Web Dynpro for ABAP 的查询条件可以使用Select Options。在使用Select Options时需要先进行初始化,在界面生产Select Options UI。
- 初始化Select Options
method init_select_options . ************************************************************************ * 初始化 Web Dynpro select options * 建议全部使用 selection_field,parameter_field 不能用标准功能 reset ************************************************************************ data lo_cmp_usage type ref to if_wd_component_usage. data lo_interfacecontroller type ref to iwci_wdr_select_options . data: lr_range_table type ref to data. data: lt_value_set type wdy_key_value_table. " DropDownByKey 下拉值 lo_cmp_usage = wd_this->wd_cpuse_select_options( ). if lo_cmp_usage->has_active_component( ) is initial. lo_cmp_usage->create_component( ). endif. lo_interfacecontroller = wd_this->wd_cpifc_select_options( ). call method lo_interfacecontroller->init_selection_screen receiving r_helper_class = wd_this->select_options. * select options 全局设置,不显示 select options 标准按钮 call method wd_this->select_options->set_global_options exporting i_display_btn_cancel = abap_false i_display_btn_check = abap_false i_display_btn_reset = abap_false i_display_btn_execute = abap_false. * 增加 block as tray call method wd_this->select_options->add_block exporting i_id = 'BL' i_block_type = if_wd_select_options=>mc_block_type_tray i_title = '查询条件'. * 增加“单据类型” as DropDownByKey call method wd_this->select_options->create_range_table exporting i_typename = 'ZCDM_FORM_APP_TP' * i_length = * i_decimals = receiving rt_range_table = lr_range_table . * 读取 domain 的值 select domvalue_l ddtext into table lt_value_set from dd07t where domname = 'ZCDM_FORM_APP_TP' and as4local = 'A' and ddlanguage = '1'. call method wd_this->select_options->add_selection_field exporting i_id = 'APP_TP' i_within_block = 'BL' i_description = '单据申请类型' it_result = lr_range_table i_no_extension = abap_true i_no_intervals = abap_true i_as_dropdown = abap_true it_value_set = lt_value_set. clear: lr_range_table , lt_value_set. * 增加 “申请号” as selection field call method wd_this->select_options->create_range_table exporting i_typename = 'ZCDM_APP_TOPIC_CD' * i_length = * i_decimals = receiving rt_range_table = lr_range_table . call method wd_this->select_options->add_selection_field exporting i_id = 'APP_CD' i_within_block = 'BL' i_description = '申请号' it_result = lr_range_table * i_value_help_type = *IF_WD_VALUE_HELP_HANDLER=>CO_PREFIX_NONE * i_value_help_id = * i_value_help_mode = * i_value_help_structure = * i_value_help_structure_field = * i_help_request_handler = i_no_extension = abap_true i_no_intervals = abap_true . clear lr_range_table. * 增加 “选题类型” as DropDownByKey call method wd_this->select_options->create_range_table exporting i_typename = 'ZCDM_TYPE_NUMBER' * i_length = * i_decimals = receiving rt_range_table = lr_range_table . select z_type_number z_type_desc into table lt_value_set from zcdm_t_type where z_type_id = 'T11'. call method wd_this->select_options->add_selection_field exporting i_id = 'TOP_TP' i_within_block = 'BL' i_description = '选题类型' it_result = lr_range_table i_no_extension = abap_true i_no_intervals = abap_true i_as_dropdown = abap_true it_value_set = lt_value_set. clear: lr_range_table , lt_value_set. * 增加“选题级别” as DropDownByKey call method wd_this->select_options->create_range_table exporting i_typename = 'ZCDM_TOPIC_LEVEL' * i_length = * i_decimals = receiving rt_range_table = lr_range_table . select domvalue_l ddtext into table lt_value_set from dd07t where domname = 'ZCDM_TOPIC_LEVEL' and as4local = 'A' and ddlanguage = '1'. call method wd_this->select_options->add_selection_field exporting i_id = 'TOP_LE' i_within_block = 'BL' i_description = '选题级别' it_result = lr_range_table i_no_extension = abap_true i_no_intervals = abap_true i_as_dropdown = abap_true it_value_set = lt_value_set. clear: lr_range_table , lt_value_set. * 增加 “选题名称” as selection field call method wd_this->select_options->create_range_table exporting i_typename = 'ZCDM_TOPIC_NAME' * i_length = * i_decimals = receiving rt_range_table = lr_range_table . call method wd_this->select_options->add_selection_field exporting i_id = 'TOP_NM' i_within_block = 'BL' i_description = '选题名称' it_result = lr_range_table i_no_extension = abap_true i_no_intervals = abap_true. clear lr_range_table. * 增加“审批状态” as DropDownByKey call method wd_this->select_options->create_range_table exporting i_typename = 'ZCDM_APP_STATUS' * i_length = * i_decimals = receiving rt_range_table = lr_range_table . select domvalue_l ddtext into table lt_value_set from dd07t where domname = 'ZCDM_APP_STATUS' and as4local = 'A' and ddlanguage = '1'. call method wd_this->select_options->add_selection_field exporting i_id = 'APP_STA' i_within_block = 'BL' i_description = '审批状态' it_result = lr_range_table i_no_extension = abap_true i_no_intervals = abap_true i_as_dropdown = abap_true it_value_set = lt_value_set. clear: lr_range_table , lt_value_set. * 增加 “申报日期” as selection field call method wd_this->select_options->create_range_table exporting i_typename = 'ZCDM_APDAT' * i_length = * i_decimals = receiving rt_range_table = lr_range_table . call method wd_this->select_options->add_selection_field exporting i_id = 'APDAT' i_within_block = 'BL' i_description = '申报日期' it_result = lr_range_table. clear lr_range_table. endmethod.
- 清空(重置)Select Options
method onactionclear . ************************************************************************ * 重置 select options 为初始状态 * clear 是事件名称 onaction是系统自动在事件名前加的作为方法名 ************************************************************************ * 重置 select option wd_this->select_options->reset_all_selection_fields( ). endmethod.
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