String str = "";//add your string content
//设置xmltag.getBytes("UTF-8") 编码
InputStream inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(str.getBytes());
Convert a Java OutputStream to an InputStream
If you have ever programmed using Java IO, you will quickly run into a situation in which a class creates data on an OutputStream and you need to send it to another class that expects to read the data from an input stream. You'll soon be asking the question, "How do I convert an OutputStream to an InputStream?"
Nowhere in Java will you find a OutpStreamToInputStreamConverter class. Luckily, there are several ways to go about this.
Method 1: Buffer the data using a byte array
The easiest method is to buffer the data using a byte array. The code will look something like this:
ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
new ByteArrayInputStream(out.toByteArray())
That's it! The OutputStream has been converted to an InputStream.
Method 2: Use pipes
The problem with the first method is that you must actually have enough memory to buffer the entire amount of data. You could buffer larger amounts of data by using the filesystem rather than memory, but either way there is a hard limit to the size of the data that can be handled. The solution is create a thread to produce the data to the PipedOutputStream. The current thread can then read the data as it comes in.
PipedInputStream in = new PipedInputStream();
PipedOUtputStream out = new PipedOutputStream(in);
new Thread(
new Runnable(){
public void run(){
Method 3: Use Circular Buffers
The two piped streams in method two actually manage a hidden circular buffer. It is conceptually easier to use an explicit Circular Buffer. CircularBuffers offer several advantages:
- One CircularBuffer class rather than two pipe classes.
- It is easier to convert between the "buffer all data" and "extra threads" approaches.
- You can change the buffer size rather than relying on the hard-coded 1k of buffer in the pipes.
Multiple Threaded Example of a Circular Buffer
CircularByteBuffer cbb = new CircularByteBuffer();
new Thread(
new Runnable(){
public void run(){
Single Threaded Example of a Circular Buffer
// buffer all data in a circular buffer of infinite size
CircularByteBuffer cbb = new CircularByteBuffer(CircularByteBuffer.INFINITE_SIZE);
See also: Converting a Writer to a Reader
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Copyright Stephen Ostermiller 1996-2008
- 使用`ByteArrayInputStream`:首先,我们可以将String转换为字节数组(byte[]),然后用这个字节数组创建一个`ByteArrayInputStream`。例如: ```java String inputString = "转换的字符串"; byte[] byteArray...
这个过程包括将源代码中的字符串常量转换为字节码,这涉及到了String到Byte的转换。`input.txt`可能是一个文本文件,其内容可能需要在网络编程中读取并转换为字节流进行传输。 总之,Java中的String与Byte类型的...
将一个String转化为InputStream,主要是将字符串转换成字节数组,然后创建一个ByteArrayInputStream。这种方法简单快捷,但会占用一定的内存空间。示例代码如下: ```java public InputStream string2...
* StringBufferInputStream,将 String 转换成 InputStream; * FileInputStream,用于从文件中读取信息; * PipedInputStream,产生用于写入相关 PipedOutputStream 的数据,实现“管道化”概念; * ...
1. 将 InputStream 对象转换成 ByteArrayOutputStream。 2. 使用 ByteArrayOutputStream 将数据写入到一个字节数组中。 3. 使用 ByteArrayInputStream 将字节数组转换回 InputStream 对象。 示例代码 下面是克隆 ...
在Java中,`String`默认使用的是Unicode编码,但在实际应用中,经常需要将`String`转换为特定字符集下的`byte[]`。 - **Java I/O操作**: 在Java中进行I/O操作时,通常涉及到`InputStream`和`OutputStream`等类,这些...
XML to JSON是一个Android Studio库,可轻松将XML转换为JSON以及将JSON转换为XML 。 它是完全可配置的,因此您可以更改例如属性名称。 与gradle集成很容易。 XML到JSON 基本用法 有两种创建XmlToJson对象的方法:...
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然后,我们可以将这些元素转换成相应的HTML元素,最后组合成一个完整的HTML文件。 三、转换步骤 1. **初始化POI**: 首先,我们需要导入Apache POI相关的库,并创建适当的处理对象,如`XSSFWorkbook`(处理.xlsx文件...
3. **处理InputStream**:InputStream是一个字节流,我们需要将其转换为可读的字符串。可以使用BufferedReader和InputStreamReader组合来实现。例如: ```java BufferedReader reader = null; try { reader = ...
在本文中,我们将深入探讨如何使用JAXB实现Java对象与XML的互相转换。 首先,我们需要理解JAXB的基本工作原理。JAXB基于Java注解,这些注解用于标记Java类和它们的属性,以便JAXB知道哪些元素和属性应该映射到XML中...
if (inputStream.available() > 5 && new String(inputStream.readNBytes(5)).equals("DOPC\x05")) { // 处理Word 2003 (.doc) HWPFDocument doc = new HWPFDocument(inputStream); return ...
在Java编程环境中,将一个URL链接的内容转换为PDF文件是一个常见的需求,这通常涉及到网络请求、HTML解析以及PDF生成等多个步骤。以下是一个详细的步骤指南,涵盖了这个过程中的关键知识点: 首先,我们需要处理URL...