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ireport using javabean as the datasource -
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Export the excel/txt file of report list by java -
Export the excel/txt file of report list by java
First of all, we should click a button or some pic to trigger the action of exporting,here I used a button:
<input type="button" value="Export" onclick="export()" class="buttoncss"/>
Then the export function should like:
whick the method used for achieve the data that need exported.
List excelList = getPrintService().queryTask(ref, type, taskName,level);//data content List<String> listHeader = new ArrayList<String>();//head of the data listHeader.add("Reference"); listHeader.add("TaskName"); request.setAttribute("listHeader", listHeader); request.setAttribute("excelList", excelList);
then mapping this action to this jsp:
<%@page language="java" import="java.util.List, com.alba.util.ExcelBean, com.alba.util.DateUtil" pageEncoding="UTF-8" %> <% response.setContentType("text/plain");//set as a txt document response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=" + new String(("PrintTask_" + DateUtil.formatFullDate(new java.util.Date().getTime()) + ".txt").getBytes(), "iso-8859-1"));//save as a attachment ExcelBean eb = new ExcelBean(); List<String> listHeader= (List<String>)request.getAttribute("listHeader"); List excelList= (List)request.getAttribute("excelList"); try{ eb.exportTask(response.getOutputStream(),excelList,listHeader);//exporting method }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } out.clear(); out = pageContext.pushBody();//save the object 'Out' and refresh %>
then the exportTask method is:
public void exportTask(OutputStream os,List excelList,List<String> listHeader){ OutputStreamWriter fw = new OutputStreamWriter(os); StringBuffer row = null; if(fw != null){ row = new StringBuffer(); for(int i=0;i<listHeader.size();i++){ if(i!=listHeader.size()-1){ row.append(listHeader.get(i)+"\t"); }else{ row.append(listHeader.get(i)+"\n"); } } try { fw.write(row.toString()); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } //add the contend if(excelList!=null&&excelList.size()>0){ for(int i=0;i<excelList.size();i++){ row = new StringBuffer(); PrintTask task = (PrintTask) excelList.get(i); String reference = task.getProjectprint().getProject().getReference()!=null?task.getProjectprint().getProject().getReference()+"\t":"\t"; String level = getLevelValue(task.getLevel()!=null?task.getLevel():0); String status = getStatusValue(task.getProjectprint().getStatus()!=null?task.getProjectprint().getStatus():10); row.append(reference) .append(task.getTaskname()!=null?task.getTaskname()+"\t":"\t") .append(task.getProjectprint().getType()!=null?task.getProjectprint().getType()+"\t":"\t") .append(task.getProjectprint().getDestination()!=null?task.getProjectprint().getDestination()+"\t":"\t") .append(task.getProjectprint().getProject().getDescription()!=null?task.getProjectprint().getProject().getDescription()+"\t":"\t") .append(task.getProjectprint().getProject().getPlanWeekToShow()!=null?task.getProjectprint().getProject().getPlanWeekToShow()+"\t":"\t") .append(level+"\t") .append(task.getNeededtime()!=null?task.getNeededtime()+"\t":"\t") .append(status+"\n"); try { fw.write(row.toString()); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } } try { fw.flush(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } }
when we want to export as a excel file,we can use this method and do some changes like export txt file is ok:
public void exportExcelByJxl(List excelList,List<String> listHeader){ WritableWorkbook wwb = null; try { File fileName = new File("d:/PrintList/"); if(!fileName.exists()){ fileName.mkdirs(); } Date date = new Date(); SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss"); wwb = Workbook.createWorkbook(new File("d:/PrintList/PrintList"+sdf.format(date)+".xls")); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } //add the header if(wwb != null){ WritableSheet ws = wwb.createSheet("test", 0); for(int i=0;i<listHeader.size();i++){ Label labelC = new Label(i, 0, listHeader.get(i)); try { ws.addCell(labelC); } catch (RowsExceededException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (WriteException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } //add the contend if(excelList!=null&&excelList.size()>0){ for(int i=0;i<excelList.size();i++){ for(int j=0;j<listHeader.size();j++){ ProjectPrint print = (ProjectPrint) excelList.get(i); Label labelC = null; if(print == null){ labelC = new Label(j,i+1,""); }else{ String reference = ""; String cusName = ""; String mark = getMarkValue(print.getMarked()); String revise = getReviseValue(print.getRevised()); String status = getStatusValue(print.getStatus()); if(print.getMarked()!=2){ reference = print.getProject().getReference()!=null?print.getProject().getReference():""; cusName = print.getProject().getCustomerName()!=null?print.getProject().getCustomerName():""; } switch(j){ case 0 : labelC = new Label(j,i+1,print.getId()!=null? print.getId()+"" :"");break; case 1 : labelC = new Label(j,i+1,reference);break; case 2 : labelC = new Label(j,i+1,print.getType()!=null?print.getType():"");break; case 3 : labelC = new Label(j,i+1,print.getInkMaterial1()!=null?print.getInkMaterial1():"");break; case 4 : labelC = new Label(j,i+1,print.getSurfaceMaterial()!=null?print.getSurfaceMaterial():"");break; case 5 : labelC = new Label(j,i+1,print.getProject().getPlanWeekToShow()!=null?print.getProject().getPlanWeekToShow():"");break; case 6 : labelC = new Label(j,i+1,cusName);break; case 7 : labelC = new Label(j,i+1,print.getProject().getDescription()!=null?print.getProject().getDescription():"");break; case 8 : labelC = new Label(j,i+1,print.getNumberofPage()!=null?print.getNumberofPage()+"":"");break; case 9 : labelC = new Label(j,i+1,mark);break; case 10 : labelC = new Label(j,i+1,revise);break; case 11 : labelC = new Label(j,i+1,status);break; default : break; } } try { ws.addCell(labelC); } catch (RowsExceededException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (WriteException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } } } try { wwb.write(); wwb.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (WriteException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } }
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+ added export of Excel formulas in the BIFF export + added export of external URLs in the PDF export + added converter from Rave Reports ConverterRR2FR.pas + added Cross.KeepRowsTogether property + ...
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- fixed bug with setting up of the Protection Flags in the PDF export dialog window - fixed bug in PDF export (file structure) - fixed bug with pictures in Open Office Writer (odt) export - ...
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exporter.exportReport(); ``` ### 总结 通过上述分析可以看出,iReport及其Java API提供了丰富的功能来支持报表的设计和导出工作。无论是简单的文本报表还是复杂的包含图表和图像的报表,都可以通过适当的方法来...
Added: a progress indicator to report import/export specific operations during dragging-and-dropping a large number of info items across different databases. Added: The viewer program is now shiped ...
If you encounter bugs or have suggestions, please do not hesitate to report them in the forum, bugtracker or by e-mail. And if you have questions, don't hesitate to ask them in the forum Fixes: Fixed...
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Q440760 - Export to PDF - The File Save dialog is not shown if the default file name for a report is too long B218629 - In the Page Number Format dialog, the "Start At" field value is incorrectly ...
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You can open the report file only if you know the password. Print copy name on each printed copy (for example, "First copy", "Second copy"). You can set up copy names easily. What you get with ...
* you can disable removal of the "full range" flag by doing "-keepFullRange" * added reader for external DVD, HD DVD and Blu-Ray SUP files * external SUP files can be delayed now * number of HD DVD ...
exporter.exportReport(); } catch (Exception e) { // 处理异常 } } } ``` 在实际应用中,你可以根据业务需求调整`map`参数以传递动态参数,以及通过`list`参数传递数据。同时,还可以扩展`Reports`类以支持...
Q440760 - Export to PDF - The File Save dialog is not shown if the default file name for a report is too long B218629 - In the Page Number Format dialog, the "Start At" field value is incorrectly ...