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中国希望,在中国这个世界名列前茅的汽车市场上,中国汽车生产商能够更具竞争力。而汽车生产商们对于如何做到这一点或许各有各的想法。中国有100多家汽车生产企业,虽然以销售量计是世界第二大轿车市场,但国内市场却依然被大众(Volkswagen)丰田(Toyota)和本田(Honda)之类的海外品牌所主导。JD Power的数据显示,去年中国乘用车市场上销售量排名前十的汽车厂家中,只有奇瑞汽车(Chery Automobile)和吉利汽车(Geely Automobile Holdings)两家中国本土企业。中国政府已制定出一项计划以改变这一状况。其核心是要在未来两年实施一系列行业整合,产生出两到三家年销售量超过200万辆的轿车生产企业,以及五家年轿车年销售量达100万辆左右的企业。但计划中未包含鼓励国内汽车厂家收购外国竞争对手的任何措施,而海外收购被中国一些轿车生产商视为获取市场竞争力的道路。吉利汽车最近表示,它有兴趣通过跨国收购获得技术和销售平台,并借此绕过国外的贸易壁垒。沃尔沃公司(Volvo)预计就是它的一个收购目标。但中国政府却对此类海外收购持谨慎态度,鉴于近年来汽车行业跨境并购的历史,北京如此谨慎也是可以理解的。但政府的汽车行业整合计划也有可能面临地方政府的抵制,后者都想保护各自的地方利益。抱抵制态度的还有各个汽车厂家,无论是私营还是国有企业,它们可能都不会像政府预期的那般顺从。中国政府真正的同盟军只有中国汽车市场不断恶化的状况。中国去年的汽车销量增长速度创下了10年来的最低水平。中小轿车企业的艰难处境可能会为国内汽车行业的并购创造条件,使规模较大的中国本土汽车生产商将并购目光从海外竞争对手身上移开。Andrew Peaple相关阅读中国推出多项措施振兴汽车业 2009-03-23美国政府将救助汽车零部件供应商 2009-03-20吉利汽车有意通过国际收购绕过贸易壁垒 2009-03-14收购沃尔沃将给吉利带来灾难? 2009-03-04中国汽车设计师难觅用武之地 2009-03-18
China is hoping to make its auto makers more competitive in one of the world's biggest auto markets: China.The car makers may have different ideas of how to get there.There are more than 100 auto makers based in China, currently the world's second-largest car market in terms of the number of vehicles sold, but domestic sales continue to be dominated by overseas brands such as Volkswagen, Toyota and Honda. Only two Chinese companies -- Chery Automobile and Geely Automobile Holdings -- made the top 10 list of annual passenger vehicle sales last year, according to data from JD Power.Beijing has hatched a plan to change this. It is centered on a round of consolidation in the next two years that will leave two or three companies selling more than two million cars a year, and five others with sales of about half that.Absent is any incentive for the auto makers to include acquisitions of foreign rivals, which some of China's car makers see as their path to competitiveness.Geely recently said it is interested in using international acquisitions to gain access to technology and sales platforms, and to circumvent trade barriers. Volvo is one expected target.Beijing is cautious about such moves -- understandable given the recent history of cross-border mergers in the auto sector.But the consolidation plan might also face resistance from local governments seeking to protect their parochial interests.Individual companies, too, whether private or state-owned, may not be as pliant as the government expects.What Beijing does have on its side is the worsening condition of China's auto market. Last year, Chinese auto sales grew at their slowest pace in a decade.Suffering smaller car makers may entice dealmaking at home -- keeping the larger Chinese auto makers' eyes off overseas temptation.Andrew Peaple
China is hoping to make its auto makers more competitive in one of the world's biggest auto markets: China.The car makers may have different ideas of how to get there.There are more than 100 auto makers based in China, currently the world's second-largest car market in terms of the number of vehicles sold, but domestic sales continue to be dominated by overseas brands such as Volkswagen, Toyota and Honda. Only two Chinese companies -- Chery Automobile and Geely Automobile Holdings -- made the top 10 list of annual passenger vehicle sales last year, according to data from JD Power.Beijing has hatched a plan to change this. It is centered on a round of consolidation in the next two years that will leave two or three companies selling more than two million cars a year, and five others with sales of about half that.Absent is any incentive for the auto makers to include acquisitions of foreign rivals, which some of China's car makers see as their path to competitiveness.Geely recently said it is interested in using international acquisitions to gain access to technology and sales platforms, and to circumvent trade barriers. Volvo is one expected target.Beijing is cautious about such moves -- understandable given the recent history of cross-border mergers in the auto sector.But the consolidation plan might also face resistance from local governments seeking to protect their parochial interests.Individual companies, too, whether private or state-owned, may not be as pliant as the government expects.What Beijing does have on its side is the worsening condition of China's auto market. Last year, Chinese auto sales grew at their slowest pace in a decade.Suffering smaller car makers may entice dealmaking at home -- keeping the larger Chinese auto makers' eyes off overseas temptation.Andrew Peaple
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Why OECD Boosted Outlook: Housing, China, Inventories
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《代码自动生成流程图软件——CrystalC_REVS_ProPlus_Eval_v480深度解析》 在编程领域,代码自动生成工具已经成为了提高开发效率、优化工作流程的关键要素。其中,“CrystalC_REVS_ProPlus_Eval_v480”是一款备受...
skoolkit-game-revs 使用反向工程游戏。 公路遭遇 原始:适用于1985年的ZX Spectrum。 状态:未完成(15K .ctl文件)。 反向操作旨在在另一个平台上重新创建游戏,请参见 。 荒凉 原文:Patrick Prendergast撰写...
"R Revs Twist up"可能指的是循环(Revs)或者旋转操作,这可能是在描述程序中的某些逻辑流程,比如数据处理的循环过程或递归操作,使得程序的功能更加灵活和强大。 【标签】"Customcontrol UP" 进一步强调了自定义...
grunt-requirejs-revs 修改requirejs引用的文件 入门 这个插件需要~0.4.5 如果您以前从未使用过 ,请务必查看《指南》,因为它说明了如何创建以及安装和使用Grunt插件。 熟悉该过程后,可以使用以下命令安装此插件...
语言:English REV由政府的官方消息来源提供免费的PPSR证书进行检查。 财务支票-注销支票-被盗支票-以及更多。 转速检查可以提供一些有关您的汽车历史的重要信息。 如。 车辆登记注销历史任何未偿还的汽车贷款不论...
燃油模型的MATLAB代码EPA_ALPHA_模型 ...的重型合规模型,GEM)建立在称为“REVS”的通用平台上 - 受管制的排放车辆模拟。 REVS 构成了 ALPHA 的基础。 本文档指的是 REVS 的第三次修订,称为 REVS3。 ALPHA 可以被认为
`--drop-empty-revs`选项会移除没有更改的修订版本,`--renumber-revs`则确保修订版本号连续,而`--skip-missing-merge-sources`避免了因缺少合并源而产生的错误。 #### 步骤3:创建新的存储库 在执行服务器端操作...
使用R获取亚马逊产品评论的data.frame。要从此Github安装,请确保您具有devtools软件包并运行install_github('... print(tail( revs [, 1 : 6 ]))# helpful_count helpful_total stars author title date# 19 1
我们有一个.git-blame-ignore-revs文件,用于忽略git blame中样式更改的提交。 您可以配置git来使用它,VSCode和其他人将尊重该设置: git config blame.ignoreRevsFile .git-blame-ignore-revs 发布软件包的新...
例如,Giornale Italiano Dermatol Venereol可能是意大利皮肤性病学杂志的引用样式,Intl J Consumer Stud可能对应国际消费者研究杂志的引用格式,而Mass Spectrometry Revs则可能与质谱学评论期刊的引用规则相关。...
在6分钟内转了60转,可以计算出实际功率P=60revs/600revs/kW.h*60min/1h=1kW,即1000W。 2. **电能表读数与用电情况分析**:第二题中,郑龙通过电能表记录一周的用电情况,这涉及到电能表读数的理解和日常生活中的...
"600revs/kW·h",表示每消耗1千瓦时电能,电能表的转盘转600转。 3. 家庭电费计算:通过电能表的前后两次读数差,可以得知这段时间内的用电量。例如,如果从2500到3000,就是用了500千瓦时的电。 知识点三:电能...
例如,题目中提到的电能表标注“220V, 10A, 3000revs/KW·h”,意味着该电能表适用于220V的电路,最大电流为10A,最大功率不超过2200W(220V×10A)。如果电能表的起始读数是x,结束读数是y,那么消耗的电能为(y-x)...
常见规格如220V、10(20)A、50Hz、600revs/kWh,其中600revs/kWh表示每消耗1千瓦时的电能,电能表的转盘转600圈。 三、闸刀开关 闸刀开关在电路中起到切断电源的作用,便于更换电器或维修设备。其结构包括静触头和动...
例如,"1500revs/(kW·h)"表示每消耗1千瓦时的电能,电能表的转盘转1500圈。 5. **电功率与电能的关系**:电功率越高,单位时间内消耗的电能越多,但总电能取决于功率和时间的乘积。例如,一个2000W的设备工作1分钟...