS 等操作。 Android 手机 APN 设置的步骤: 1. 打开主菜单并点击“Settings”图标,在...
Android 全面解析 APN APN(Access Point Name)是 GPRS 背bone 中的一个参考点,指向一个 GGSN(Gateway GPRS Support Node)。GGSN 是一个核心网络设备,负责将用户的数据流量转发到互联网上。APN 是一个字符串,...
### Android的APN开发源码分析 #### 一、Android数据连接原理 Android的数据连接机制主要是基于PPP(Point-to-Point Protocol)的方式实现的。PPP协议是一种广泛使用的串行链路通信协议,它允许用户通过拨号或其他...
本项目中,我们关注的重点是如何在Android系统中设置APN,并且实现APN节点的切换,这对于网络服务的提供,特别是在企业级项目中,具有重要的实用价值。 首先,我们要理解APN的作用。APN包含了运营商信息、数据类型...
在特定场景下,例如开发涉及网络通信的应用或者需要在代码中动态切换网络模式时,理解并操作APN就显得尤为重要。 `android APN 设置`这个主题涉及到的主要知识点包括: 1. **APN概念**:APN是移动设备连接到GPRS或...
在Android系统中,APN(Access Point Name)是用于设置移动数据网络连接的关键参数,它定义了设备如何连接到互联网,通常包括网络运营商、数据服务类型等信息。本模块主要探讨的是如何在Android应用程序中通过代码来...
在Android系统中,APN(Access Point Name)是用于配置移动数据网络连接的重要设置,它定义了设备如何连接到互联网,特别是通过蜂窝数据。APN设置包括运营商、用户名、密码、代理服务器、端口等信息,对于使用特定...
### Android手机修改APN不保存解决办法 #### 一、APN基础知识介绍 APN(Access Point Name,接入点名称)是移动设备访问互联网时必须配置的重要参数之一。它不仅决定了用户通过何种接入方式访问互联网,而且还关联...
在Android系统中,APN(Access Point Name,接入点名称)是用于移动设备连接网络的重要配置,它定义了手机如何连接到互联网,包括使用的网络类型(如GPRS、3G、4G或5G)、数据服务提供商以及相关认证信息。...
10. **测试推送**: 在开发过程中,使用苹果的sandbox环境进行测试,确保一切正常后再切换到生产环境。 通过以上步骤,你就可以在Laravel项目中实现对Apple设备的APN推送功能。这个过程涉及到多个层次的集成,从证书...