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SB。 搞得那么复杂。哈哈
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花瓣网:http://huaban.com/鼻祖Pintere ...
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BuN_Ny 写道最近很不喜欢这种只贴代码的帖子。总觉得是想表 ...
前端js也能写算法 -
楼主,可不可以把帖子重新编辑下,别光写代码呢。。。写点思路之类 ...
Array.prototype.S=String.fromCharCode(2); Array.prototype.in_array=function(e) { var r=new RegExp(this.S+e+this.S); return (r.test(this.S+this.join(this.S)+this.S)); } Array.prototype.matching_math = function(){ var re = 0; for(var i = 0 ; i < this.length ; i++){ re += parseInt(this[i]); } return re; } function Region(x,y,width,height){ this.x = x; this.y = y; this.width = width; this.height = height; } function Matching(h_num,v_num,container,level,gamedata){ this.regions = []; this.canvas = document.getElementById("canvas"); this.ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); this.gamedata = gamedata; this.t = null; this.w = 60; this.h = 60; this.level = level; this.param = (h_num*v_num) / 2; this.h_num = h_num; this.v_num = v_num; this.container = $(container); this.linkpath = []; this.sourceNode = ""; this.currentNode = ""; this.loadcount = 0; this.mapdata = (function(){ var imgarr = []; for(var i = 0 ; i < level ; i++){ var temp = i+1; imgarr[i] = temp; } return imgarr; })(); this.paramdata = (function(){ // 返回有對應圖片的對數 var imgarr = []; var pushpos = 0; var maxData = (function(){ var r = 0; for(var i = 0 ; i < gamedata.length ; i++){ for(var j = 0 ; j < gamedata[i].length ; j++){ if(gamedata[i][j] == 0) r += 1; } } return r; })(); while(parseInt(imgarr.matching_math()) < maxData/2){ imgarr[pushpos] = imgarr[pushpos] ? imgarr[pushpos] + 1:1; pushpos = pushpos == (level-1) ? 0 : (pushpos +1); } return imgarr; })(); this.couple = (h_num*v_num) / 2; } Matching.prototype = { getPoint:function(){ var m = this.gamedata; var point = []; for(var i = 0 ; i < m.length ; i++){ if(!m[i]) break; for(var j = 0 ; j < m[i].length ; j++){ if(m[i][j] > -1){ var p = i+"_"+j; point.push(p); } } } return point; }, getparam:function(){ return this.paramdata; }, getmapdata:function(){ return this.mapdata; }, matchingoneline:function(pos,position){ //console.log("開始查找路徑"); /* matching just use one line 水平判斷 */ var sxpos = this.sourceNode.split(",")[0]; var sypos = this.sourceNode.split(",")[1]; var cxpos = this.currentNode.split(",")[0]; var cypos = this.currentNode.split(",")[1]; if(position == "yline"){ //console.log("yline"); var startpos = parseInt(cypos) > parseInt(sypos) ? sypos:cypos; var endpos = parseInt(cypos) < parseInt(sypos) ? sypos:cypos; var distance = Math.abs(parseInt(endpos) - parseInt(startpos)); var loopcount = 0; //console.log("start pos:"+startpos+" end pos:"+endpos); for(var i = parseInt(startpos)+1 ; i < parseInt(endpos) ; i++){ //console.log($("div.map_"+pos+"_"+i).attr("data")); if(this.gamedata[pos][i] == "-1"){ loopcount++; } } if(distance == 1 || loopcount == distance-1){ //console.log("["+cxpos+","+cypos+"] ["+sxpos+","+sypos+"] xline pos="+pos); this.drawline(this.sourceNode,pos+","+sypos,pos+","+cypos,this.currentNode); return true; }else return false; } /* matching just use one line 垂直方向判斷 */ if(position == "xline"){ //console.log("xline"); var startpos = parseInt(cxpos) > parseInt(sxpos) ? sxpos:cxpos; var endpos = parseInt(cxpos) < parseInt(sxpos) ? sxpos:cxpos; var distance = Math.abs(parseInt(endpos) - parseInt(startpos)); var loopcount = 0; //console.log("start pos:"+startpos+" end pos:"+endpos); for(var i = parseInt(startpos)+1 ; i < parseInt(endpos) ; i++){ if(this.gamedata[i][pos] == "-1" ){ loopcount++; } } if(distance == 1 || loopcount == distance-1){ //console.log("["+cxpos+","+cypos+"] ["+sxpos+","+sypos+"] xline pos="+pos); this.drawline(this.sourceNode,sxpos+","+pos,cxpos+","+pos,this.currentNode); return true; }else return false; } }, findit:function(){ var sxpos = parseInt(this.sourceNode.split(",")[0]); var sypos = parseInt(this.sourceNode.split(",")[1]); var cxpos = parseInt(this.currentNode.split(",")[0]); var cypos = parseInt(this.currentNode.split(",")[1]); /* 新算法 先查找對應的水平或者垂直方向的公共區域,然后判斷兩點是否連通 */ var sxEl = [], cxEl = [], syEl = [], cyEl = []; // push sxpos and sypos where =-1 for(var i = sxpos-1 ; i > -1 ; i--){ if(this.gamedata[i][sypos] == "-1") sxEl.push(i); else break; } for(var i = sxpos+1 ; i < this.v_num+2 ; i++){ if(this.gamedata[i][sypos] == "-1") sxEl.push(i); else break; } sxEl.push(sxpos); for(var i = sypos-1 ; i > -1 ; i--){ if(this.gamedata[sxpos][i] == "-1") syEl.push(i); else break; } for(var i = sypos+1 ; i < this.h_num+2; i++){ if(this.gamedata[sxpos][i] == "-1") syEl.push(i); else break; } syEl.push(sypos); // push cxpos and cypos where =-1 for(var i = cxpos-1 ; i > -1 ; i--){ if(this.gamedata[i][cypos] == "-1") cxEl.push(i); else break; } for(var i = cxpos+1 ; i < this.v_num+2 ; i++){ if(this.gamedata[i][cypos] == "-1") cxEl.push(i); else break; } cxEl.push(cxpos); for(var i = cypos-1 ; i > -1 ; i--){ if(this.gamedata[cxpos][i] == "-1") cyEl.push(i); else break; } for(var i = cypos+1 ; i < this.h_num +2; i++){ if(this.gamedata[cxpos][i] == "-1") cyEl.push(i); else break; } cyEl.push(cypos); /* console.log("cxEl:"+cxEl); console.log("cyEl:"+cyEl); console.log("sxEl:"+sxEl); console.log("syEl:"+syEl); */ /* 查找X方向相同點 */ var samexpos = [],sameypos = []; for(var i = 0 ; i < sxEl.length ; i++){ for(var j = 0 ; j < cxEl.length ; j++){ if(sxEl[i] == cxEl[j]) sameypos.push(parseInt(cxEl[j])); } } /* 查找y方向相同點 */ for(var i = 0 ; i < syEl.length ; i++){ for(var j = 0 ; j < cyEl.length ; j++){ if(syEl[i] == cyEl[j]) samexpos.push(parseInt(cyEl[j])); } } //console.log("same y pos:"+samexpos); //console.log("same x pos:"+sameypos); for(var i = 0 ; i < samexpos.length ; i++){ if(this.matchingoneline(samexpos[i],"xline")){ return true; break; } } for(var i = 0 ; i < sameypos.length ; i++){ if(this.matchingoneline(sameypos[i],"yline")){ return true; break; } } return false; }, drawpoint:function(sourceEl,currentEl){ var sxpos = parseInt(sourceEl.split(",")[0]); var sypos = parseInt(sourceEl.split(",")[1]); var cxpos = parseInt(currentEl.split(",")[0]); var cypos = parseInt(currentEl.split(",")[1]); if(sxpos == cxpos && sypos == cypos) return; this.ctx.beginPath(); this.ctx.lineWidth = 6; this.ctx.strokeStyle = "#1b85c1"; this.ctx.moveTo((sypos+1) * 66 - 30 ,(sxpos+1) * 66 - 30 ); this.ctx.lineTo((cypos+1) * 66 - 30 ,(cxpos+1) * 66 - 30 ); this.ctx.stroke(); }, playerMp3:function(){ var p = $("<div></div>"); p.appendTo("body"); var player = p.jPlayer({ ready: function () { $(this).jPlayer("setMedia", { mp3: "js/dp.mp3" }).jPlayer("play"); }, ended: function (event) { $(this).jPlayer("destroy"); p.remove(); }, swfPath: "js", supplied: "mp3" }); }, drawline:function(osEl,sEl,ocEl,cEl){ //this.ctx.save(); //console.log(osEl+" to "+sEl+" to "+ocEl+" to "+cEl); this.drawpoint(osEl,sEl); this.drawpoint(sEl,ocEl); this.drawpoint(ocEl,cEl); var _this = this; setTimeout(function(){ _this.ctx.clearRect(0,0,_this.canvas.width,_this.canvas.height); var sxpos = parseInt(osEl.split(",")[0]); var sypos = parseInt(osEl.split(",")[1]); var cxpos = parseInt(cEl.split(",")[0]); var cypos = parseInt(cEl.split(",")[1]); _this.sourceNode = ""; _this.currentNode = ""; _this.gamedata[sxpos][sypos] =-1; _this.gamedata[cxpos][cypos] =-1; //重新绘制map _this.map(); _this.drawCurrentMap(); },200); this.playerMp3(); }, dbparam:function(){ var param = this.getparam(); for(var i = 0 ; i < param.length ; i++){ param[i] *= 2; } return param; }, loadpic:function(){ var _this = this; var param = this.getparam(); var datas = this.getmapdata(); var dbparam = this.dbparam(); for(var i = 0 ; i < this.v_num+2 ; i++){ for(var j = 0 ; j < this.h_num+2;j++){ for(var m = 0 ; m < this.level ; m++){ if(parseInt(dbparam[m]) > 0 && this.gamedata[i][j] == 0){ dbparam[m]--; this.gamedata[i][j] = m; break; } } } } var localdata = this.gamedata; var allpoint = this.getPoint(); //console.log(allpoint); var pointlen = allpoint.length; for(var i = 0 ; i < 2000 ; i++){ var posrotate1=parseInt(Math.random()*pointlen); var posrotate2=parseInt(Math.random()*pointlen); var x1 = parseInt(allpoint[posrotate1].split("_")[0]); var y1 = parseInt(allpoint[posrotate1].split("_")[1]); var x2 = parseInt(allpoint[posrotate2].split("_")[0]); var y2 = parseInt(allpoint[posrotate2].split("_")[1]); var temp = localdata[x1][y1]; localdata[x1][y1] = localdata[x2][y2]; localdata[x2][y2] = temp; } //打亂了之后的數據 this.drawCurrentMap(); $(this.canvas).bind("click",{_this:this},this.clickFun); this.gamedata = localdata; }, drawCurrentMap:function(){ var _this = this; if(_this.loadcount == 17){ for(var i = 0 ; i < _this.v_num+2 ; i++){ for(var j = 0 ; j < _this.h_num+2;j++){ if(_this.gamedata[i][j] > -1){ var p = new Image(); p.src="images/"+(_this.gamedata[i][j] + 1)+".png"; _this.ctx.clearRect(j*60+6*(j+1), i*60+6*(i+1), 60, 60); _this.ctx.fillStyle="#FFF"; _this.ctx.fillRect (j*60+6*(j+1), i*60+6*(i+1), 60, 60); _this.ctx.drawImage(p,j*60+6*(j+1), i*60+6*(i+1), 60, 60); //p = null; } } } }else{ for(var i = 1; i <= 17 ; i++){ var p = new Image(); p.onload = function(){_this.loadcount++}; p.src="images/"+i+".png"; } var cc = setInterval(function(){ if(_this.loadcount == 17){ for(var i = 0 ; i < _this.v_num+2 ; i++){ for(var j = 0 ; j < _this.h_num+2;j++){ if(_this.gamedata[i][j] > -1){ var p = new Image(); p.src="images/"+(_this.gamedata[i][j] + 1)+".png"; _this.ctx.clearRect(j*60+6*(j+1), i*60+6*(i+1), 60, 60); _this.ctx.fillStyle="#FFF"; _this.ctx.fillRect (j*60+6*(j+1), i*60+6*(i+1), 60, 60); _this.ctx.drawImage(p,j*60+6*(j+1), i*60+6*(i+1), 60, 60); //p = null; } } } clearInterval(cc); cc = null; } },50); } }, clickFun:function(e){ var _this = e.data._this; //console.log(_this.gamedata); var mouseX = e.clientX - canvas.offsetLeft; var mouseY = e.clientY - canvas.offsetTop; var topStock = parseInt(mouseX / 66,10); // 判斷左側的格子個數 var leftStock = parseInt(mouseY / 66,10); // 判斷頂部的格子個數 if(_this.gamedata[leftStock][topStock] == "-1") return; if(_this.sourceNode == ""){ _this.drawStoneImage(leftStock,topStock,0.5); //console.log("mouseX:"+mouseX + ",mouseY:"+mouseY); //console.log("leftStock:"+leftStock + ",topStock:"+topStock); _this.sourceNode = leftStock+","+topStock; }else{ _this.currentNode = leftStock+","+topStock; var sx = parseInt(_this.sourceNode.split(",")[0]); var sy = parseInt(_this.sourceNode.split(",")[1]); var cx = parseInt(_this.currentNode.split(",")[0]); var cy = parseInt(_this.currentNode.split(",")[1]); if(_this.currentNode == _this.sourceNode || _this.gamedata[sx][sy] != _this.gamedata[cx][cy]){ _this.drawStoneImage(cx,cy); _this.drawStoneImage(sx,sy); _this.currentNode = ""; _this.sourceNode = ""; //console.log("mouseX:"+mouseX + ",mouseY:"+mouseY); //console.log("leftStock:"+leftStock + ",topStock:"+topStock); }else{ _this.drawStoneImage(cx,cy,0.5); // _this.findPath() if(_this.findit()){ //console.log("find it"); _this.clearImage(cx,cy); _this.clearImage(sx,sy); }else{ //console.log("findn't it"); _this.drawStoneImage(cx,cy); _this.drawStoneImage(sx,sy); } } } }, drawStoneImage:function(x,y,transparent){ var trans = transparent || 1; var p = new Image(); p.src="images/"+(parseInt(this.gamedata[x][y]) + 1)+".png"; this.ctx.clearRect(y*60+6*(y+1), x*60+6*(x+1), 60, 60); this.ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(255, 255, 255, "+trans+")"; if(trans != 1){ /*畫上圖片*/ this.ctx.drawImage(p,y*60+6*(y+1), x*60+6*(x+1), 60, 60); /*畫上透明背景*/ this.ctx.fillRect (y*60+6*(y+1), x*60+6*(x+1), 60, 60); }else{ this.ctx.fillRect (y*60+6*(y+1), x*60+6*(x+1), 60, 60); this.ctx.drawImage(p,y*60+6*(y+1), x*60+6*(x+1), 60, 60); } p = null; }, clearImage:function(x,y){ return; var trans = 1; this.ctx.clearRect(y*60+6*(y+1), x*60+6*(x+1), 60, 60); this.ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(255, 255, 255, "+trans+")"; /*畫上透明背景*/ this.ctx.fillRect (y*60+6*(y+1), x*60+6*(x+1), 60, 60); this.sourceNode = ""; this.currentNode = ""; this.gamedata[x][y] = -1; }, map:function(){ var htmlstring = ""; var box_count = 0; this.ctx.fillStyle = "rgb(0,0,0)"; this.ctx.fillRect (0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); for(var i = 0 ; i < this.v_num+2 ; i++){ for(var j = 0 ; j < this.h_num+2;j++){ this.ctx.fillStyle="#FFF"; this.ctx.fillRect (j*60+6*(j+1), i*60+6*(i+1), 60, 60); } } } } /*canvas event*/ var mapdata = [ [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], [-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,0], [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], [0,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1], [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], [-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,0], [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], [0,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1], ]; var matching = new Matching(9,6,"#canvas",17,mapdata); matching.map(); $(".console a").click(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); matching.loadpic(); });
总的来说,这个源码实例结合了Canvas的基本绘图、动画控制、事件监听以及可能的图像处理技术,为学习者提供了一个生动的HTML5 Canvas实践案例。通过研究和理解这个源码,开发者可以深化对HTML5 Canvas API的理解,并...
这个压缩包“HTML5 Canvas核心技术代码”很可能包含了《HTML5 Canvas核心技术》这本书中的示例代码,用于帮助读者深入理解并实践Canvas的各种功能。 1. **Canvas基本概念**: - Canvas是一个HTML元素,通过...
这个游戏不仅展示了HTML5 Canvas的技术潜力,也为学习者提供了一个很好的实践案例,通过研究源代码,可以深入了解Canvas的绘图和游戏开发原理。同时,这个小游戏也表明,HTML5 Canvas不仅可以用于复杂的可视化应用,...
“玩转html5canvas画图 - TimeLangoliers - 博客园.htm”可能是该教程的一部分,可能包含了作者TimeLangoliers对于Canvas的一些实践经验和示例代码。博客园_files目录下可能包含与博客文章相关的图片或辅助文件。 ...
HTML5 Canvas是现代网页开发中一种极为重要的图形绘制技术。它允许在网页上绘制图形,通过JavaScript控制图形的绘制细节,让网页不仅仅局限于展示静态内容,而是可以实现动态的、交互式的图形绘制。本书名为“HTML5 ...
总的来说,“canvas粒子球”是一个很好的HTML5 Canvas实践案例,它展示了如何结合HTML、CSS和JavaScript来创建动态的、互动的网页效果。通过深入理解并掌握这些技术,开发者可以创造出更多富有创意的网页交互体验。
HTML5 Canvas是Web开发中...总的来说,"HTML5 Canvas一群鸟空中盘旋动画特效"是一个结合了Canvas绘图、动画原理、数学模拟以及JavaScript编程技巧的综合应用案例,对于学习和掌握HTML5 Canvas技术有着很好的实践价值。
"HTML5 Canvas核心技术—图形、动画与游戏开发"这本书深入浅出地介绍了Canvas的核心概念和实践技巧,通过丰富的示例代码帮助初学者快速掌握这一技术。 1. **Canvas基础** - **绘图上下文**:Canvas API主要通过`...
总的来说,"html5 canvas模拟满天星空背景动画特效"是一个综合运用了Canvas API、动画原理、随机生成、事件处理等技术的项目,通过学习和实践,可以深入理解HTML5 Canvas的强大功能和动画制作技巧。
HTML5 Canvas是Web开发中的一个关键技术,...通过学习和实践这些HTML5 Canvas的核心技术,开发者可以构建出交互性强、视觉效果丰富的Web应用程序,无论是数据可视化、游戏开发还是艺术创作,Canvas都能提供强大的支持。
在这个“HTML5 Canvas全屏背景动画特效”的主题中,我们将深入探讨如何利用Canvas来创建引人注目的全屏动画背景,以及相关的编程技术和实践技巧。 一、Canvas基础 1. Canvas元素:HTML5引入的Canvas是一个二维绘图...
HTML5 Canvas是一个强大的Web图形接口,它允许开发者在网页上绘制矢量图形和位图图像。这个"html5 canvas 小游戏"是一个基于Canvas的互动游戏,通过JavaScript编程语言实现。JavaScript是Web开发中用于创建动态和...
《开源的HTML5 Canvas画图插件 - Literally Canvas详解》 HTML5的Canvas元素为网页带来了强大的图形绘制能力,而Literally Canvas则是一个优秀的基于Canvas的开源画图插件,它提供了一套完整的画图工具,使得用户...
HTML5 Canvas是Web开发中的一个强大工具,它允许开发者在网页上进行动态图形绘制,无需依赖任何外部插件。这款“html5 canvas文字放射发光动画特效”利用了Canvas API的功能,创造出引人注目的视觉效果,尽管可能在...
总的来说,这个压缩包提供了一个基于HTML5 Canvas、jQuery和CSS的实践案例,用于学习和练习手写文字的绘制及特效制作。通过深入研究这些文件,开发者不仅可以提升Canvas绘图技能,还能了解如何将jQuery与Canvas结合...
HTML5 Canvas是Web开发中的一个强大工具,它允许开发者在网页上进行动态图形绘制,为游戏和娱乐应用提供了丰富的可能性。这本书"Foundation HTML5 Canvas For Games and Entertainment"深入浅出地探讨了如何利用...
HTML5 Canvas是Web开发中的一个强大工具,它允许开发者在网页上进行动态图形绘制,创造出丰富的交互式用户体验。"马赛克滚动调整"这个主题主要涉及Canvas如何实现马赛克效果,并且这种效果还能随着用户的滚动操作...
本书“HTML5 Canvas核心技术—图形、动画与游戏开发”深入探讨了这一技术的核心概念和实践应用,对于想要掌握Canvas的开发者来说是一份宝贵的资源。 在试读章节中,读者可能会接触到以下基础概念: 1. **Canvas元素...