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  • 来自: 深圳


Here's an exclusive preview just for the Conduiters who hang around the forum:
What's the most annoying thing when trying to embed parts of your site inside your toolbar (usually using HTML components)?
That you only have 20px height to work with...

Not any more!

Introducing our Floating Web Components! (that's a temporary name)
Now you can go beyond the 20px boundaries of your toolbar and create a large window with any web page in it (similar to our weather window).

That means that you can expand the real estate of your toolbar and create windows that display any web pages without being limited to the height of your toolbar.

Just think: all those cool gadgets and widgets that are now widely available on the net can be displayed from within your toolbar!
The possibilities are endless: video players, login forms, advanced search forms, Google gadgets....

Here's how to add a Floating Web Component to your toolbar:
All you need to do is add a link in this format to the URL of any component:

For example:

Simple ah?
You can add these links to any button, button with menu, or HTML Component.

Currently this only works from version of the toolbar in IE but will be available soon in Firefox too and in Firefox from version

Go crazy and don't forget to share what you've done with this cool new addition.
3 楼 hfeeqi 2007-04-08  
Here is a modification to the "18 item To Do List". It will open it in a sized (popup) window, which you can configure as you wish. The code consists of two .HTM(L) pages. The second goes in your toolbar, and it calls the first, which actually has the "To Do List" code. Both of these pages will need to be hosted on YOUR website !!

As stated, the actual "To Do List" code is found HERE:   http://yaldex.com/FSCookies/ToDoList.htm

This code will need to be placed within the <BODY></BODY> section of an .HTML page  called say , "todo_list.htm". The look of the page can be changed by modifying the code following the SECOND  "</script>" from the bottom.

The second page, which you will call from your toolbar, has the Javascript code needed to place the above page in a window. You could call it something like "todo.htm".

This code can be generated HERE:   http://javascript.internet.com/generators/popup-window.html

You will also need to add this code snippet in the <HEAD> section -- It will warn the user if they have Popups disabled (Popups ENABLED) is required for this to work):


var popWin = window.open("","ptest","width=1,height=1,left=5000,top=5000",true); 
if (popWin) { 
} else { 
  alert("This function REQUIRES Popups. Please turn Popup Blocker OFF !!"); 

You can view MY completed .HTML HERE:   http://www.tlchrist.info/toolbar/todo.htm

NOTE: You will need to open this page with an HTML editor in order to see anything !!

Finally, create a button on YOUR toolbar using the "Add Link Button". Put the FULL URL of the "Popup window script" .HTM page in the "Destination URL: " box, i.e..  "http://www.yoursite.com/toolbar/todo.htm". Add an icon, text, and a "hint", and you are finished !!
2 楼 hfeeqi 2007-04-08  
Here is a modification to the "18 item To Do List". It will open it in a sized (popup) window, which you can configure as you wish. The code consists of two .HTM(L) pages. The second goes in your toolbar, and it calls the first, which actually has the "To Do List" code. Both of these pages will need to be hosted on YOUR website !!

As stated, the actual "To Do List" code is found HERE:   http://yaldex.com/FSCookies/ToDoList.htm

This code will need to be placed within the <BODY></BODY> section of an .HTML page  called say , "todo_list.htm". The look of the page can be changed by modifying the code following the SECOND  "</script>" from the bottom.

The second page, which you will call from your toolbar, has the Javascript code needed to place the above page in a window. You could call it something like "todo.htm".

This code can be generated HERE:   http://javascript.internet.com/generators/popup-window.html

You will also need to add this code snippet in the <HEAD> section -- It will warn the user if they have Popups disabled (Popups ENABLED) is required for this to work):


var popWin = window.open("","ptest","width=1,height=1,left=5000,top=5000",true);
if (popWin) {
} else {
  alert("This function REQUIRES Popups. Please turn Popup Blocker OFF !!");

You can view MY completed .HTML HERE:   http://www.tlchrist.info/toolbar/todo.htm

NOTE: You will need to open this page with an HTML editor in order to see anything !!

Finally, create a button on YOUR toolbar using the "Add Link Button". Put the FULL URL of the "Popup window script" .HTM page in the "Destination URL: " box, i.e..  "http://www.yoursite.com/toolbar/todo.htm". Add an icon, text, and a "hint", and you are finished !!
1 楼 hfeeqi 2007-04-08  
We implemented this in our "Horizon Toolbar" and it works fine.


Here are the complete instructions, simplified:

1) Enusre you have the very latest version of your Toolbar (4.5.132 for Internet Explorer).

2) Log into your Conduit account.

3) Add a new "Link Button".

4) Give your button an icon and a name.

5) Paste this in for the "Destination URL": javascript:EBOpenPopHtml('http://www.labpixies.com/campaigns/todo/todo.html',258,246);

6) Ensure "Open in new window" is un-checked.

Save your changes and that's it.

As already stated, this is an excellent component.




    jQuery弹出层 可移动层 提示框 浮动层

    在标题提及的案例中,"jQuery弹出层 可移动层 提示框 浮动层",意味着我们需要创建一个不仅可以显示信息,还可以通过用户手势移动的浮动窗口。为了实现这一功能,我们需要结合jQuery的选择器、事件处理和动画方法。...


    - **Vue.js, React.js, Angular** 等前端框架提供了更便捷的方式创建和管理浮动窗口组件,提高开发效率。 - **Electron** 允许开发者使用Web技术构建跨平台的桌面应用,浮动窗口也可在这样的环境中实现。 - **...


    在IT行业中,弹出窗口是一种常见的用户界面设计元素,它用于显示额外的信息或者与用户进行交互。本资料主要探讨弹出窗口的相关知识点,包括其功能、类型、实现方式以及优化策略。 1. 弹出窗口的功能: 弹出窗口...


    在网页或应用程序中,弹出窗口通常是一种浮动元素,它可以覆盖在其他内容之上,吸引用户的注意力。弹出窗口可以包含各种组件,如文本输入框、按钮、选择列表等,以满足不同场景的需求。 在创建自定义弹出窗口时,...

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    - 创建弹出窗口组件:这可以是自定义的Flex组件或者使用内置的`Alert`、`Prompt`等。 - 设置弹出位置:利用`PopUpManager.createPopUp()`方法时,传递一个包含x和y坐标的参数来设置弹出位置。通过计算屏幕宽度和高度...


    本项目“js图片轮换+弹出浮动层”结合了这两种功能,旨在实现动态展示多张图片以及创建可交互的弹出窗口。下面我们将深入探讨这两个技术的核心原理及其在JavaScript中的实现。 首先,图片轮换是一种常见的网页动态...




    在本案例中,这个用户控件被设计成一个弹出窗口,可能包含了标题、内容区域、关闭按钮等基本组件。 弹出窗口的实现通常涉及到Window类或者Popup类。Window是WPF中的顶级窗口,它可以独立显示并拥有自己的生命周期。...


    首先,`PopupWindow`是Android SDK提供的一种轻量级窗口组件,它可以用来展示一个浮动视图,通常用于模拟对话框的效果。`PopupWindow`具有高度灵活性,可以自定义大小、位置和背景,以及添加各种点击事件。在描述中...


    这个组件允许你在页面上创建浮动的、可定制的元素,模拟弹出窗口的效果。将 IWTPopupComponent 添加到你的 IW 页面,然后设置其属性,如大小、位置、样式等,以满足你的需求。 2. **内容填充** 你可以通过 ...




    在线客服浮动窗口通常包含以下几个核心组件: 1. **显示图标**:一个吸引用户注意力的小图标,通常位于网页右下角或角落位置。 2. **弹出窗口**:当用户点击图标时,会弹出一个聊天窗口,包含客服人员的头像、名称...




    1. **jQuery UI Dialog**:这是jQuery UI库的一部分,提供了一种可配置的对话框组件,可以创建模态或非模态的弹出窗口,支持拖动、调整大小等功能。 2. **Bootstrap Modal**:Bootstrap框架中的模态对话框,可以...

    layer弹出层组件 v3.2.0-源码.zip





    4. AngularJS Material或Vue.js的弹窗组件:这些现代前端框架提供了开箱即用的弹出窗口组件,支持数据绑定和事件处理。 弹出窗口的用户体验设计也非常重要,包括以下几点: - 明确的关闭按钮:确保用户能轻松关闭弹...


    这个功能可以通过使用`PopupWindow`组件来实现,它是一个可以浮动在Activity之上的轻量级窗口,能够灵活地展示各种自定义视图。本教程将深入探讨如何利用`PopupWindow`来创建类似QQ的消息长按操作。 首先,`...

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