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Connecting to Oracle 9i the ASP Way for standalone
Category: ADO
Added on: 5/2/2003 Hits: 14548 Rating: (3.20) votes 61
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I am here giving you both the dsn as well as the dsnless connection for Oracle 9i connection with ASP applications. A dynamic way to explore the best database and scripting language.
First the DSN Connection.
1) Create a Connection
->Go To the settings
->Control panel
->System DSN
->ADD-> Oracle In OraHome90
It will show you a screen with"Oracle ODBC Driver Configuration"
->Call the Data Source Name "ORA" Or whatever you want. Here I am calling it "ORA" For this example.
At Enable Result Sets
->Check On Enable Query Timeout ->Read only connection(For Data Manipulation statement enable this). The rest you can apply As And when you require specific functions.
->Leave the default For the rest.
->Click On "Test Connection". If you have installed your personal Oracle 9i well, it should start up your database "Mounting Database"
[In the taskbar you will have a small blue color database icon displaying your database Is mounted]
->It will Open up another window called "Oracle ODBC Driver Connect"
-> As it Is a personal database With no service name, leave the service name blank.
-> For testing purpose use the default username="scott" And password="tiger"
->If you have come so far successfully it will say "Connection Successful"
Now you are all Set For testing your trial program.
As we are going To try In Windows -PWS For checking ASP
I am creating a folder called "ASP-oracle" In c:\inetpub\wwwroot\
This will be my working environment For the testing.
Create a file by any name inside this. I am calling it trial.asp
Copy And paste the following code To test.
Connecting To an Oracle database using ODBC And DSN connection
Set jul_conn=Server.CreateObject("adodb.connection")
jul_conn.Open "DSN=ORA;" & _
"Uid=scott;" & "Pwd=tiger"
SQLStr="SELECT empno, ename, deptno FROM Emp ORDER BY deptno, ename"
Set jul_ora=jul_conn.execute(SQLStr)
If Not jul_ora.EOF Then
Response.Write("<P>Connecting to Oracle the ASP way</P>")
Response.Write("<TABLE border=1><TR><TH>Employee No</TH>" & _
"<TH>Name</TH><TH>Department No</TH>")
Do While Not jul_ora.EOF
Response.Write("<TR><TD>" & jul_ora("empno") & "</TD>")
Response.Write("<TD>" & jul_ora("ename") & "</TD>")
Response.Write("<TD>" & jul_ora("deptno") & "</TD></TR>")
Response.Write("<P>No Records...!!</P>")
End If
This Is a simple code just For viewing your connected Oracle Database the ASP way!
Execute it by going To http://localhost/ASP-oracle/trial.asp
You will be able To view your simple employee database.
Assuming you have created a folder called "ASP-oracle"
Try working In the same folder For testing For it will easy To work around your logics then.
I will create here another file called "trial1.asp". The only difference will be the connection string.
Connecting To an Oracle database using OLE And DSNLess connection
Set jul_conn=Server.CreateObject("adodb.connection")
jul_conn.Open "Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle; Data Source=;" & _
"User ID=scott;" & "Password=tiger"
jul_str="SELECT empno, ename, deptno FROM Emp ORDER BY deptno, ename"
Set jul_rs=jul_conn.execute(jul_str)
If Not jul_rs.EOF Then
Response.Write("<P>Connecting to Oracle the ASP way</P>")
Response.Write("<TABLE BORDER=1><TR>" & _
"<TH>Employee No</TH><TH>Name</TH><TH>Department No</TH>")
While Not jul_rs.EOF
Response.Write("<TR><TD>" & jul_rs("empno") & "</TD>")
Response.Write("<TD>" & jul_rs("ename") & "</TD>")
Response.Write("<TD>" & jul_rs("deptno") & "</TD></TR>")
Response.Write("<P>No Records Found!!</P>")
End If
Execute it by going To http://localhost/ASP-oracle/trial1.asp
Will try To post the adding updating inserting Option In the next.
Useful Tip For Database Connection.
1)Use DSNLess connection
2)Keep the connection String In a seperate file And Call the file As an
include file In all the header of your applications.
This will help a great deal As manipulation of one file Is easier than
all your application files.
3) When testing keep your basics clear And simple logic To work.
All the best again For your research...It Is fun To work With Oracle 9i And ASP.
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