table 1 amount of income in certain industries (in billions of dollars)
industry year 1 year 2 year 3 year 4 year 5
agriculture 22 26 26 30 51
communication 14 17 18 20 21
construction 36 43 47 52 57
finance and real estate 78 90 100 108 118
manufacturing 213 218 226 253 287
transportation 27 30 33 36 40
1. which industry had the largest increase in the dollar amount of income from
year 1 to year 2?
a. agriculture
b. construction
c. finance and real estate
d. manufacturing
e. transportation
2. which industry had the smallest increase in the dollar amount of income from
year 1 to year 5?
a. agriculture
b. construction
c. finance and real estate
d. manufacturing
e. transportation
3. which industry experienced the largest percentage increase from year 3 to
year 4?
a. agriculture
b. communication
c. construction
d. finance and real estate
e. manufacturing
4. which industry experienced the least percent change from year 1 to year 4?
a. agriculture
b. communication
c. construction
d. manufacturing
e. transportation
5. for which industry was there the least consistent increase in income over the
period of time covered by the table?
a. agriculture
b. construction
c. finance and real estate
d. manufacturing
e. transportation
6. if the trend in the transportation industry were to continue, its income for
year 6 would most likely be about
a. 42 billion dollars
b. 44 billion dollars
c. 46 billion dollars
d. 48 billion dollars
e. 50 billion dollars
7. in which of the following instances has the first type of industry named
consistently had an income about half that of the second?
a. agriculture; finance and real estate
b. communication; agriculture
c. construction; finance and real estate
d. finance and real estate; manufacturing
e. transportation; communication
8. in how many instances did a type of industry make a gain of 10% or more over
the previous year listed?
a. 1 - 4
b. 5 - 8
c. 9 - 12
d. 13 - 16
e. 17 - 20
9. the type of industry showing the steadiest rate of growth in income during
this period was
a. communication
b. construction
c. finance and real estate
d. manufacturing
e. transportation
10. in which one of the following groups did all three types of industry increase
their respective incomes by most nearly one-third from year 1 to year 3?
a. agriculture; communication; transportation
b. agriculture; communication; construction
c. communication; construction; transportation
d. construction; finance and real estate, transportation
e. communication; construction; finance and real estate
11. which one of these types of industry experienced the least percent change
from year 1 to year 4?
a. agriculture
b. communication
c. construction
d. manufacturing
e. transportation
12. among the following, the greatest percentage increase in income occurred for
a. agriculture between year 3 and year 4
b. communication between year 2 and year 3
c. construction between year 1 and year 2
d. finance and real estate between year 4 and year 5
e. manufacturing between year 3 and year 4
在求职面试中,IQ测试也常作为评估应聘者潜在工作能力和问题解决能力的一个环节,尤其是在竞争激烈的职场环境下,一个良好的IQ测试成绩可以成为候选人突出重围的重要砝码。 IQ测试题目通常分为言语理解表达、图形...
这些题目涵盖了多个领域,包括逻辑推理、数学运算、词语关系、图形识别等,这些都是校招笔试中常见的测试点。下面是对各个题目知识点的详细解析: 1. 选择题的规律问题通常考察逻辑思维和模式识别能力,需要找到...
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这个名为“网龙IQ测试.zip”的压缩包文件,正是网龙公司入职前的智力评估工具,它包含了对求职者智力水平的全面测试。 IQ,即智商(Intelligence Quotient),是一个衡量个体智力水平的标准,主要考察的是一个人在...
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