
Apache Mina的学习应用(三)


在客户端和服务端的中定义相关的业务逻辑类的实现:通过实现IoHandler 中实现方法,操作各种业务。




  • sessionCreated sessionCreated
  • sessionOpened sessionOpened
  • sessionClosed sessionClosed
  • sessionIdle sessionIdle
  • exceptionCaught exceptionCaught
  • messageReceived messageReceived
  • messageSent messageSent


Session Created event is fired when a new connection is created.


 For TCP its the result of connection accept, and for UDP this is generated when a UDP packet is received.


 This function can be used to initialize session attributes, and perform one time activities for a particular connection.


This function is invoked from the I/O processor thread context, hence should be implemented in a way that it consumes minimal amount of time, as the same thread handles multiple sessions.

调用此函数从I / O处理器线程上下文,因此应该采取一种方式,它消耗最少量的时间,相同的线程处理多个会话执行。

sessionOpened Event sessionOpened事件

Session opened event is invoked when a connection is opened.


Its is always called after sessionCreated event.它总是sessionCreated事件后调用。 If a thread model is configured, this function is called in a thread other than the I/O processor thread.

如果一个线程模型配置,该函数被调用的线程比I / O处理器线程等。

sessionClosed Event sessionClosed事件

Session Closed event is closed, when a session is closed.


Session cleaning activities like cash cleanup can be performed here.

sessionIdle Event sessionIdle事件

Session Idle event is fired when a session becomes idle.


 This function is not invoked for UDP transport.


exceptionCaught Event exceptionCaught事件

This functions is called, when an Exception is thrown by user code or by MINA.


The connection is closed, if its an IOException.连接关闭,如果它的一个IOException。

messageReceived Event messageReceived事件

Message Received event is fired whenever a message is received.


This is where the most of the processing of an application happens.


You need to take care of all the message type you expect here.


messageSent Event messageSent事件

Message Sent event is fired, whenever a message aka response has been sent(calling IoSession.write()).消息发送的事件被激发,每当有消息又名反应已发送(呼叫IoSession.write())。





package cn.com.unutrip.java.opensource.mina.sumup;

import org.apache.mina.core.service.IoHandlerAdapter;
import org.apache.mina.core.session.IoSession;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import cn.com.unutrip.java.opensource.mina.sumup.message.AddMessage;
import cn.com.unutrip.java.opensource.mina.sumup.message.ResultMessage;
 * 处理所有I / O活动的MINA的激發。
 *  The interface is hub of all activities done at the end of the Filter Chain.
 *  该接口是在过滤器链的末端进行的所有活动的中心。 
* IoHandler has following functions IoHandler具有以下功能 
* sessionCreated  :
*  会话创建事件被激发时,一个新的连接被创建。 For TCP its the result of connection accept, and for UDP this is generated when a UDP packet is received.对于TCP的连接其结果接受,这是为UDP时生成一个UDP数据包接收。 This function can be used to initialize session attributes, and perform one time activities for a particular connection.该功能可用于初始化会话属性,并执行一次活动的特定连接。 
*This function is invoked from the I/O processor thread context, hence should be implemented in a way that it consumes minimal amount of time, as the same thread handles multiple sessions.调用此函数从I / O处理器线程上下文,因此应该采取一种方式,它消耗最少量的时间,相同的线程处理多个会话执行。 
* sessionOpened  :会话开始一个连接时调用此事件,它总在sessionCreated事件后调用,如果一个线程模型配置
* 该函数被调用的的线程IoHandler。
* sessionClosed  : 当一个会话结束,session清理活动的活动的连接。
* sessionIdle  : 此方法被激发时,会变成空闲,此功能没有援引UDP传输。
* exceptionCaught   : 当用户代码或者mina异常是,连接关闭,如果它的一个连接IOException
* messageReceived :  当接受到一个消息时被激发,对应一个应用程序的处理的大部分业务逻辑,
* messageSent  : 消息发送的时间被激发,
*  调用的事件是打开一个连接。 Its is always called after sessionCreated event.它总是sessionCreated事件后调用。
*   If a thread model is configured, this function is called in a thread other than the I/O processor thread.
*   如果一个线程模型配置,该函数被调用的线程比I / O处理器线程等。

 * 客户端业务处理器的应用
 * @author longgangbai
public class ClientSessionHandler extends IoHandlerAdapter {

    private final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ClientSessionHandler.class);
          private final int[] values;
          private boolean finished;
          public ClientSessionHandler(int[] values) {
              this.values = values;
          public boolean isFinished() {
              return finished;
           *  调用的事件是打开一个连接。 Its is always called after sessionCreated event.
           *  它总是sessionCreated事件后调用。 
           *  If a thread model is configured, this function is called in a thread other than the I/O processor thread.
           *  如果一个线程模型配置,该函数被调用的线程比I / O处理器线程等。 
          public void sessionOpened(IoSession session) {
              logger.error("ClientSessionHandler =%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%sessionOpened ");
              // send summation requests
              for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
                  AddMessage m = new AddMessage();
           * 接受来自服务端的数据信息
           * 接受到消息事件被激发时,收到一条消息。
           *  This is where the most of the processing of an application happens.
           * 这就是对一个应用程序处理大部分发生。
           *  You need to take care of all the message type you expect here.
           *  您需要考虑所有类型的信息在这里照顾你期望。(重要的业务逻辑的写这里)
          public void messageReceived(IoSession session, Object message) {
              logger.error("ClientSessionHandler =%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%messageReceived ");
              // server only sends ResultMessage. otherwise, we will have to identify
              // its type using instanceof operator.
              ResultMessage rm = (ResultMessage) message;
              if (rm.isOk()) {
                  // server returned OK code.
                  // if received the result message which has the last sequence
                  // number,
                  // it is time to disconnect.
                  if (rm.getSequence() == values.length - 1) {
                      // print the sum and disconnect.
                      logger.error("The sum: " + rm.getValue());
                      finished = true;
              } else {
                  // seever returned error code because of overflow, etc.
                  logger.error("Server error, disconnecting...");
                  finished = true;
          * 发生异常时的操作
          * 当异常是由用户代码或MINA的异常。 The connection is closed, if its an IOException.连接关闭,如果它的一个IOException
         public void exceptionCaught(IoSession session, Throwable cause) {
            logger.error("ClientSessionHandler =%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%exceptionCaught ");

package cn.com.unutrip.java.opensource.mina.sumup;

import org.apache.mina.core.service.IoHandlerAdapter;
import org.apache.mina.core.session.IdleStatus;
import org.apache.mina.core.session.IoSession;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import cn.com.unutrip.java.opensource.mina.sumup.message.AddMessage;
import cn.com.unutrip.java.opensource.mina.sumup.message.ResultMessage;
 *  创建服务端的业务处理器
 * @author longgangbai
public class ServerSessionHandler extends IoHandlerAdapter{
    private static final String SUM_KEY="sum";
    private final static Logger logger=LoggerFactory.getLogger(ServerSessionHandler.class); 
    public void sessionOpened(IoSession session){
 logger.error("ServerSessionHandler =%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%sessionOpened ");
 session.getConfig().setIdleTime(IdleStatus.BOTH_IDLE, 60);
 session.setAttribute(SUM_KEY,new Integer(0));
    public void sessionIdle(IoSession session,IdleStatus statis)
 logger.error("ServerSessionHandler =%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%sessionIdle ");
 logger.info("Disconnecting the idle.");
 // disconnect an idle client

     public void exceptionCaught(IoSession session, Throwable cause) {
  logger.error("ServerSessionHandler =%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%exceptionCaught ");
         // close the connection on exceptional situation

    public void messageReceived(IoSession session ,Object message){
  logger.error("ServerSessionHandler =%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%messageReceived ");
 AddMessage am=(AddMessage)message;
 int sum=(Integer)session.getAttribute(SUM_KEY);
 int value=am.getValue();
 long expectedsum=(long)sum+value;
     ResultMessage rm=new ResultMessage();
      session.setAttribute(SUM_KEY,new Integer(sum));
      ResultMessage rm=new ResultMessage();




1 楼 futrueboy 2011-10-27  


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