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依赖注入和控制反转 -
依赖注入和控制反转 -
依赖注入和控制反转 -
依赖注入和控制反转 -
event是建立在对象之间通信的机制。比如当鼠标点击的时候,从服务器接受数据的时候,或者当view建立的时候。Events are the mechanism by which objects communicate with each other when something changes. For example, an event might be generated when a mouse button is clicked, or when data arrives from a server, or when a view has been constructed.
In LZX programs, events are not broadcast, but rather they are communicated in a point-to-point fashion using delegates
, which are basically function pointers that are referenced when events happen.
This implementation increases flexibility and reduces the overhead of using events. However, for the purposes of the discussion in this chapter we're going to ignore delegates and speak of events in a slightly less 严密的方式, saying, for example when such-and-such an event occurs, thus and such happens, leaving aside for now an explanation of how it happens.
Views have 大约two dozen defined events, as listed on the entry for <view>
in the LZX Reference Manual. Many of these events that deal with user input, such as onblur
, onclick
, onkeydown
, will be familiar to JavaScript programmers. Other events, such as onheight
and onopacity
, pertain to views' visible attributes. Finally, the oninit
and onconstruct
events are related to the creation of the instances of view objects. Similarly, other system-defined LZX objects such as Datasets (see below) have events associated with them.
Events and attributes often 成对出现, and in fact, the default behavior of the setAttribute()
method is to set the named property and send the event called "on
" + property. For instance, when a view changes its x
(horizontal) position, it sends the event onx
with the new value for its x
property. This means that in addition to system-defined events, there exists an event for each attribute you define.
When an event happens, control is transferred to its associated event-handler (if one is defined). Events can be sent with a single argument, which usually conveys information about the property that changed.
Elsewhere in this Guide we discuss how events are implemented in LZX, and how the event architecture bears upon program design. In particular, Chapter 30, Delegates discusses the relationship between events and delegates.
In LZX, a method is a JavaScript function associated with a particular object.
Functions are invoked using the ()
operator. Thus,
<view name="dog"> <method name="bark"> <!-- some JavaScript code --> </method> </view>
Defines a function that is executed when invoked by name, as in
In JavaScript, the this
keyword is used to refer to the object through which the function was invoked.
A handler is like a method. But whereas a method is invoked by its name, a handler must be associated with a particular event. The handler script will be executed when the referenced view receives an event with this name. For example,
<view> <handler name="onclick"> <!-- some JavaScript code --> </handler> </view>
defines a function that is executed when the view is clicked on. Consider
<method name="bark">
<!-- some JavaScript code -->
<handler name="onclick">
</handler >
When the view is clicked on, the onclick
event causes the execution of the handler()
which in turn invokes the method named bark()
. Event handlers are often identified in an opening tag, as in
<view onclick="clickHandler()"> <method name="clickHandler"> <!-- some JavaScript code --> </method> </view>
There are three general categories of methods and handler:
"On init" methods that are invoked when their parent object is created;
handlers that are invoked when their parent object receives a specified event;
named methods that are explicitly invoked by other methods.
Note that you can define a method using conventional JavaScript syntax, but in LZX the preferred way to declare a method is with the <method>
Also note that in LZX, unlike many other object-oriented systems, you can override a method in an instance of an object. This topic is covered in Chapter 33, Extending Classes.
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- **事件(Events)**:处理用户输入和其他触发条件下的响应行为。 - **脚本(Scripting)**:提供脚本语言支持,用于控制应用程序的行为。 - **内联 HTTP(Inline HTTP)**:允许应用程序直接进行网络请求。 - **绘图 API...
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OpenLaszlo —— 一个快速构建和部署富 Internet 应用程序的平台 -- Linux,C,C++,Java,Ajax,XML,perl,php,python,ruby,MySQL,Gnome,KDE,Qt,Gtk,bash,shell,嵌入式,网络,信息安全,操作系统,数据结构,编译原理
openlaszlo应用程序开发使用的是基于XML的LZX语言,它可以被编译成DHMTL,SWF等格式。 openlaszlo可作为openmeetings客户端的编译。 因安装程序90+MB,所以切分为两个压缩包。 openlaszlo-4.9.0-windows-dev-install....
openlaszlo应用程序开发使用的是基于XML的LZX语言,它可以被编译成DHMTL,SWF等格式。 openlaszlo可作为openmeetings客户端的编译。 因安装程序90+MB,所以切分为两个压缩包。 openlaszlo-4.9.0-windows-dev-install....
openlaszlo应用程序开发使用的是基于XML的LZX语言,它可以被编译成DHMTL,SWF等格式。 是openmeetings视频会议系统的默认开发编译工具。
这是用Openlaszlo开发的计算器程序,可以实现基本的计算操作。 我是刚学openlaszlo,欢迎朋友们提出宝贵意见!
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2. **配置步骤**:首先,下载OpenLaszlo Server的servlet文件(如openlaszlo-3.3.3-servlet.war),将其解压并放入Tomcat的webapps目录下。启动Tomcat后,LPS会被自动部署。接着,可以创建LZX文件并进行测试。 **...
OpenLaszlo is an increasingly popular open-source platform for the development and delivery of rich internet applications across multiple platforms: Flash, DHTML, and J2ME. The dramatic emergence of ...
Geoar - WMS/WFS OpenLaszlo 客户端GeoAr 是 WMS 和 WFS 服务的富客户端实现。 它是在 LZX (OpenLaszlo) 上开发的,因此它向用户的浏览器提供 dhtml 或 flash,从而提供在它们之间进行选择的机会,但只有一个服务器...
### Openlaszlo+JSF:SWF动画制作与Struts框架整合配置详解 #### 一、OpenLaszlo简介及SWF动画制作 **OpenLaszlo**是一款开源的跨平台开发工具,用于创建RIA(Rich Internet Applications)。它允许开发者使用一种...
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- 首先,你需要下载 OpenLaszlo Server 的servlet包,例如 `openlaszlo-3.3.3-servlet.war`,并将它部署到Tomcat的 `webapps` 目录下。 - 启动Tomcat后,会自动解压war文件,并创建一个名为 `openlaszlo-3.3.3-...
9. **OpenLaszlo Server**: OpenLaszlo用于编译OpenMeeting的客户端界面。下载并安装相应版本的OpenLaszlo服务器,然后进行配置。 10. **OpenMeeting源代码**: 通过Subversion (SVN) 从指定URL获取OpenMeeting的源...
如果这个项目与OpenLaszlo有关,那么可能是将C++编写的火焰识别算法集成到OpenLaszlo应用中,以提供更丰富的视觉体验。 文件列表中的“实例77”可能是一个示例项目或者代码片段,展示了如何使用提供的C++ API来实现...
手册详尽地介绍了Laszlo的核心概念、安装配置、LZX语言、事件处理、动态效果、约束机制以及OpenLaszlo的开发实践,旨在帮助读者快速掌握Laszlo并应用于Web工程。 Laszlo是一种开源的富互联网应用程序(RIA)开发...