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记得还有一次是这么用的,是一 ...
ORACLE/MSSQL随机取一条记录方法 -
string2020 写道直接执行 xhost + 就行了
恩 ...
linux下启动dbca或netmgr类的图形界面报错 -
Aaron5 写道lizhiyu211 写道Aaron5 写道 ...
ORACLE/MSSQL随机取一条记录方法 -
lizhiyu211 写道Aaron5 写道这个oracle的 ...
ORACLE/MSSQL随机取一条记录方法 -
直接执行 xhost + 就行了
select Sname,Ssex,Class
from s;
select depart
from t
group by depart;
select *
from s;
select *
from sc
where degree between 60 and 80;
select *
from sc
where degree in(85,86,88);
select *
from s
where ssex='女' and class='95031';
select *
from s
order by class desc;
select *
from sc
order by cno asc,degree desc;
select class,count(1) as 人数
from s
where class=95031 group by class;
select sno,cno
from sc
where degree = (select max(degree) from sc);
select avg(degree)
from sc
where cno='3-105';
select cno,avg(degree)
from sc
where cno like '3%' group by cno having count(cno)>4;
select sno
from sc
having max(degree)<90 and min(degree)>70
group by sno;
select s.sname,sc.cno,sc.degree
from s,sc
where s.sno = sc.sno;
select sc.sno,c.cname,sc.degree
from sc,c
where sc.cno = c.cno;
select s.sname,c.cname,sc.degree
from s,sc,c
where sc.sno = s.sno
and sc.cno = c.cno;
select avg(degree)
from s,sc
where s.sno = sc.sno
and sc.sno in(select sno from s where class = 95033);
select s.*
from s,sc
where s.sno = sc.sno
and sc.cno = '3-105'
and sc.degree >(
select degree
from sc
where sno = 109
and cno = '3-105'
select s.*,sc.cno,sc.degree
from s,sc
where s.sno = sc.sno
and sc.sno in (
select sno
from sc
where sno not in(select sno
from sc
where degree in (
select max(degree)
from sc
group by cno))
group by sno
having count(cno)>1
select *
from sc
where degree > (select degree
from sc
where sno = 109
and cno = '3-105'
select sno,sname,sbirthday
from s
where trunc(to_date(sbirthday,'yyyy-mm-dd'),'yyyy') = (
select trunc(to_date(sbirthday,'yyyy-mm-dd'),'yyyy')
from s
where sno=101
and sno != 101;
select sno,degree
from sc
where cno in(
select c.cno
from c
where tno in(
select tno
from t
where tname = '张旭'
select tname
from t
where tno in(
select tno
from c
where cno in(
select cno
from sc
group by cno
having count(1) >5
select *
from s
where class = 95031
select *
from s
where class = 95033;
from sc
where degree >85
group by cno;
select sc.sno,s.sname,sc.cno,c.cname,sc.degree,t.tname
from sc,c,s,t
where sc.cno in (
select cno from c where tno in(
select tno from t where depart = '计算机系'
and s.sno = sc.sno
and c.cno = sc.cno
and t.tno = c.tno
group by t.tname,sc.sno,s.sname,sc.cno,c.cname,sc.degree
select * from t;
select tname,prof
from t
where depart = '计算机系'
and prof not in (
select prof
from t
where depart = '电子工程系'
select s.sname name,s.ssex sex,s.sbirthday birthday
from s
union all
select t.tname,t.tsex,t.tbirthday
from t;
select *
from (
select s.sname name,s.ssex sex,s.sbirthday birthday
from s
union all
select t.tname,t.tsex,t.tbirthday
from t
where sex = '女' ;
select sno,cno,degree
from sc
group by cno,sno,degree
having degree<avg(degree);
select * from sc a where degree<(select avg(degree)
from sc b where a.cno=b.cno);
select sno,cno,degree from sc t1 group by cno,sno,degree;
select tname,depart
from t
where tno in(
select tno from c
select tname,depart
from t
where not exists(select 1 from c where c.tno = t.tno);
select class,count(sno)
from s
where ssex = '男'
group by class
having count(sno)>1;
select *
from s
where sname not like '王%';
select sname,substr(to_char(sysdate,'yyyy-mm-dd'),0,4)-to_number(substr(sbirthday,0,4))+1
from s
select sname,sbirthday 最大最小
from s
where sbirthday = (select max(sbirthday) from s)
union all
select sname,sbirthday as 最大&最小
from s
where sbirthday = (select min(sbirthday) from s)
select *
from s
order by class desc,sbirthday
select t.tno,t.tname,c.cno,c.cname
from t,c
where t.tno = c.tno
and t.tsex = '男';
select *
from sc
where degree = (select max(degree)
from sc
select sname
from s
where ssex = (
select ssex from s where sname = '李军'
and not exists (select * from s t1 where s.sno = t1.sno and t1.sname = '李军');
select sname
from s
where ssex = (
select ssex from s where sname = '李军'
and not exists (select * from s t1 where s.sno = t1.sno and t1.sname = '李军')
and s.class = (
select class from s where sname = '李军'
select sno,cno,degree
from sc
where cno = (select cno from c where cname = '计算机导论')
and exists (select 1 from s where s.sno = sc.sno and s.ssex = '男');
select sno,cno,degree from sc where cno in (select cno from c where cname = '计算机导论')
and sno in (select sno from s where ssex = '男');
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MySQL SQL语句练习题及答案 本资源提供了 MySQL SQL 语句的练习题及答案,涵盖了创建表、插入数据、删除数据、更新数据、查询数据等多方面的知识点。 一、创建表 在 MySQL 中,创建表使用 CREATE TABLE 语句。...
50道SQL练习题及答案与详细分析(题目和数据初始化) 50道SQL练习题及答案与详细分析(01~05) 50道SQL练习题及答案与详细分析(06~10) 1.查询”01″课程比”02″课程成绩高的学生的信息及课程分数. SELECT ...
"oracle基础练习题及答案" Oracle 是一种关系数据库管理系统,它提供了强大的数据存储和管理功能。在实际应用中,Oracle 数据库管理员需要具备一定的 SQL 语句编写能力和数据库管理知识。下面是 Oracle 基础练习题...
- 方法二: `SELECT 姓名 FROM 学生 WHERE NOT 专业 = "软件";` - 方法三: `SELECT 姓名 FROM 学生 WHERE 专业 != "软件";` - 这里展示了三种不同的方式来表达否定条件。 **知识点6:范围查询** - **SQL语句**: ...
在帆软的《零基础快速自学SQL》课程的第二部分中,学员们会遇到一系列针对MySQL数据库的练习题,旨在帮助他们巩固和提升SQL查询能力。以下是对这些练习题的知识点解析: 1. **查找供应商名称及其所在城市**:这需要...
select dname deptno from dept where deptno in select deptno from emp ;
本文将深入探讨PL/SQL的基础知识、重要概念以及与SQL的关系,同时结合25道练习题和答案,帮助你巩固理解并提升在实际应用中的技能。 一、PL/SQL基础 1. PL/SQL结构:PL/SQL代码块通常由BEGIN、END关键字包围,包括...
PLSQL 练习题及答案 PL/SQL 是一种过程化的语言,扩展了标准 SQL 语言,引入过程化语言的元素,SQL 语言是非过程化的,可以使用 C、Java、PL/SQL 编写数据库函数。PL/SQL 分为匿名 PL/SQL 块和命名 PL/SQL 块,存储...
VHDL 程序设计练习题含答案的知识点总结 本文档提供了四个 VHDL 程序设计练习题,每个题目都包含了一个具体的设计任务,涉及到多路选择器、BCD-7 段 LED 显示译码器、数据选择器和 JK 触发器等数字电路设计。 一、...
本资源包含了“数据库SQL基础练习题与答案”以及“经典SQL语句大全”,旨在帮助初学者巩固和提升SQL技能。 首先,SQL基础部分通常涵盖以下几个核心概念: 1. **数据定义语言(DDL)**:用于创建和修改数据库结构的...
1. **基本查询操作**:练习题中包含了查询员工表(emp)和部门表(dept)的基础信息,例如查询所有员工的详细信息。这涉及到SELECT语句的基本用法,包括选择列(如`SELECT * FROM emp`)和指定表(如`FROM emp`)。 ...
SQL 上机练习题及答案 SQL(Structured Query Language)是一种标准的数据库语言,用于存储、操作和检索数据库中的数据。以下是 SQL 上机练习题及答案,涵盖了数据库操作的所有方面。 创建数据库 创建数据库是...
本资料为帆软学习计划中的《零基础快速自学SQL》第一部分的练习题及答案,主要涵盖了MySQL数据库的基础查询语句,包括单表查询和多表查询,以及一些综合查询的应用。以下是对这些知识点的详细说明: 1. **单表查询*...
根据提供的信息,我们可以总结出以下...以上这些练习题涵盖了Oracle数据库中常见的SQL查询技巧,包括基本的`SELECT`、`JOIN`、`GROUP BY`、`HAVING`、子查询等多种操作,对于掌握Oracle数据库查询是非常有帮助的。
这份文档是一份关于SQL Server的练习题答案集,包含了一系列的SQL查询语句和它们对应的解答。这些练习题旨在加深对SQL查询操作的理解。接下来,我将详细解释文档中提及的SQL知识点。 首先,文档涉及到SQL Server中...
根据提供的Oracle练习题答案及其描述,我们可以逐一解析并总结出其中涉及的重要知识点: ### 1. 查询所有学生信息以及所有课程信息 ```sql select * from student; select * from course; ``` - **知识点**: `...
Java-Web 开发基础题库课后练习题答案章节测试题 1-7 章全 本资源是 Java-Web 开发基础题库课后练习题答案章节测试题 1-7 章全的答案,涵盖了 Java Web 开发的基础知识点,包括 HTML、JSP、Servlet、Cookie 和 ...