2001-2002 - Google
This section is a little off-topic, since this is supposed to be a history of Lisp at JPL, but some aspects of my experience at Google might nonetheless be of interest.
One of the reasons I stayed at JPL for twelve years was that I was appalled at what the software industry had become. The management world has tried to develop software engineering processes that allow people to be plugged into them like interchangeable components. The "interface specification" for these "components" usually involves a list of tools in which an engineer has received "training." (I really detest the use of the word "training" in relation to professional activities. Training is what you do to dogs. What you should be doing with people is educating them, not training them. There is a big, big difference.)
To my mind, the hallmark of the interchangeable component model of software engineers is Java. Without going into too many details, I'll just say that having programmed in Lisp the shortcomings of Java are glaringly obvious, and programming in Java means a life of continual and unremitting pain. So I vowed I would never be a Java programmer, which pretty much shut me out of 90% of all software engineering jobs in the late 90's. This was OK since I was managing to put together a reasonably successful career as a researcher. But after Remote Agent I found myself more and more frustrated, and the opportunity to work at Google just happened to coincide with a local frustration maximum.
One of the reasons I decided to go work for Google was that they were not using Java. So of course you can guess what my first assignment was: lead the inaugural Java development at the company, what eventually became Google AdWords. Thank God I had a junior engineer working for me who actually knew something about Java and didn't mind it so much. In the ancient tradition of senior-junior relationships, he did all the work, and I took all the credit. (Well, not quite -- I did write the billing system, including a pretty wizzy security system that keeps the credit card numbers secure even against dishonest employees. But Jeremy wrote the Lion's share of AdWords version 1.)
I did try to introduce Lisp to Google. Having had some experience selling Lisp at JPL I got all my ducks in a row, had a cool demo going, showed it to all the other members of the ads team, and had them all convinced that this was a good idea. The only thing left was to get approval from the VP of engineering. The conversation went something like this:
Me: I'd like to talk to you about something...
Him: Let me guess - you want to use Smalltalk.
Me: Er, no...
Him: Lisp?
Me: Right.
Him: No way.
And that was the end of Lisp at Google. In retrospect I am not convinced that he made the wrong decision. The interchangeable component model of software engineers seemed to work reasonably well there. It's just not a business model in which I wish to be involved, at least not on the component-provider side. So after a year at Google I quit and returned to JPL.
There is one simple way to exponentially increase the amount of traffic coming to your website and the number of people aware of your product or service: through the use of Google AdWords and related ...
and techniques for maximizing your AdWords campaign.Offering valuable advice, this new edition includes case studies from readers who have shared what they learned from using the techniques revealed ...
Learning Google AdWords and Google Analytics is going to launch and advance thousands of successful careers in digital advertising and digital analytics around the world. Learn from an expert who ...
从给定的文件信息来看,文章主要探讨了Google Adwords系统的使用技巧、策略以及如何从中挖掘潜在的利润空间。Adwords作为Google的核心广告服务之一,允许广告主通过竞价排名的方式,在Google搜索结果页面显示其广告...
**Google AdWords 完整教程** Google AdWords 是 Google 推出的一种在线广告服务,它允许企业在全球最大的搜索引擎上展示广告,吸引潜在客户。这个平台基于关键词拍卖机制,让广告主根据用户搜索词来定位目标受众,...
These are some of the overarching questions in this book, which explores the impact of information awareness on humanity starting from the Book of Genesis to the Royal Library of Alexandria in the ...
《Learning Google AdWords》这本书是一本全面而深入地讲解如何充分利用Google AdWords在线广告的指南。它不仅为初学者提供了进入在线营销领域的基础,而且还为那些已经入门的用户提供了进阶的技巧。Google的广告...
java代理服务器源码适用于 Java 的 Google Ads API 客户端库 该项目为 Google 的各种基于 SOAP 的广告 API(AdWords 和 Ad Manager)托管 Java 客户端库。 AdWords API 将 . 升级到 . 特征 通过分发。 使用日志外观...
其中,Google AdWords是网络营销中的关键工具,尤其在搜索引擎营销(SEM)领域扮演着重要角色。本PDF图解详细介绍了Google AdWords的原理、操作方法以及如何利用它来提升在线广告效果。 Google AdWords是一种付费...
### Adwords介绍 #### 谷歌Adwords概述 Google Adwords(现称为Google Ads)是一种基于互联网的广告服务平台,由Google开发并运营。它允许广告商在其搜索结果页面和其他合作伙伴网站上展示文本广告、图像广告、...
《Google Adwords高手速成指南之基础知识》是针对想要快速掌握Google Adwords这一广告平台的初学者精心编写的教程。Adwords是Google提供的在线广告服务,它允许企业在全球最大的搜索引擎上展示广告,从而吸引潜在...
根据提供的文件内容,我们可以深入探讨Google AdWords的相关知识点,这些知识点对于准备参加Google AdWords Professional认证考试的人来说非常有用。下面是对各个题目所涉及知识点的详细解释: ### 1. 访问AdWords...
在本文中,我们将深入探讨如何在 Laravel 框架中集成 Google AdWords API,以便进行高效、自动化的广告管理。Laravel 是一个流行的 PHP 框架,以其优雅的语法和强大的功能受到开发者喜爱。而 Google AdWords API 则...
google adwords 关键字工具
java餐饮系统源码AdWords 警报框架 概述 AdWords 上的警报框架是用于大规模 AdWords API 警报的开源 Java 框架。 它基于 [Java AdWords API 客户端库] ()。 该框架能够下载 AdWords 报告数据并与其他数据馈送相结合...
在本文中,我们将深入探讨如何使用Laravel框架开发与Google AdWords Targeting Idea Service集成的应用。Laravel是一款优雅、强大的PHP框架,它为开发者提供了丰富的工具和结构,以简化Web应用的开发过程。AdWords ...