I’m running on OSX, and using MacPorts for all my un-Apple needs.
So, no, getting Ruby 1.9 installed was not complex at all, the suffix is
the default in MacPorts, so I just ended up with a ruby1.9 executable.
The kicker comes because Rails, and all its little generator friends,
do one of two things. Either they are just hardcoded to use #!/usr/bin/env
or they set that line to whatever version of Ruby you
happen to be using when you install/generate/make them the first time,
which will be either what I’ve just written or #!/usr/bin/env
or (like rails) an actual hard coded path to your
MacPorts ruby executable.
Ok, not really a big problem there, until you want to test your
application, generator, plugin, gem, whatever against the other ruby on
your system. What do you do? Go through and make sure you change all
the relevant shebangs? Works fine until you miss one. You’re really
testing your sed
fu, not your Ruby fu.
And then what happens when, like me, you’re just so used to typing irb
or ri
that you’re constantly tripping over the “Oh,
yeah, that’s over in the 1.9 stuff.”
Well, then you know it’s time to roll out your bash
I rolled up these bash functions to switch my MacPorts installation
from 1.8 to 1.9 by taking all the binaries that are part of the ruby
macports install and moving them to suffixed files, and then symlinking
the bare names to either 1.8 or 1.9 (which IMHO should always
be how languages are installed).
<script src="http://gist.github.com/310185.js
So, dependencies? It depends on you having macports - it uses
that to get the list of files that have been added to the relevant bin
directory. You could replace that in the for loop with something else
to give you those filenames.
That’s it.
Hmm, or it would be it if I said: run r18 to switch to Ruby 1.8 and
run r19 to switch to Ruby 1.9. Also - warning - this runs sudo, so
understand what you’re running before typing in your password.
unit1 Living in Harmony.pdf
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