Back in December, we discussed Google’s decision to shift focus away
from Gears
, its platform that allows web apps to work offline —
instead the company would utilize HTML5.
In the Gears API Blog
this week, GoogleGoogle
has reinforced
that decision, making it clear that the company “will not be investing
resources in active development of new features.” Instead, the focus
will continue to be on bringing all of the Gears capabilities into HTML5
and other web standards.
Was the Past, HTML5 is the Future
When the Gears project
launched in 2007, one of its big features was the ability to allow users
to use certain web applications (like GmailGmail
) offline. As time
has progressed, however, implementing those features of Gears into a
standard like HTML5 makes more sense, as it will ultimately work on more
platforms and not require the operating system or browser specific
workarounds that Gears currently employs.
Until it is feasible for
developers to convert their Gears-enabled apps to something
standards-based, Google will continue to support Gears, but that support
will be constrained in scope.
Likewise, while Gears support will
be added for FirefoxFirefox
3.6 and will
continue to work with Internet ExplorerInternet
, Gears
for Mac OS X Snow Leopard in SafariSafari
4.0 is not going
to happen. The necessary architectural changes that would be involved in
supporting Gears in Safari would take too many resources which could
better work with adding to the HTML5 spec.
Good Sign for the
Gears was a good first step in lots and lots of ways,
but building those features into something standards-based has a lot
more potential for Google. By and large, mobile browsers are adapting to
support HTML5 and other web-standards faster than their desktop
counterparts (in large part because the majority of the next-generation
mobile web browsers use WebKit — including Google
ChromeGoogle Chrome
, Mobile
Safari and the next version of BlackBerry
web browser
). Because mobile is an area that can benefit from some
of Gears’ functionality like local storage and offline capabilities even
more than traditional computers, there is great potential in having
some of those features available on platforms for the future.
you are a developer of an application that uses Gears, now would be a
good time to start exploring options for migrating or rewriting in
标题 "" 提示我们正在处理的是一个包含 Google Gears 版本 的压缩文件。Google Gears 是 Google 在过去开发的一项技术,它允许用户在离线状态下使用 web 应用程序。这个压缩包可能...
Google Gears做为2007年的一个创新产品,令人失望的是目前只有极少数的应用程序使用了Google的这项技术,Google Gears仍然是一个早期的产品,大多数文章提到Google Gears只是说其提供离线应用,甚至Google也这么说,...
《uabTest与Google Gears:探索离线应用开发的早期实践》 在互联网技术日新月异的时代,离线应用的需求逐渐显现,这使得开发者能够为用户提供即使在网络不稳定或完全断开的情况下也能正常使用的应用体验。Google ...
【Google Gears 学习文档】 Google Gears是一款由Google开发的浏览器插件,它针对互联网应用程序提供了离线数据处理的能力。随着网络应用的发展,用户对于离线操作的需求逐渐增加,Gears应运而生,使得网页应用可以...
【Google Gears 开发者指南】是一份详细阐述Google Gears技术的文档,该文档主要针对软件开发人员,旨在帮助他们理解和使用Google Gears来构建离线Web应用程序。Google Gears是一个于2007年发布的实验性软件,它允许...
### Google Gears 入门教程知识点详解 #### 一、Google Gears 概述 - **定义**:Google Gears 是由 Google 推出的一款开源浏览器插件,旨在通过为 Web 应用程序提供一系列 JavaScript API 来增强其功能与性能。 - ...
(XP 版)一键删除Google Gears文件夹
“gles2-egl-gears”可能是指使用OpenGL ES 2.0(Embedded OpenGL)和 EGL(Embedded Graphics Library)实现的gears演示。OpenGL ES是针对嵌入式设备和移动平台的OpenGL版本,而EGL是用于在多种图形后端之间建立上...
Gears 2 windows7 主题
gearsInMesh(g1,g2) create gearInMesh object with gears g1 and g2 in mesh Input arguments g1, g2 - gear object. Module of the gears must be equal Properties G1, G2 - gear objects a - center distance ...
- **Web Storage Portability Layer** 是一个旨在简化开发过程的中间层,它提供了一个通用的API来兼容HTML5和Google Gears的结构化存储。 - 通过这个层,开发者可以编写一次代码,同时在多个平台上运行,包括Android...
在标题“ActionScript访问本地数据库例子”中,我们聚焦的是如何使用ActionScript与本地数据库进行交互,而描述进一步指出这个例子是基于Google Gears的。Google Gears是一个已经停止更新的开源插件,它提供了离线...