- 浏览: 1317744 次
- 性别:
- 来自: 江苏
的确,不要自己的支持就说完美支持,我的就不行,别说我的不是fi ...
无js实现text-overflow: ellipsis; 完美支持Firefox -
事件长微博,欢迎转发:http://weibo.com/332 ...
《在路上 …》 写代码也需要一点演技 – python2.6 的 class decorator -
没有报错,但排版效果一点都没有 咋回事。请指教
python排版工具 -
滑动效果 -
这个能监到控子目录吗?,我测试了一下,发现子目录里的文件监控不 ...
(function( $ )
$.fn.document = function()
var element = this[0];
if ( element.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'iframe' )
return element.contentWindow.document;
return ( $.browser.msie )
? document.frames[element.id].document
: element.contentWindow.document // contentDocument;
return $(this);
$.fn.documentSelection = function()
var element = this[0];
if ( element.contentWindow.document.selection )
return element.contentWindow.document.selection.createRange().text;
return element.contentWindow.getSelection().toString();
$.fn.wysiwyg = function( options )
if ( arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0].constructor == String )
var action = arguments[0].toString();
var params = [];
for ( var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++ )
params[i - 1] = arguments[i];
if ( action in Wysiwyg )
{ var r;
$.data(this, 'wysiwyg')
r=Wysiwyg[action].apply(this, params);
if(r!==undefined)return r;
return this;
var controls = {};
* If the user set custom controls, we catch it, and merge with the
* defaults controls later.
if ( options && options.controls )
var controls = options.controls;
delete options.controls;
var options = $.extend({
html : '<'+'?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?'+'><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en"><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">STYLE_SHEET</head><body>INITIAL_CONTENT</body></html>',
css : {},
debug : false,
autoSave : true, // http://code.google.com/p/jwysiwyg/issues/detail?id=11
rmUnwantedBr : true, // http://code.google.com/p/jwysiwyg/issues/detail?id=15
brIE : true,
controls : {},
messages : {}
}, options);
options.messages = $.extend(true, options.messages, Wysiwyg.MSGS_EN);
options.controls = $.extend(true, options.controls, Wysiwyg.TOOLBAR);
for ( var control in controls )
if ( control in options.controls )
$.extend(options.controls[control], controls[control]);
options.controls[control] = controls[control];
// not break the chain
return this.each(function()
Wysiwyg(this, options);
function Wysiwyg( element, options )
return this instanceof Wysiwyg
? this.init(element, options)
: new Wysiwyg(element, options);
$.extend(Wysiwyg, {
insertImage : function( szURL, attributes )
var self = $.data(this, 'wysiwyg');
if ( self.constructor == Wysiwyg && szURL && szURL.length > 0 )
if ( attributes )
self.editorDoc.execCommand('insertImage', false, '#jwysiwyg#');
var img = self.getElementByAttributeValue('img', 'src', '#jwysiwyg#');
if ( img )
img.src = szURL;
for ( var attribute in attributes )
img.setAttribute(attribute, attributes[attribute]);
self.editorDoc.execCommand('insertImage', false, szURL);
createLink : function( szURL )
var self = $.data(this, 'wysiwyg');
if ( self.constructor == Wysiwyg && szURL && szURL.length > 0 )
var selection = $(self.editor).documentSelection();
if ( selection.length > 0 )
self.editorDoc.execCommand('unlink', false, []);
self.editorDoc.execCommand('createLink', false, szURL);
else if ( self.options.messages.nonSelection )
getContent : function (newContent){
var self = $.data(this, 'wysiwyg');
return self.getContent()
setContent : function( newContent )
var self = $.data(this, 'wysiwyg');
self.setContent( newContent );
clear : function()
var self = $.data(this, 'wysiwyg');
nonSelection : 'select the text you wish to link'
bold : { visible : true, tags : ['b', 'strong'], css : { fontWeight : 'bold' } },
italic : { visible : true, tags : ['i', 'em'], css : { fontStyle : 'italic' } },
strikeThrough : { visible : true, tags : ['s', 'strike'], css : { textDecoration : 'line-through' } },
underline : { visible : true, tags : ['u'], css : { textDecoration : 'underline' } },
separator00 : { visible : false, separator : true },
justifyLeft : { visible : true, css : { textAlign : 'left' } },
justifyCenter : { visible : true, tags : ['center'], css : { textAlign : 'center' } },
justifyRight : { visible : true, css : { textAlign : 'right' } },
justifyFull : { visible : false, css : { textAlign : 'justify' } },
separator01 : { visible : false, separator : true },
indent : { visible : false },
outdent : { visible : false },
separator02 : { visible : false, separator : true },
subscript : { visible : false, tags : ['sub'] },
superscript : { visible : false, tags : ['sup'] },
separator03 : { visible : false, separator : true },
undo : { visible : false },
redo : { visible : false },
separator04 : { visible : false, separator : true },
insertOrderedList : { visible : false, tags : ['ol'] },
insertUnorderedList : { visible : false, tags : ['ul'] },
insertHorizontalRule : { visible : false, tags : ['hr'] },
separator05 : { separator : true },
createLink : {
visible : true,
exec : function()
var selection = $(this.editor).documentSelection();
if ( selection.length > 0 )
if ( $.browser.msie )
this.editorDoc.execCommand('createLink', true, null);
var szURL = prompt('URL', 'http://');
if ( szURL && szURL.length > 0 )
this.editorDoc.execCommand('unlink', false, []);
this.editorDoc.execCommand('createLink', false, szURL);
else if ( this.options.messages.nonSelection )
tags : ['a']
insertImage : {
visible : true,
exec : function()
if ( $.browser.msie )
this.editorDoc.execCommand('insertImage', true, null);
var szURL = prompt('URL', 'http://');
if ( szURL && szURL.length > 0 )
this.editorDoc.execCommand('insertImage', false, szURL);
tags : ['img']
separator06 : { separator : true ,visible : false},
h1mozilla : { visible : false && $.browser.mozilla, className : 'h1', command : 'heading', arguments : ['h1'], tags : ['h1'] },
h2mozilla : { visible : false && $.browser.mozilla, className : 'h2', command : 'heading', arguments : ['h2'], tags : ['h2'] },
h3mozilla : { visible : false && $.browser.mozilla, className : 'h3', command : 'heading', arguments : ['h3'], tags : ['h3'] },
h1 : { visible : false && !( $.browser.mozilla ), className : 'h1', command : 'formatBlock', arguments : ['Heading 1'], tags : ['h1'] },
h2 : { visible : false && !( $.browser.mozilla ), className : 'h2', command : 'formatBlock', arguments : ['Heading 2'], tags : ['h2'] },
h3 : { visible : false && !( $.browser.mozilla ), className : 'h3', command : 'formatBlock', arguments : ['Heading 3'], tags : ['h3'] },
separator07 : { visible : false, separator : true },
cut : { visible : false },
copy : { visible : false },
paste : { visible : false },
separator08 : { separator : true && !( $.browser.msie ) },
increaseFontSize : { visible : true ,
exec : function(){
Browser font size 1 -> Safari: 10 px (Actual font size: 8 px)
Browser font size 2 -> Safari: 13 px (Actual font size: 10 px)
Browser font size 3 -> Safari: 16 px (Actual font size: 12 px)
Browser font size 4 -> Safari: 18 px (Actual font size: 14 px)
Browser font size 5 -> Safari: 24 px (Actual font size: 18 px)
Browser font size 6 -> Safari: 32 px (Actual font size: 24 px)
Browser font size 7 -> Safari: 48 px (Actual font size: 36 px)
var sf = {
var font_size = parseInt(this.editorDoc.queryCommandValue('FontSize'));
decreaseFontSize : { visible : true && !( $.browser.msie ), tags : ['small'] },
separator09 : { separator : true },
html : {
visible : false,
exec : function()
if ( this.viewHTML )
this.setContent( $(this.original).val() );
this.viewHTML = !( this.viewHTML );
removeFormat : {
visible : true,
exec : function()
this.editorDoc.execCommand('removeFormat', false, []);
this.editorDoc.execCommand('unlink', false, []);
original : null,
options : {},
element : null,
editor : null,
init : function( element, options )
var self = this;
this.editor = element;
this.options = options || {};
$.data(element, 'wysiwyg', this);
var newX = element.width || element.clientWidth;
var newY = element.height || element.clientHeight;
if ( element.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'textarea' )
this.original = element;
if ( newX == 0 && element.cols )
newX = ( element.cols * 8 ) + 21;
if ( newY == 0 && element.rows )
newY = ( element.rows * 16 ) + 16;
var editor = this.editor = $('<iframe></iframe>').css({
minHeight : ( newY - 6 ).toString() + 'px',
width : ( newX - 8 ).toString() + 'px'
}).attr('id', $(element).attr('id') + 'IFrame');
if ( $.browser.msie )
.css('height', ( newY ).toString() + 'px');
var editor = $('<span></span>').css({
width : ( newX - 6 ).toString() + 'px',
height : ( newY - 8 ).toString() + 'px'
}).attr('id', $(element).attr('id') + 'IFrame');
editor.outerHTML = this.editor.outerHTML;
var panel = this.panel = $('<ul></ul>').addClass('panel');
this.element = $('<div></div>').css({
width : ( newX > 0 ) ? ( newX ).toString() + 'px' : '100%'
.append( $('<div><!-- --></div>').css({ clear : 'both' }) )
// .css('display', 'none')
this.viewHTML = false;
this.initialHeight = newY - 8;
* @link http://code.google.com/p/jwysiwyg/issues/detail?id=52
this.initialContent = $(element).val();
if ( this.initialContent.length == 0 )
if ( this.options.autoSave )
$('form').submit(function() { self.saveContent(); });
$('form').bind('reset', function()
self.setContent( self.initialContent );
initFrame : function()
var self = this;
var style = '';
* @link http://code.google.com/p/jwysiwyg/issues/detail?id=14
if ( this.options.css && this.options.css.constructor == String )
style = '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="' + this.options.css + '" />';
this.editorDoc = $(this.editor).document();
this.editorDoc_designMode = false;
try {
this.editorDoc.designMode = 'on';
this.editorDoc_designMode = true;
} catch ( e ) {
// Will fail on Gecko if the editor is placed in an hidden container element
// The design mode will be set ones the editor is focused
.replace(/INITIAL_CONTENT/, this.initialContent)
.replace(/STYLE_SHEET/, style)
this.editorDoc.contentEditable = 'true';
if ( $.browser.msie )
* Remove the horrible border it has on IE.
setTimeout(function() { $(self.editorDoc.body).css('border', 'none'); }, 0);
$(this.editorDoc).click(function( event )
self.checkTargets( event.target ? event.target : event.srcElement);
* @link http://code.google.com/p/jwysiwyg/issues/detail?id=20
if ( this.options.autoSave )
* @link http://code.google.com/p/jwysiwyg/issues/detail?id=11
$(this.editorDoc).keydown(function() { self.saveContent(); })
.keyup(function() { self.saveContent(); })
.mousedown(function() { self.saveContent(); });
if ( this.options.css )
if ( self.options.css.constructor == String )
* $(self.editorDoc)
* .find('head')
* .append(
* $('<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" />')
* .attr('href', self.options.css)
* );
}, 0);
$(this.editorDoc).keydown(function( event )
if ( $.browser.msie && self.options.brIE && event.keyCode == 13 )
var rng = self.getRange();
rng.pasteHTML('<br />');
return false;
designMode : function()
if ( !( this.editorDoc_designMode ) )
try {
this.editorDoc.designMode = 'on';
this.editorDoc_designMode = true;
} catch ( e ) {}
getSelection : function()
return ( window.getSelection ) ? window.getSelection() : document.selection;
getRange : function()
var selection = this.getSelection();
if ( !( selection ) )
return null;
return ( selection.rangeCount > 0 ) ? selection.getRangeAt(0) : selection.createRange();
getContent : function()
return $( $(this.editor).document() ).find('body').html();
setContent : function( newContent )
$( $(this.editor).document() ).find('body').html(newContent);
saveContent : function()
if ( this.original )
var content = this.getContent();
if ( this.options.rmUnwantedBr )
content = ( content.substr(-4) == '<br>' ) ? content.substr(0, content.length - 4) : content;
appendMenu : function( cmd, args, className, fn )
var self = this;
var args = args || [];
$('<a><!-- --></a>').addClass(className || cmd)
).mousedown(function() {
if ( fn ) fn.apply(self); else self.editorDoc.execCommand(cmd, false, args);
if ( self.options.autoSave ) self.saveContent();
}).appendTo( this.panel );
appendMenuSeparator : function()
$('<li class="separator"></li>').appendTo( this.panel );
appendControls : function()
for ( var name in this.options.controls )
var control = this.options.controls[name];
if ( control.separator )
if ( control.visible !== false )
else if ( control.visible )
control.command || name, control.arguments || [],
control.className || control.command || name || 'empty', control.exec
checkTargets : function( element )
for ( var name in this.options.controls )
var control = this.options.controls[name];
var className = control.className || control.command || name || 'empty';
$('.' + className, this.panel).removeClass('active');
if ( control.tags )
var elm = element;
do {
if ( elm.nodeType != 1 )
if ( $.inArray(elm.tagName.toLowerCase(), control.tags) != -1 )
$('.' + className, this.panel).addClass('active');
} while ( elm = elm.parentNode );
if ( control.css )
var elm = $(element);
do {
if ( elm[0].nodeType != 1 )
for ( var cssProperty in control.css )
if ( elm.css(cssProperty).toString().toLowerCase() == control.css[cssProperty] )
$('.' + className, this.panel).addClass('active');
} while ( elm = elm.parent() );
getElementByAttributeValue : function( tagName, attributeName, attributeValue )
var elements = this.editorDoc.getElementsByTagName(tagName);
for ( var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++ )
var value = elements[i].getAttribute(attributeName);
if ( $.browser.msie )
/** IE add full path, so I check by the last chars. */
value = value.substr(value.length - attributeValue.length);
if ( value == attributeValue )
return elements[i];
return false;
(function( $ )
$.fn.document = function()
var element = this[0];
if ( element.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'iframe' )
return element.contentWindow.document;
return ( $.browser.msie )
? document.frames[element.id].document
: element.contentWindow.document // contentDocument;
return $(this);
$.fn.documentSelection = function()
var element = this[0];
if ( element.contentWindow.document.selection )
return element.contentWindow.document.selection.createRange().text;
return element.contentWindow.getSelection().toString();
$.fn.wysiwyg = function( options )
if ( arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0].constructor == String )
var action = arguments[0].toString();
var params = [];
for ( var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++ )
params[i - 1] = arguments[i];
if ( action in Wysiwyg )
{ var r;
$.data(this, 'wysiwyg')
r=Wysiwyg[action].apply(this, params);
if(r!==undefined)return r;
return this;
var controls = {};
* If the user set custom controls, we catch it, and merge with the
* defaults controls later.
if ( options && options.controls )
var controls = options.controls;
delete options.controls;
var options = $.extend({
html : '<'+'?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?'+'><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en"><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">STYLE_SHEET</head><body>INITIAL_CONTENT</body></html>',
css : {},
debug : false,
autoSave : true, // http://code.google.com/p/jwysiwyg/issues/detail?id=11
rmUnwantedBr : true, // http://code.google.com/p/jwysiwyg/issues/detail?id=15
brIE : true,
controls : {},
messages : {}
}, options);
options.messages = $.extend(true, options.messages, Wysiwyg.MSGS_EN);
options.controls = $.extend(true, options.controls, Wysiwyg.TOOLBAR);
for ( var control in controls )
if ( control in options.controls )
$.extend(options.controls[control], controls[control]);
options.controls[control] = controls[control];
// not break the chain
return this.each(function()
Wysiwyg(this, options);
function Wysiwyg( element, options )
return this instanceof Wysiwyg
? this.init(element, options)
: new Wysiwyg(element, options);
$.extend(Wysiwyg, {
insertImage : function( szURL, attributes )
var self = $.data(this, 'wysiwyg');
if ( self.constructor == Wysiwyg && szURL && szURL.length > 0 )
if ( attributes )
self.editorDoc.execCommand('insertImage', false, '#jwysiwyg#');
var img = self.getElementByAttributeValue('img', 'src', '#jwysiwyg#');
if ( img )
img.src = szURL;
for ( var attribute in attributes )
img.setAttribute(attribute, attributes[attribute]);
self.editorDoc.execCommand('insertImage', false, szURL);
createLink : function( szURL )
var self = $.data(this, 'wysiwyg');
if ( self.constructor == Wysiwyg && szURL && szURL.length > 0 )
var selection = $(self.editor).documentSelection();
if ( selection.length > 0 )
self.editorDoc.execCommand('unlink', false, []);
self.editorDoc.execCommand('createLink', false, szURL);
else if ( self.options.messages.nonSelection )
getContent : function (newContent){
var self = $.data(this, 'wysiwyg');
return self.getContent()
setContent : function( newContent )
var self = $.data(this, 'wysiwyg');
self.setContent( newContent );
clear : function()
var self = $.data(this, 'wysiwyg');
nonSelection : 'select the text you wish to link'
bold : { visible : true, tags : ['b', 'strong'], css : { fontWeight : 'bold' } },
italic : { visible : true, tags : ['i', 'em'], css : { fontStyle : 'italic' } },
strikeThrough : { visible : true, tags : ['s', 'strike'], css : { textDecoration : 'line-through' } },
underline : { visible : true, tags : ['u'], css : { textDecoration : 'underline' } },
separator00 : { visible : false, separator : true },
justifyLeft : { visible : true, css : { textAlign : 'left' } },
justifyCenter : { visible : true, tags : ['center'], css : { textAlign : 'center' } },
justifyRight : { visible : true, css : { textAlign : 'right' } },
justifyFull : { visible : false, css : { textAlign : 'justify' } },
separator01 : { visible : false, separator : true },
indent : { visible : false },
outdent : { visible : false },
separator02 : { visible : false, separator : true },
subscript : { visible : false, tags : ['sub'] },
superscript : { visible : false, tags : ['sup'] },
separator03 : { visible : false, separator : true },
undo : { visible : false },
redo : { visible : false },
separator04 : { visible : false, separator : true },
insertOrderedList : { visible : false, tags : ['ol'] },
insertUnorderedList : { visible : false, tags : ['ul'] },
insertHorizontalRule : { visible : false, tags : ['hr'] },
separator05 : { separator : true },
createLink : {
visible : true,
exec : function()
var selection = $(this.editor).documentSelection();
if ( selection.length > 0 )
if ( $.browser.msie )
this.editorDoc.execCommand('createLink', true, null);
var szURL = prompt('URL', 'http://');
if ( szURL && szURL.length > 0 )
this.editorDoc.execCommand('unlink', false, []);
this.editorDoc.execCommand('createLink', false, szURL);
else if ( this.options.messages.nonSelection )
tags : ['a']
insertImage : {
visible : true,
exec : function()
if ( $.browser.msie )
this.editorDoc.execCommand('insertImage', true, null);
var szURL = prompt('URL', 'http://');
if ( szURL && szURL.length > 0 )
this.editorDoc.execCommand('insertImage', false, szURL);
tags : ['img']
separator06 : { separator : true ,visible : false},
h1mozilla : { visible : false && $.browser.mozilla, className : 'h1', command : 'heading', arguments : ['h1'], tags : ['h1'] },
h2mozilla : { visible : false && $.browser.mozilla, className : 'h2', command : 'heading', arguments : ['h2'], tags : ['h2'] },
h3mozilla : { visible : false && $.browser.mozilla, className : 'h3', command : 'heading', arguments : ['h3'], tags : ['h3'] },
h1 : { visible : false && !( $.browser.mozilla ), className : 'h1', command : 'formatBlock', arguments : ['Heading 1'], tags : ['h1'] },
h2 : { visible : false && !( $.browser.mozilla ), className : 'h2', command : 'formatBlock', arguments : ['Heading 2'], tags : ['h2'] },
h3 : { visible : false && !( $.browser.mozilla ), className : 'h3', command : 'formatBlock', arguments : ['Heading 3'], tags : ['h3'] },
separator07 : { visible : false, separator : true },
cut : { visible : false },
copy : { visible : false },
paste : { visible : false },
separator08 : { separator : true && !( $.browser.msie ) },
increaseFontSize : { visible : true ,
exec : function(){
Browser font size 1 -> Safari: 10 px (Actual font size: 8 px)
Browser font size 2 -> Safari: 13 px (Actual font size: 10 px)
Browser font size 3 -> Safari: 16 px (Actual font size: 12 px)
Browser font size 4 -> Safari: 18 px (Actual font size: 14 px)
Browser font size 5 -> Safari: 24 px (Actual font size: 18 px)
Browser font size 6 -> Safari: 32 px (Actual font size: 24 px)
Browser font size 7 -> Safari: 48 px (Actual font size: 36 px)
var sf = {
var font_size = parseInt(this.editorDoc.queryCommandValue('FontSize'));
decreaseFontSize : { visible : true && !( $.browser.msie ), tags : ['small'] },
separator09 : { separator : true },
html : {
visible : false,
exec : function()
if ( this.viewHTML )
this.setContent( $(this.original).val() );
this.viewHTML = !( this.viewHTML );
removeFormat : {
visible : true,
exec : function()
this.editorDoc.execCommand('removeFormat', false, []);
this.editorDoc.execCommand('unlink', false, []);
original : null,
options : {},
element : null,
editor : null,
init : function( element, options )
var self = this;
this.editor = element;
this.options = options || {};
$.data(element, 'wysiwyg', this);
var newX = element.width || element.clientWidth;
var newY = element.height || element.clientHeight;
if ( element.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'textarea' )
this.original = element;
if ( newX == 0 && element.cols )
newX = ( element.cols * 8 ) + 21;
if ( newY == 0 && element.rows )
newY = ( element.rows * 16 ) + 16;
var editor = this.editor = $('<iframe></iframe>').css({
minHeight : ( newY - 6 ).toString() + 'px',
width : ( newX - 8 ).toString() + 'px'
}).attr('id', $(element).attr('id') + 'IFrame');
if ( $.browser.msie )
.css('height', ( newY ).toString() + 'px');
var editor = $('<span></span>').css({
width : ( newX - 6 ).toString() + 'px',
height : ( newY - 8 ).toString() + 'px'
}).attr('id', $(element).attr('id') + 'IFrame');
editor.outerHTML = this.editor.outerHTML;
var panel = this.panel = $('<ul></ul>').addClass('panel');
this.element = $('<div></div>').css({
width : ( newX > 0 ) ? ( newX ).toString() + 'px' : '100%'
.append( $('<div><!-- --></div>').css({ clear : 'both' }) )
// .css('display', 'none')
this.viewHTML = false;
this.initialHeight = newY - 8;
* @link http://code.google.com/p/jwysiwyg/issues/detail?id=52
this.initialContent = $(element).val();
if ( this.initialContent.length == 0 )
if ( this.options.autoSave )
$('form').submit(function() { self.saveContent(); });
$('form').bind('reset', function()
self.setContent( self.initialContent );
initFrame : function()
var self = this;
var style = '';
* @link http://code.google.com/p/jwysiwyg/issues/detail?id=14
if ( this.options.css && this.options.css.constructor == String )
style = '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="' + this.options.css + '" />';
this.editorDoc = $(this.editor).document();
this.editorDoc_designMode = false;
try {
this.editorDoc.designMode = 'on';
this.editorDoc_designMode = true;
} catch ( e ) {
// Will fail on Gecko if the editor is placed in an hidden container element
// The design mode will be set ones the editor is focused
.replace(/INITIAL_CONTENT/, this.initialContent)
.replace(/STYLE_SHEET/, style)
this.editorDoc.contentEditable = 'true';
if ( $.browser.msie )
* Remove the horrible border it has on IE.
setTimeout(function() { $(self.editorDoc.body).css('border', 'none'); }, 0);
$(this.editorDoc).click(function( event )
self.checkTargets( event.target ? event.target : event.srcElement);
* @link http://code.google.com/p/jwysiwyg/issues/detail?id=20
if ( this.options.autoSave )
* @link http://code.google.com/p/jwysiwyg/issues/detail?id=11
$(this.editorDoc).keydown(function() { self.saveContent(); })
.keyup(function() { self.saveContent(); })
.mousedown(function() { self.saveContent(); });
if ( this.options.css )
if ( self.options.css.constructor == String )
* $(self.editorDoc)
* .find('head')
* .append(
* $('<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" />')
* .attr('href', self.options.css)
* );
}, 0);
$(this.editorDoc).keydown(function( event )
if ( $.browser.msie && self.options.brIE && event.keyCode == 13 )
var rng = self.getRange();
rng.pasteHTML('<br />');
return false;
designMode : function()
if ( !( this.editorDoc_designMode ) )
try {
this.editorDoc.designMode = 'on';
this.editorDoc_designMode = true;
} catch ( e ) {}
getSelection : function()
return ( window.getSelection ) ? window.getSelection() : document.selection;
getRange : function()
var selection = this.getSelection();
if ( !( selection ) )
return null;
return ( selection.rangeCount > 0 ) ? selection.getRangeAt(0) : selection.createRange();
getContent : function()
return $( $(this.editor).document() ).find('body').html();
setContent : function( newContent )
$( $(this.editor).document() ).find('body').html(newContent);
saveContent : function()
if ( this.original )
var content = this.getContent();
if ( this.options.rmUnwantedBr )
content = ( content.substr(-4) == '<br>' ) ? content.substr(0, content.length - 4) : content;
appendMenu : function( cmd, args, className, fn )
var self = this;
var args = args || [];
$('<a><!-- --></a>').addClass(className || cmd)
).mousedown(function() {
if ( fn ) fn.apply(self); else self.editorDoc.execCommand(cmd, false, args);
if ( self.options.autoSave ) self.saveContent();
}).appendTo( this.panel );
appendMenuSeparator : function()
$('<li class="separator"></li>').appendTo( this.panel );
appendControls : function()
for ( var name in this.options.controls )
var control = this.options.controls[name];
if ( control.separator )
if ( control.visible !== false )
else if ( control.visible )
control.command || name, control.arguments || [],
control.className || control.command || name || 'empty', control.exec
checkTargets : function( element )
for ( var name in this.options.controls )
var control = this.options.controls[name];
var className = control.className || control.command || name || 'empty';
$('.' + className, this.panel).removeClass('active');
if ( control.tags )
var elm = element;
do {
if ( elm.nodeType != 1 )
if ( $.inArray(elm.tagName.toLowerCase(), control.tags) != -1 )
$('.' + className, this.panel).addClass('active');
} while ( elm = elm.parentNode );
if ( control.css )
var elm = $(element);
do {
if ( elm[0].nodeType != 1 )
for ( var cssProperty in control.css )
if ( elm.css(cssProperty).toString().toLowerCase() == control.css[cssProperty] )
$('.' + className, this.panel).addClass('active');
} while ( elm = elm.parent() );
getElementByAttributeValue : function( tagName, attributeName, attributeValue )
var elements = this.editorDoc.getElementsByTagName(tagName);
for ( var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++ )
var value = elements[i].getAttribute(attributeName);
if ( $.browser.msie )
/** IE add full path, so I check by the last chars. */
value = value.substr(value.length - attributeValue.length);
if ( value == attributeValue )
return elements[i];
return false;
gz后仅5.5K的Rich Editor
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2009-07-30 16:30 3384先安装 http://sourceforge.net/proj ... -
每天写一点web框架 5
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linux 命令 zcat , pgrep
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2009-05-21 01:00 12871. 交换机的东西我一点不懂 今晚学了一点. 100M 电 ... -
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jQuery是一个广泛使用的JavaScript库,它简化了DOM操作、事件处理、动画效果等任务,而`wysiwyg.js`则是基于jQuery的一款富文本编辑器插件。这款插件旨在为开发者提供一个轻量级、易于集成和自定义的解决方案。 `...
**jQuery富文本编辑器插件-wysiwyg.js** 在Web开发中,富文本编辑器是一种常见的组件,它允许用户以类似Word的方式编辑HTML内容。`wysiwyg.js`是一款基于jQuery的富文本编辑器插件,为网页提供了一种高效、功能强大...
`wysiwyg.js`是一款基于jQuery的富文本编辑器插件,它以其高效和稳定性能受到开发者青睐。这款插件的主要目标是提供一个快速、无错误并且对页面其他功能无干扰的编辑体验。 在网页开发中,`<textarea>`元素通常被...
3. **jquery.wysiwyg.js** - 这是编辑器的主要JavaScript文件,包含实现编辑器功能的代码。它提供了诸如文本格式化、插入图片、创建列表等功能,并且处理用户交互,如点击按钮时执行相应的操作。开发者可以通过扩展...
`jquery.wysiwyg.js` 是核心JavaScript文件,包含了实现文本编辑功能的代码。它可能包括了事件监听、DOM操作、富文本处理等功能。该文件通常会定义一个插件,使得可以通过简单的jQuery选择器和方法调用来初始化和...
4. **JavaScript文件(jquery.wysiwyg.js)** 这是核心的JavaScript文件,实现了富文本编辑器的逻辑。它包含了对用户输入的监听、事件处理、以及与服务器的交互等功能。通过扩展和自定义这个JS文件,开发者可以增加...
在线编辑内容的时候,那些基于 JavaScript 的编辑器帮了我们大忙,这些所见即所得(WYSIWYG)编辑器,给我们提供了类似 Office?的操作体验。如今,任何网站内容管理系统(CMS)和博客系统都需要一个这样的编辑器。...
**轻量级jQuery文本编辑器插件Froala WYSIWYG Editor** Froala WYSIWYG Editor是一款高效、易用且功能丰富的jQuery富文本编辑器,它为Web开发者提供了一个优雅的方式来实现用户界面中的文本编辑功能。这款编辑器以...
Summernote.js是一款基于jQuery和Bootstrap的富文本编辑器,它以直观的WYSIWYG(所见即所得)界面为用户提供编辑体验。这款编辑器的特点包括: 1. **简洁的用户界面**:Summernote的UI设计符合Bootstrap的风格,...
jQuery WYSIWYG编辑器的核心在于其基于流行的JavaScript库jQuery构建,这使得它能够轻松地与其他jQuery插件和功能协同工作。它的兼容性广泛,覆盖了包括Internet Explorer 6到8,Firefox 3,Opera 9,Safari 4以及...
在技术实现上,jQuery WYSIWYG Editor是通过jQuery插件的形式存在的,这意味着开发者只需要在项目中引入jQuery库和该编辑器的JavaScript文件,就可以轻松地在HTML元素上应用编辑器功能。通过简单的API调用,开发者...
要求 (建议v.3 +,v.3.2 +) FontAwesome( / ) src/jquery.richtext.min.js src/richtext.min.css初始化编辑器只需在jQuery('textarea')或jQuery('input')字段上调用.richText() jQuery('textarea')也允许使用...
`jWYSIWYG`是一个基于jQuery的轻量级插件,它提供了一个所见即所得(WYSIWYG)的编辑界面,使得用户在网页上可以像使用桌面应用那样进行文本编辑。这款插件以其小巧、易于集成和使用的特点受到开发者的青睐。 **一...