The starting point for developing a JAX-WS web service is a Java class annotated with the javax.jws.WebService annotation. The @WebService annotation defines the class as a web service endpoint.
A service endpoint interface or service endpoint implementation (SEI) is a Java interface or class, respectively, that declares the methods that a client can invoke on the service. An interface is not required when building a JAX-WS endpoint. The web service implementation class implicitly defines an SEI.
You may specify an explicit interface by adding the endpointInterface element to the @WebService annotation in the implementation class. You must then provide an interface that defines the public methods made available in the endpoint implementation class.
JAX-WS endpoints must follow these requirements:
The implementing class must be annotated with either the javax.jws.WebService or javax.jws.WebServiceProvider annotation.
The implementing class may explicitly reference an SEI through the endpointInterface element of the @WebService annotation, but is not required to do so. If no endpointInterface is specified in @WebService, an SEI is implicitly defined for the implementing class.
The business methods of the implementing class must be public, and must not be declared static or final.
Business methods that are exposed to web service clients must be annotated with javax.jws.WebMethod.
Business methods that are exposed to web service clients must have JAXB-compatible parameters and return types. See Default Data Type Bindings.
The implementing class must not be declared final and must not be abstract.
The implementing class must have a default public constructor.
The implementing class must not define the finalize method.
The implementing class may use the javax.annotation.PostConstruct or javax.annotation.PreDestroy annotations on its methods for life cycle event callbacks.
The @PostConstruct method is called by the container before the implementing class begins responding to web service clients.
The @PreDestroy method is called by the container before the endpoint is removed from operation.
When invoking the remote methods on the port, the client performs these steps:
Uses the annotation to declare a reference to a web service. @WebServiceRef uses the wsdlLocation element to specify the URI of the deployed service’s WSDL file.
static HelloService service;Retrieves a proxy to the service, also known as a port, by invoking getHelloPort on the service.
Hello port = service.getHelloPort();The port implements the SEI defined by the service.
Invokes the port’s sayHello method, passing to the service a name.
String response = port.sayHello(name);
JAXB supports the grouping of generated classes in Java packages. A package consists of the following:
A Java class name that is derived from the XML element name, or specified by a binding customization.
An ObjectFactory class, which is a factory that is used to return instances of a bound Java class.
When XML element information can not be inferred by the derived Java representation of the XML content, a JAXBElement object is provided. This object has methods for getting and setting the object name and object value
Custom JAXB binding declarations allow you to customize your generated JAXB classes beyond the XML-specific constraints in an XML schema to include Java-specific refinements, such as class and package name mappings.
JAXB provides two ways to customize an XML schema:
As inline annotations in a source XML schema
As declarations in an external binding customization file that is passed to the JAXB binding compiler
The JAXB annotations defined in the javax.xml.bind.annotations package can be used to customize Java program elements to XML schema mapping.
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Java API for XML Web Services(JAX-WS)是Java平台上用于构建和消费Web服务的标准API。它简化了创建和使用Web服务的过程,使得开发者能够通过SOAP消息与远程服务进行交互。JAX-WS允许开发者将服务接口直接映射到...
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标题提到的"JAX-WS所需Jar包"是指为了在Java环境中支持JAX-WS功能,开发者需要的一组核心库。这些库包含了运行和开发JAX-WS Web服务所必需的组件。下面将逐一解释这些库的作用: 1. **jaxb-xjc.jar**: 这是Java ...
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**JAX-WS API** Java API for XML Web Services (JAX-WS) 是Java平台上的一个标准接口,用于创建和消费Web服务。它是Sun Microsystems在2004年推出的一个重要框架,旨在简化Web服务的开发,使得Java开发者能够更...
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JAX-WS(Java API for XML Web Services)是Java平台上的一个标准,用于创建和消费Web服务。本篇将深入讲解如何基于JAX-WS开发一个WebService实例。 首先,让我们了解JAX-WS的基本概念。JAX-WS提供了一种简单的方式...
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**JAX-WS规范详解** Java API for XML Web Services(JAX-WS)是Java平台上的一个标准,用于创建Web服务和客户端。它提供了一种简单、类型安全的方式来构建和消费基于SOAP的消息传递应用程序,是Java世界中实现Web...
**标题:“”**指的是一个包含Java API for XML Web Services(JAX-WS)2.1版本的压缩包。JAX-WS是Java平台标准版(Java SE)和企业版(Java EE)的一部分,用于构建基于SOAP(Simple Object Access ...
JAX-WS 2.2 RI 所包含的JAR包集合,包含25个JAR包,列表如下: FastInoset.jar gmbal-api-only.jar ha-api.jar javax.annotation.jar javax.mail_1.4.jar jaxb-api.jar jaxb-impl.jar jaxb-xjc.jar jaxws-api...
Java API for XML Web Services(JAX-WS)是Java平台上的一个标准,用于构建和部署Web服务。它简化了Web服务的开发,使得Java开发者能够更方便地创建、调用和部署SOAP(Simple Object Access Protocol)服务。在这个...
Java API for XML Web Services (JAX-WS) 是Java平台上的一个标准,用于构建和部署Web服务。JAX-WS RI(Reference Implementation)是这个规范的官方参考实现,它提供了开发、测试和运行基于SOAP(Simple Object ...
基于jax-ws 实现的web service client和server端的demo程序。 注:如果使用的是 myeclipse 时 server 部署到tomcat 启动的时候会报错 解决办法:找到myeclipse安装目录下的 plugins 目录里 查找 webservices-rt.jar,...
JAX-WS 2.2 RI 所包含的JAR包集合,包含25个JAR包,列表如下: FastInoset.jar gmbal-api-only.jar ha-api.jar javax.annotation.jar javax.mail_1.4.jar jaxb-api.jar jaxb-impl.jar jaxb-xjc.jar jaxws-api...
Java API for XML Web Services(JAX-WS)是Java平台上的一个标准,用于构建和部署Web服务。它简化了Web服务的开发,使得开发者能够使用Java编程语言来创建、调用和部署SOAP(Simple Object Access Protocol)服务。...