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SharePoint 2003 WebPart 开发笔记

SharePoint 2003 WebPart 开发笔记
第一章 开发一个Web Part Project
第一节 新建一个Web Part Library project 项目
       a)如果你在Microsoft.SharePoint server上开发,可以在引用中直接找到。
第二节 在开发以前的准备工作
1.指定Build output path。
       a) 指定到Assembly所在目录。如:C:\inetpub\wwwroot\bin。
       b) 想发布到GAC中(C:\windows\assembly),只能用copy 和 .net 命令gacUtil.exe注册。
       c) 发布到其它目录中(for example, \inetpub\wwwroot\mydir or mydir2\bin),这样,你需要修改web.config文件,在<configuration>中加入下面的节点
       a) 打开文件AssemblyInfo.cs,修改成
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
       WebPart是在Internet or Intranet上开发设计的,为了在创建WebPart时的安全原因,你必须用强名来指定你的WebPart,这样用户才能准确的打到你提供的WebPart。
       a) 生成一个强名文件。Sn.exe –k c:\keypair.snk
       b) 填加强名引用
[assembly: AssemblyKeyFile("c:\\keypair.snk")]
第三节 代码开发
假定你是使用WebPart Library进行开发的。
(一)定义Toolbox data
[ToolboxData("<{0}:WebPart1 runat=server></{0}:WebPart1>")]    // 注意其中Target的定义与类名相同
public class WebPart1 : Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages.WebPart{
(二)定义XML namespace
如果想成功导入用户自定义WebPart,你必须为每一个WebPart设置XML namespace属性。这个动作是在Web Part Class 定义的时候完成的。
// File: SimpleWebPart.cs
// Purpose: A sample Web Part that demonstrates how to create a basic
// Web Part.
using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Xml.Serialization;
using Microsoft.SharePoint;
using Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages;
using Microsoft.SharePoint.Utilities;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
namespace MyWebParts
    /// This Web Part changes it's own title and implements a custom property.
    public class SimpleWebPart : WebPart
        private const string defaultText = "hello";
        private string text=defaultText;
        // Declare variables for HtmlControls user interface elements.
        HtmlButton _mybutton;
        HtmlInputText _mytextbox;
        // Event handler for _mybutton control that sets the
        // Title property to the value in _mytextbox control.
        public void _mybutton_click (object sender, EventArgs e)
            this.Title = _mytextbox.Value;
                Caption = "Error... Could not save property.";
        // Override the ASP.NET Web.UI.Controls.CreateChildControls
        // method to create the objects for the Web Part's controls.     
        protected override void CreateChildControls ()
            // Create _mytextbox control.
            _mytextbox = new HtmlInputText();
            // Create _mybutton control and wire its event handler.
            _mybutton = new HtmlButton();
            _mybutton.InnerText = "Set Web Part Title";
            _mybutton.ServerClick += new EventHandler (_mybutton_click);
            Controls.Add (_mybutton);
        FriendlyName("Text"),Description("Text Property")]
        public string Text
                return text;
                text = value;
        protected override void RenderWebPart(HtmlTextWriter output)
            // Securely write out HTML
            output.Write("<BR>Text Property: " + SPEncode.HtmlEncode(Text));   
注意:默认情况下,信认级别设置成WSS_Minimal,它不能访问SharePoint object model。为了能设置 SaveProperties 属性,你必须执行下面三个动作。
       a) Create a custom policy file for your assembly.
       b) Install your assembly in the global assembly cache.
       c) Increase the trust level for the entire virtual server.
第四节 配置您 的Web part
(一)注册你的Web Part 作为一个SafeControl
作为一个安全办法,Windows SharePoint Services 要求你在Web.Config文件中注册Web Part’s assembly和namespace作为一个Safecontrol。
下面将一个WebPart Assembly注册成一个SafeControl,编辑c:\inetpub\wwwroot\web.config文件,将下面的节点填加到<SafeControls>块中。
SafeControl Attributes:
    Assembly="[Assembly]" - The .NET assembly in which the control is contained. This attribute can also contain version, culture,_u97 ?nd public key token information.
    Namespace="[Namespace]" - The .NET namespace in which the control is defined.                                        
    TypeName="[Typename]" - The .NET class name of the control. You can type an asterisk (*) wildcard character to indicate all TypeNames in a Namespace.
    Safe="[True|False]" - Specifies whether a Web Part or Web Form Control is safe and can be displayed on a Web Parts Page. This attribute is True by default.

   Assembly="SimpleWebPart, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=def148956c61a16b"
注意:将你的Web Part’s assembly.替换为PublicKeyToken的值,要正确获得这个值,请使用sn.exe命令。
sn.exe -T c:\inetpub\wwwroot\bin\SimpleWebPart.dll
第五节 创建Web Part Definition 文件(.dwp)
一个非常简单的DWP文件为一个单独的WebPart完成了属性设置。通过dwp的导入,可以实现将web part在sharepoint中灵活托放。
       在一个Web part definition文件中,Assembly和TypeName是必须被设置的。
   <Assembly>AssemblyName(with no .dll extension), Version=VersionNumber, Culture=Culture, PublicKeyToken=PublicKeyToken</Assembly>
第六节 向Web Part Page中导入你的Web Part
1. Open a Web Part Page on your server.
2. Click Modify My Page or Modify Shared Page (depending on whether you're in Personal View or Shared View) in the upper right corner of the page and click Add Web Parts from the menu.
Click Import.
3. Browse to the location of the SimpleWebPart.dwp file and click the Upload button. After uploading, the page will refresh and "My Simple Web Part" should be displayed under Imported Web Part.
4. Drag the icon next to "My Simple Web Part" to a zone on the Web Part Page.
5. Type some text in the text box, and then click Set Web Part Title to test the part.
第二章 创建一个Web Part的自定义用户属性
第一节 创建自定义用户属性
(一)修改XML Settings
除了一些特殊的要求外,你完全可以象在ASP.net的Web UserControl那样定义自定义控件。由于Web Part 的属性被用户定义,并且以XML形式保存在SharePoint storage System中,所以你必须作下面这些,才能将自定义的属性保存起来。
1. 添加System.Xml.dll的引用。
2. 在你定义的属性的同时,定义XML namespace属性。If you add the XML namespace at the root level, you are not required to assign XML namespaces at the property level. An XML namespace assigned at the property level will override the XML namespace assigned at the root level. The XmlRoot attribute has the following form:
[XmlRoot(Namespace="name of namespace")]
在每一个Web Part自定义属性都需要你设置符加的方法,一个典型的属性设置如下
[AttributeDeclaration1, AttributeDeclaration2,...]
public PropertyType PropertyVariable
private PropertyType PrivatePropertyVariable
return PrivatePropertyVariable;
    PrivatePropertyVariable = value;
你设置的这些属性将在添加WebPart过程中的WebPart属性框中显示出你设置并存储的值。大部分的属性是System.ComponentModel namespace中提供的类,你可以在开发过程中引用和定义它们。有些属性,如WebPartStorage属性,它就是用来设置WebPart的属性用的。下面列举了属性及定义:
Set to false if you don’t want to display the custom property in the property pane. Also, if you set the WebPartStorage attribute to Storage.None, your property won't display in the property pane.
The title of the section of the property pane that you want created to display the custom property. If you don't specify the Category attribute or if you specify the Category attribute as "Default", your custom property is displayed in the Miscellaneous section of the property pane.
Note  If you specify one of the default categories, such as Appearance, your Category attribute setting is ignored, and your property is displayed in the Miscellaneous section.
The default value of the custom property. Specifying the default value minimizes the Web Part's storage requirements by storing the property's value only if it is different from the default.
The contents of the tool tip that appears when you pause the mouse pointer over the custom property in the property pane.
The caption displayed for the custom property in the property pane. If you don't specify this attribute, the actual property name will be displayed in the property pane.
Set to true if you want the custom property to be read-only in the property pane.
Set to Storage.Shared to display the custom property in the property pane when the user is in shared view of the page. Set to Storage.Personal to display the custom property in the property pane when the user is in Shared or Personal view of the page. Set to Storage.None if you don’t want the setting to persist for the custom property. The custom property won’t be displayed in the property pane.
Used to associate a property builder with the property.
(四)一个简单的Web Part中包含用户自定义属性的例子
下面的这个例子将演示如何定义下面的自定义属性: string, bool, int, float, enum, System.DateTime, and System.Drawing.KnownColor.
// File : WebPartCustomProperties.cs
// Purpose : A sample Web Part that implements custom properties
//       of the following types: string, bool, int, float, enum,
//       System.DateTime, and System.Drawing.KnownColor
//           After building and installing this Web Part, display
//           the property pane to see how the user interface
//           for setting their values is rendered.
using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Xml.Serialization;
using Microsoft.SharePoint;
using Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages;
namespace WebPartLibrary2
    /// Summary description for CustomPropertyWebPart.
    ToolboxData("<{0}:CustomPropertyWebPart runat=server></{0}:CustomPropertyWebPart>"),
    public class CustomPropertyWebPart : Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages.WebPart
        const string c_MyStringDefault = "Sample String";
        const bool c_MyBoolDefault = false;
        const int c_MyIntDefault = 20;
        const float c_MyFloatDefault = 33.33f;
        public enum myFarmEnum
        protected myFarmEnum _myEnum;
        // Private variables
        private string _myString;
        private bool _myBool;
        private int _myInt;
        private float _myFloat;
        private System.DateTime _myDateTime;
        private System.Drawing.KnownColor _myColor =
        // Constructor
        public CustomPropertyWebPart()
            // Initialize private variables.
            _myString = c_MyStringDefault;
            _myBool = c_MyBoolDefault;
            _myInt = c_MyIntDefault;
            _myFloat = c_MyFloatDefault;
            _myEnum = myFarmEnum.hay;
            _myDateTime = System.DateTime.Now;
        // Creates a custom property that is a string.
        // This property will be displayed as a text box in the
        // property pane.
        // Create a custom category in the property sheet.
        [Category("Custom Properties")]
            // Assign the default value.
            // Property is available in both Personalization
            // and Customization mode.
            // The caption that appears in the property sheet.
        [FriendlyNameAttribute("Custom String")]
            // The tool tip that appears when pausing the mouse pointer over
            // the friendly name in the property pane.
        [Description("Type a string value.")]
            // Display the property in the property pane.
            // The accessor for this property.
        public string MyString
                return _myString;
                _myString = value;
        // Creates a custom property that is a Boolean value.
        // This property will display as a check box in the
        // property pane.
        [Category("Custom Properties")]
        [FriendlyNameAttribute("Custom Boolean")]
        [Description("Select to set value to True.")]
            // The accessor for this property.
        public bool MyBool


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