第一类 数据推理:
题目1:393,163,67,29,9,? [问号里应该是5,3,1,11中哪个]
题目2:1,10,26,50,82,? [问号里应该是104,140,146,131中哪个]
题目3:22,44,68,96,128,? [问号里应该是148,156,164,174中哪个]
题目4:6,18,?,78,126 [问号里应该是40,41,42,44中哪个]
题目5:9,16,37,?,289 [问号里应该是30,46,216,100中哪个]
1 周迅的前男友窦鹏是窦唯的堂弟;
2 窦唯是王菲的前老公;
3 周迅的前男友宋宁是高原的表弟;
4 高原是窦唯的现任老婆;
5 窦唯是王菲的前老公;
6 周迅的前男友李亚鹏是王菲的现任老公;
7 周迅的前男友朴树的音乐制作人是张亚东;
8 张亚东是王菲的前老公窦唯的妹妹窦颖的前老公,也是王菲的音乐制作人;
9 张亚东是李亚鹏前女友瞿颖的现男友。
A 王菲周迅是情敌关系;
B 瞿颖王菲是情敌关系;
C 窦颖周迅是情敌关系;
D 瞿颖周迅是情敌关系。
PS 还有一套thoughtworks题也来做做
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A 123876549
B 321987654
C 321456798
D 789651234
题目15:For the following description about OOP, which is right?
1 An object can inherit the feature of another object;
2 A sub class can contain dditional attribute or behaviors.
3 Encapsulation is used to hide as MUCH as possible about the inner working of the interface.
4 Encapsulation prevents the program from becoming independent
5 polymorphism allows the methods have different signature but with same name.
A 12
B 14
C 23
D 35
E 45
题目16:Function club is used to simulate guest in a club. With 0 guests initially
and 50 as max occupancy, when guests beyond limitation, they need to wait outside;
when some guests leave the waiting list will decrease. The function will print out
number of guests in the club and waiting outside. The function declaration as follows:
void club(int x);
positive x stands for guests arrived, nagative x stands for guests left from
within the club
For example, club (40) prints 40,0; and then club (20) prints 50,10; and then club (-5) prints 50,5; and then club (-30) prints 25,0; and then club (-30) prints N/A; since it is impossible input.
To make sure this function works as defined, we have following set of data to pass into
the function and check the result are correct.
a 60
b 20 50 -10
c 40 -30
d 60 -5 -10 -10 10
e 10 -20
f 30 10 10 10 -60
g 10 10 10
h 10 -10 10
A a d e g
B c d f g
C a c d h
D b d g h
E c d e f
题目17:Read the following javascript code:
someText = 'Web2.0';
pattern = /(\w+)(\d)\.(\d)/i;
outCome = pattern.exec(someText);
What is outCome[0]?
Choice A: true
Choice B: false
Choice C: null
Choice D: Web
Choice E: Web2.0
题目18:Which one is Class B Address?
Choice A:
Choice B:
Choice C:
Choice D:
Choice E: None of them
题目19:Which of the choices below correctly describes the amount of time used by the following code:
for(i=1; i <n; i++)
for(j=1; j <n; j+=n/2)
for(k=1; k <n; k=2*k)
x = x +1;
Choice A: Θ(n^3)
Choice B: Θ(n2logn)
Choice C: Θ(n(log n)2)
Choice D: Θ(n log n)
Choice E: Θ((logn)2)
题目20:Which one of the following statements about buffer overflow attacking is NOT correct?
Choice A: Wrapping the vulnerable functions (such as strcpy) can help
prevent buffer overflow attacking
Choice B: Forbidding to execute code on the stack can help prevent
buffer overflow attacking
Choice C: Adding a mechanism in TLB to set the attribute of a page
non-executable can help prevent buffer overflow attacking
Choice D: C++ language has some built-in mechanisms to prevent buffer
overflow attacking
Choice E: None of above
题目21:During Beijing Olympic Games this summer, lots of people visited Beijing. However, many visitors have complains/difficulties towards trip since most hotels are very expensive or already fully booked. On the other hand, some local people are eagerly to rent out their apartments during Olympics, but don’t know how to effectively publish the information, even after Olympic, a lot of visitors and house renters are still facing the same problems
You’re assigned to solve this problem, and what are the action(s) you want to take for your first step
Choice A: Contact Government and ask for some initial funding
Choice B: Work with your colleagues to do user study to figure out more on who may be your customers
Choice C: Work with your Developer and Tester to build a platform to help these customers
Choice D: Find some of your friends outside the company, discuss about the project details, and see if they can help you.
Choice E: Nothing
题目22:You are the PM of online shopping project. This project is running well and will be released to customer in two months. But the marketing team demands to add two new features in this release and emphasize these two features are critical because our major competitors already have similar features . At the same time, you found out that all developers and tester already had work items planned for next two months. What are the right possible action(s) to take to deal with this issue?
1. Discuss the issue with the management team and try to request
new resources to fulfill these two features
2. Reject the new features request directly so that you can ship
current release on time
3. Decrease the testing criteria to reduce the test duration so
that you can add the two new features
4. Go through all the left work items with marketing team and
other partners to punt low priority items to next release
5. Discuss this issue with stakeholders (management team,
marketing team etc) and propose to postpone current release
Choice A: 1, 3 and 4
Choice B: 2
Choice C: 1, 3 and 4
Choice D: 1, 4 and 5
Choice E: 2, 4 and 5
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