Three compile command of JSP: @page,@include,@taglib
[extends="package.class"] --the parent class should be extended
[import= "package. class | package. *},…"] --import some package for your java code
[session="true | false"] --whether need HTTP sesison
[buffer="none | 8kb | size kb" 1
[autoFlush="true I false"]
[isThread8afe="true | false"]
[info="text"] --Servlet.getServerInfo()
[errorPage="relativeURL"] --when the error or exception thrown,skip to the errorpage pointed.
[contentType="mimeTyPe[ ;charset=characterSet]" | "text/html;charSet=ISO808859-1"]
[isErrorPage=" true | false"]
<%@include file="include.jsp" %>,this is the static command,if the file included always need change
,it should use <jsp:include> which is the dynamic always check the jsp file included and
The included jsp and the main jsp joined together when output.
All the setttings of page,the object used of Dynamic include should create itself.but they have the same scope
of request.
The static include jsp can use the settings of main jsp,they are a whole servlet.
Seven action command:
jsp:forward: make the page redirect,request of handling will go to the page forward.
<jsp:forward page=" {relativeURL | <%=expression%>}">
jsp:param: deliver the params.
jsp:include: Dynamic include a jsp.
jsp:plugin: download the JavaBean or Applet to client server.
jsp:useBean: use JavaBean .
jsp:setProperty: set the propety of JavaBean instance.
jsp:getProperty: get the propety of JavaBean instance.
nine object embedded:
application: the instance of javax.servlet.ServletContext,valid in the whole web application
config:the instance of javax.servlet.ServletConfig
exception:the instance of java.lang.Throwable
out:the instance of javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter
page: 'this' of Servlet
pageContext: the instace of Javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext
request:the instace of javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest
response:the instace of javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse
session: the instace of javax.servlet.http.HttpSession
moral knowledge, knowledge of God, and knowledge of language—none of which, say the rationalists, is adequately accounted for by empiricist theories of knowledge acquisition by sensation.) ...
A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge, (PMBOK® Guide), Third Edition Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data A guide to the project management body of knowledge: PMBOK ...
Weprove that TuckER is a fully expressive model, deriving the bound on its entity and relation embedding dimensionality for full expressiveness which is several orders of magnitude smaller than the ...
It is well known that all the known black-box zero-knowledge proofs of knowledge for NP are non-constant-round. Whether there exit constant-round black-box zero-knowledge proofs of knowledge for all ...
### 计算机科学知识框架(CS Body of Knowledge) #### 一、概述 《计算机科学知识框架》(CS Body of Knowledge)是根据CC2001制定的教学大纲中提取的一套全面而系统的知识体系,旨在定义本科生教育阶段应教授的...
We present a family of novel methods for embedding knowledge graphs into real-valued tensors. These tensor-based embeddings capture the ordered relations that are typical in the knowledge graphs ...
processes and gaining increased knowledge of existing processes, followed by optimising these processes for achieving world-class performance. My involvement in promoting and training in the use of ...
This book provides a definition and study of a knowledge representation and reasoning formalism stemming from conceptual graphs, while focusing on the computational properties of this formalism....
This study proposes an approach for constructing power equipment knowledge graph by merging existing multisource heterogeneous power equipment related data. A graphsearch method to illustrate ...
Knowledge-based Resource Management for Multifunction Radar.PDF 电子书
To achieve this, we incorporate these statistical correlations into deep neural networks to facilitate scene graph generation by developing a Knowledge-Embedded Routing Network. More specifically, ...
Toprovidemoreaccurate,diverse,... Due to the overlook of the relations amonginstancesoritems(e.g., thedirectorofamovieisalsoan actorofanothermovie),thesemethodsareinsufficienttodistillthe ...
教你怎么快速检索文献,功能强大的web of knowledge
multi-relational, and concurrent interactions between nodes—a limitation that is especially problematic for the task of temporal knowledge graph reasoning, where the goal is to predict unseen entity...
近年来,将知识图谱纳入推荐系统已引起越来越多的关 注.通过探索知识图中的互连,可以发现用户和项目之 间的连通性,这为路径提供了丰富且互补的信息给用户 -项目交互.这种连通性不仅揭示了实体和关系的语义, 而且还有...
里面有对 isi web of knowledge的20多个使用技巧: 应用技巧一:如何了解您的论文被SCI收录的情况.doc 应用技巧二:如何了解国际上都有哪些科学家在关注您的课题.doc 应用技巧三:如何检索结果中快速找到某个...
Each task requires writing some simple code to reflect your understanding of some knowledge of C++. II. Tasks of the homework Read the files in the folder Code of this assignment on Moodle. The ...