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[意译]Berkeley DB 文档 - C++入门篇 - 1.2节 - Berkeley DB 概述

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[意译]Berkeley DB 文档 - C++入门篇 - 1.2节 - Berkeley DB 概述

译者序(转载 -- Berkeley DB简介):

    Berkeley DB是由美国Sleepycat Software公司开发的一套开放源码的嵌入式数据库的程序库(database library),它为应用程序提供可伸缩的、高性能的、有事务保护功能的数据管理服务。Berkeley DB为数据的存取和管理提供了一组简洁的函数调用API接口。


    Berkeley DB为多种编程语言提供了API接口,其中包括C、C++、Java、Perl、Tcl、Python和PHP,所有的数据库操作都在程序库内部发生。多个进程,或者同一进程的多个线程可同时使用数据库,有如各自单独使用,底层的服务如加锁、事务日志、共享缓冲区管理、内存管理等等都由程序库透明地执行。

    轻便灵活(Portable):它可以运行于几乎所有的UNIX和Linux系统及其变种系统、Windows操作系统以及多种嵌入式实时操作系统之下。它在32位和64位系统上均可运行,已经被好多高端的因特网服务器、台式机、掌上电脑、机顶盒、网络交换机以及其他一些应用领域所采用。一旦 Berkeley DB被链接到应用程序中,终端用户一般根本感觉不到有一个数据库系统存在。

    可伸缩(Scalable):这一点表现在很多方面。Database library本身是很精简的(少于300KB的文本空间),但它能够管理规模高达256TB的数据库。它支持高并发度,成千上万个用户可同时操纵同一个数据库。Berkeley DB能以足够小的空间占用量运行于有严格约束的嵌入式系统,也可以在高端服务器上耗用若干GB的内存和若干TB的磁盘空间。

    Berkeley DB在嵌入式应用中比关系数据库和面向对象数据库要好,有以下两点原因:


    (2)因为Berkeley DB对所有操作都使用一组API接口,因此不需要对某种查询语言进行解析,也不用生成执行计划,大大提高了运行效.


Berkeley DB Documentation -- C++ Getting Started Guide
Berkeley DB 文档 -- C++入门篇

Berkeley DB Concepts
Berkeley DB 概述

Before continuing, it is useful to describe some of the larger concepts that you will encounter when building a DB application.


Conceptually, DB databases contain records. Logically each record represents a single entry in the database. Each such record contains two pieces of information: a key and a data. This manual will on occasion describe a a record's key or a record's data when it is necessary to speak to one or the other portion of a database record.


Because of the key/data pairing used for DB databases, they are sometimes thought of as a two-column table. However, data (and sometimes keys, depending on the access method) can hold arbitrarily complex data. Frequently, C structures and other such mechanisms are stored in the record. This effectively turns a 2-column table into a table with n columns, where n-1 of those columns are provided by the structure's fields.


Note that a DB database is very much like a table in a relational database system in that most DB applications use more than one database (just as most relational databases use more than one table).


Unlike relational systems, however, a DB database contains a single collection of records organized according to a given access method (BTree, Queue, Hash, and so forth). In a relational database system, the underlying access method is generally hidden from you.


In any case, frequently DB applications are designed so that a single database stores a specific type of data (just as in a relational database system, a single table holds entries containing a specific set of fields). Because most applications are required to manage multiple kinds of data, a DB application will often use multiple databases.


For example, consider an accounting application. This kind of an application may manage data based on bank accounts, checking accounts, stocks, bonds, loans, and so forth. An accounting application will also have to manage information about people, banking institutions, customer accounts, and so on. In a traditional relational database, all of these different kinds of information would be stored and managed using a (probably very) complex series of tables. In a DB application, all of this information would instead be divided out and managed using multiple databases.


DB applications can efficiently use multiple databases using an optional mechanism called an environment. For more information, see Environments.


You interact with most DB APIs using special structures that contain pointers to functions. These callbacks are called methods because they look so much like a method on a C++ class. The variable that you use to access these methods is often referred to as a handle. For example, to use a database you will obtain a handle to that database.


Retrieving a record from a database is sometimes called getting the record because the method that you use to retrieve the records is called get(). Similarly, storing database records is sometimes called putting the record because you use the put() method to do this.


When you store, or put, a record to a database using its handle, the record is stored according to whatever sort order is in use by the database. Sorting is mostly performed based on the key, but sometimes the data is considered too. If you put a record using a key that already exists in the database, then the existing record is replaced with the new data. However, if the database supports duplicate records (that is, records with identical keys but different data), then that new record is stored as a duplicate record and any existing records are not overwritten.


If a database supports duplicate records, then you can use a database handle to retrieve only the first record in a set of duplicate records.


In addition to using a database handle, you can also read and write data using a special mechanism called a cursor. Cursors are essentially iterators that you can use to walk over the records in a database. You can use cursors to iterate over a database from the first record to the last, and from the last to the first. You can also use cursors to seek to a record. In the event that a database supports duplicate records, cursors are the only way you can access all the records in a set of duplicates.


Finally, DB provides a special kind of a database called a secondary database. Secondary databases serve as an index into normal databases (called primary database to distinguish them from secondaries). Secondary databases are interesting because DB records can hold complex data types, but seeking to a given record is performed only based on that record's key. If you wanted to be able to seek to a record based on some piece of information that is not the key, then you enable this through the use of secondary databases.



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