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"Previously on 24"
Opens with the kidnapping of Jack and then the scene on the ship with the Chinese security agent telling Jack he won't kill him because he is worth too much.
Flash to seven months later…………..
A bearded Jack is being tortured mercilessly by the Chinese in a dingy jail area.
The Chinese security guy is back. A second in command tells the security guy that he fears they are about to kill him with the torture.
They note that Jack hasn't spoken a word in seven months.
Security guy says "we need that information."
Security guy holds up a picture of two Chinese guys- Hong and Lee.
He demands Bauer tell him which one is the spy- that he knows one of them has to be a spy.
There is more torture but Jack doesn't break. Security guy says to take him back to the jail cell.
Jack wakes a short time later to hear/see the jail guard get taken out by a silenced pistol.
Two hooded men enter the cell and tell Jack, "It's ok, we're Americans. We're going to get you out of here."
Dissolve to an outside shot of the Chinese encampment. Another guard is hit with a silenced shot. The trio make their way out of the fenced in area at night. Jack is taken to an SUV that is covered in the nearby forest.
They put Bauer in the back seat and tell him to stay down. A chase ensues with a Chi-Com Jeep.
Shots are fired, but the Chinese appear to be eluded after a fancy J-turn maneuver by the two American operators.
They come to a the bottom of a cliff-type area. A Chinese guy comes out of the rocks. The two Americans say it is Hong and he is there to help. They ask Bauer several times if he recognizes Hong. There appears to be a slight nod from Bauer and Hong is shot.
The security guy and friends come out of hiding.
"Thank you, Mr. Bauer. You told us all we need to know- Take him back to his cell."
Security guy then turns to the two Americans and tells them, "Thank you, gentlemen. Your money will be wired to your Swiss bank accounts."
Jack is led away and appears to be crying.
FTB- fade to black….
2. 租赁期限与租金:合同中明确指出租赁期限,如"XX 年 XX 月 XX 日至 XX 年 XX 月 XX 日",以及租金的支付周期和金额,如"每月月初/每季季初/每年年初 X 日内,乙方向甲方支付全月/季/年租金"。租金数额和支付方式...
2. **租金及支付方式**:租金数额(人民币xx元)和支付周期(月/季/年)应在合同中明确规定。此外,租金应在每月月初/每季季初/每年年初x日内支付给甲方。 3. **费用分担**:租赁期间产生的费用,如水费、电费、...
6. 房屋维护与损坏赔偿:乙方应对房屋及配套设施负有合理使用的责任,因乙方原因导致的损坏需进行赔偿。 7. 房产证明与纠纷解决:甲方需确保房屋无产权纠纷,乙方有权要求提供相关证明。若出现合同纠纷,双方应首先...
2. **租金及支付方式**:合同明确了房屋的月租金金额(如人民币XX元),并指定了支付时间(如每月月初/每季季初/每年年初X日内)。此外,租赁结束时,保证金将被用于冲抵房租。 3. **费用承担**:租户在租赁期间需...
【房屋租赁合同】是根据《中华人民共和国合同法》及相关法律法规制定的,用于规范出租方(甲方)与承租方(乙方)之间的权利义务关系。在签订房屋租赁合同时,双方应确保遵循以下主要条款: 1. **房屋基本信息**:...
租赁续约和终止条款在第五条和第六条中阐述。乙方若想续约,需提前一定时间通知甲方,甲方在接到通知后需在规定时间内给予答复。如果一方单方面提前解除合同,需提前一定期限书面通知对方,并可能面临违约金。 第七...
1. **租赁条款**:合同明确了租赁期限,例如从“××年××月××日至××年××月××日”,以及租金的支付方式和时间,如“每月月初/每季季初/每年年初××日内支付”。 2. **租金与保证金**:合同规定了月租金...
租金应在每月月初、每季季初或每年年初的特定日期内支付。 4. 生活费用分担:乙方需承担居住期间产生的费用,包括但不限于水费、电费、取暖费、燃气费、电话费、物业费等。租赁结束时,乙方需结清所有欠费。 5. ...
4. **租金及支付方式**:房屋月租金为人民币XX元,按月/季度/年结算,并规定了支付租金的时间,如每月月初/每季季初/每年年初X日内。 5. **费用承担**:在租赁期间,所有因居住产生的费用(如水费、电费、取暖费、...
#### 六、合同期限及终止条款 - **租赁期**:自__年__月__日至__年__月__日。 - **提前解约**: - 任何一方要求提前解除合同,需提前三个月书面通知对方,并支付对方总租金__%的违约金。 - 若甲方转让该房屋,...
根据提供的文件信息,我们可以从中提炼出关于房屋租赁合同的关键知识点,包括但不限于合同的基本构成、条款内容及注意事项等。 ### 房屋租赁合同基本构成 房屋租赁合同是出租人与承租人之间为了明确双方的权利与...
4. **涌金理财**:分为天天、月月和季季涌金,主要投资于银行间债券市场产品和低风险的银信合作产品,适合有无投资经验的个人客户。产品性质是非保本浮动收益,采取一次签约、自动循环理财的方式,理财周期明确,每...
租金的数额、支付方式(如按月、季或年结算)以及支付时间(如每月月初、每季季初或每年年初的指定日期)都需要在合同中明确。 3. **费用责任**:合同规定了租赁期间的各类费用,如水费、电费、取暖费、燃气费、...
4. **租金及支付方式**:租金金额、支付频率和支付时间点需在合同中明确规定,例如每月月初、每季季初或每年年初支付。 5. **费用承担**:乙方在租赁期间需要承担与居住相关的费用,如水费、电费、取暖费、燃气费、...
3. **租金及支付方式**:明确每月或每季度的租金数额,以及支付时间,如“每月月初”或“每季季初”。此外,还需规定租金是否包含其他费用,如物业管理费、水电费等。 4. **押金**:租赁开始前,承租方通常需要支付...