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<font color="#3f3d3d" size="5">How to disable the warning popup when open a document in office from SharePoint ?</font>


This kind of question comes very often in the french newsgroup.

I speak for the famous "warning popup" when you click on a document in SharePoint :

  • US : “Some files can harm your computer. If the file information looks suspicious or you do not fully trust the source, do not open the file.”
  • French : "Certains fichiers peuvent endommager votre ordinateur. Si les informations du fichier semblent suspectes ou si la source n'est aps entierement fiable, n'ouvrez pas le fichier.

A clear and soft message but really annoying in a intranet.

If you re asking yourself where it's come from, just have a look in the KB :

How documents are opened from a Web site in Office 2003 ?

If you just want to desactivate this popup, just have a look in your registry :

  • [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Excel.Sheet.8]
    @="Microsoft Excel Worksheet"
  • [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\PowerPoint.Show.8]
    @="Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation"
  • [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Word.Document.8]
    @="Microsoft Word Document"

>>> i found this solution on SharePoint University via this post : there a reg file too

If the registry is too dangerous fo you : don't worry, just go to Windows explorer under "Tools" --> "Folder options...", select the "File types" option.
>>> Highlight the word file type (.doc) and click on the "advanced" button. The
value corresponds to the first check box "Confirm open after download". If you remove this option, the files are opened in read-only mode without any prompt.





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