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<style type="text/css" media="screen"> @import url("http://taoke.alimama.com/css/newmyalimama/instance/overlay.css?t=11240510"); @import url("http://taoke.alimama.com/css/newmyalimama/instance/module/myalimama.css?t=11240510"); @import url("http://taoke.alimama.com/css/newmyalimama/instance/module/myalimama/sale.css?t=11240510"); @import url("http://taoke.alimama.com/css/newmyalimama/instance/ie_hacks.css?t=11240510"); @import url("http://taoke.alimama.com/css/newmyalimama/instance/safari3_hacks.css?t=11240510"); @import url("http://taoke.alimama.com/css/newmyalimama/instance/cps/cps.css?t=11240510"); @import url("http://taoke.alimama.com/css/newmyalimama/instance/cps/fcps.css?t=11240510"); @import url("http://taoke.alimama.com/css/newmyalimama/instance/cps/cps_list.css?t=11240510"); @import url("http://taoke.alimama.com/css/std_notice.css?t=11240510"); @import url("http://taoke.alimama.com/css/newmyalimama/instance/buttons.css?t=11240510"); </style>
<style type="text/css" media="screen">
@import url("http://www.taobao.com/home/css/global/v2.0.css?t=20070518.css");
<link rel="stylesheet" rev="stylesheet" href="default.css" type="text/css" media="all" />
而像google 百度 163等网站他们都是直接写在网页中
@import 为CSS服务
经典有网友说 @import会优先执行。
外部引用CSS中 link与@import的区别
原文链接: http://www.aono82.com/v11/news/31/20081229133408.htm
The @import Hack
Early browsers are notorious for malfunctioning when presented with CSS rules they can't handle (Netscape Navigator 4 will crash at the sight of certain rules). The import hack allows you to hide entire stylesheets from version 4 and older browsers by linking them with a method they don't understand: the @import rule. [CSS2:@import]
The @import rule links to an external stylesheet from within a stylesheet (external or in a STYLE element), however, early browsers do not understand the syntax and simply ignore the statement (and the stylesheet it references).
For a table of all variations on the @import hack, take a look at: http://imfo.ru/csstest/css_hacks/import.php
Typical @import Setup
Begin with two stylesheets:
simple.css (only simple rules for early browsers)
modern.css (advanced CSS2, rules to override rules in simple.css)
Create a third stylesheet "import.css" containing only:
@import "modern.css";
Link the simple.css and import.css in the HEAD of the document:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="simple.css" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="import.css" />
(The simple stylesheet /must/ be linked first.)
The Effect
All CSS1 browsers will load simple.css and import.css, however, only modern browsers will understand the @import rule and also load modern.css. Since modern.css is linked after simple.css, its rules will override those in simple.css more easily.
Alternate Syntax
Different versions of the import rule have varying levels of support from older browsers.
@import "style.css"; /* hidden from nearly all v4 browsers */ @import url('style.css'); /* IE4 can understand, but not NN4 */ ...
[Browser support for different syntaxes]
Example CSS files
/* simple.css */ body { background:white; color:#666666; }
/* modern.css */ body { font-size:87%; line-height:1.4em; text-align:justify; }
media="all" (Simpler Hiding From Nav4)
If you only have ONE stylesheet you need to hide from Nav4 (only one SS can be hidden this way), you can link to the stylesheet with a media rule:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="simple.css" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="hiddenFromNav4.css" media="all" />
media not "all" (Hiding CSS from IE)
If you have a stylesheet that needs to be hidden from IE (all versions) give it a mediatype different from "all", i.e. "screen".
<style type="text/css">@import "modern.css" screen;</style>
Why use the import.css file?
Using link elements allows us to more easily adapt to a system with alternate stylesheets. (See StyleSwitching ). If alternate stylesheets are not a concern, the file import.css is not needed. The @import rule can be placed in a STYLE element as such:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="simple.css" /> <style type="text/css"> @import "modern.css"; </style>
Why not put @import at the bottom of simple.css?
According to the CSS specs, @import rules must precede any other CSS rules in a stylesheet, so this creates the need to place it in its own stylesheet for these purposes.
原文链接: http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=ImportHack
Question: What's the Difference Between @import and link for CSS?
External style sheets are an important part of every Web designer's bag of tricks, but there are two ways to include them in your pages: @import and <link>. How do you decide which method is better? This FAQ discusses the differences between the two methods, why you might use one over another, and how to decide.
The Difference Between @import and <link>
Before deciding which method to use to include your style sheets, you should understand what the two methods were intended to be used for.
<link> - Linking is the first method for including an external style sheet on your Web pages. It is intended to link together your Web page with your style sheet. It is added to the <head> of your HTML document like this:
<link href="styles.css" type="text/css" />
@import - Importing allows you to import one style sheet into another. This is slightly different than the link scenario, because you can import style sheets inside a linked style sheet. But if you include an @import in the head of your HTML document, it is written:
<style type="text/css">@import url("styles.css");</style>
From a standards viewpoint, there is no difference between linking to an external style sheet or importing it. Either way is correct, and either way will work equally well (in most cases). But there are a few reasons you might want to use one over the other.
Why Use @import?
The most common reason given for using @import instead (or along with) <link> is because older browsers didn't recognize @import, so you could hide styles from them. Specifically:
- hides the style sheet from Netscape 4, IE 3 and 4 (not 4.72)
@import url(../style.css);
- hides the style sheet from Netscape 4, IE 3 and 4 (not 4.72), Konqueror 2, and Amaya 5.1
@import url("../style.css");
- hides the style sheet from Netscape 4, IE 6 and below
@import url(../style.css) screen;
- hides the style sheet from Netscape 4, IE 4 and below, Konqueror 2
@import "../styles.css";
Another use for the @import method is to use multiple style sheets on a page, but only one link in your <head>. For example, a corporation might have a global style sheet for every page on the site, with sub-sections having additional styles that only apply to that sub-section. By linking to the sub-section style sheet and importing the global styles at the top of that style sheet, you don't have to maintain a gigantic style sheet with all the styles for the site and every sub-section. The only requirement is that any @import rules need to come before the rest of your style rules. And remember that inheritance can still be a problem.
Why Use <link>?
The number one reason for using linked style sheets is to provide alternate style sheets for your customers. Browsers like Firefox, Safari, and Opera support the rel="alternate stylesheet" attribute and when there is one available will allow viewers to switch between them. You can also use a JavaScript switcher to switch between style sheets in IE. This is most often used with Zoom Layouts for accessibility purposes.
One of the drawbacks to using @import is that if you have a very simple <head> with just the @import rule in it, your pages may display a flash of unstyled content (FOUC ) as they are loading. This can be jarring to your viewers. A simple fix to this is to make sure you have at least one additional <link> or <script> element in your <head>.
What About the Media Type?
Many writers make the statement that you can use the media type to hide style sheets from older browsers. Often, they mention this as a benefit to using either @import or <link>, but the truth is you can set the media type with either method, and browsers that don't support media types won't view them in either case. For example, Netscape 4 doesn't recognize media types, so you can use the link tag to hide a style sheet from that browser just as easily as the @import rule:
<link href="styles-nons4.css" media="all" type="text/css" />
And some versions of IE (6 and below) don't support the media type on the @import rule, so you can use that to hide the style sheet from them:
<style type="text/css">@import url(styles.css) all;</style>
So Which Method Should You Use?
Personally, I prefer to use <link> and then import style sheets into my external style sheets. That way I only have 1 or 2 lines of code to adjust in my HTML documents. But the bottom line is that it's up to you. If you're more comfortable with @import, then go for it! Both methods are standards compliant and unless you're planning on supporting really old browsers (like Netscape 4) there's no strong reason for using either.
原文链接: http://webdesign.about.com/od/beginningcss/f/css_import_link.htm
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我们都知道link与@import都可以引入css样式表,那么这两种的区别是什么呢?先说说它们各自的链接方式,然后说说它们的区别~~~ link链入的方式: CSS Code复制内容到剪贴板 <link rel=stylesheet type=text/...
1. 功能扩展性:`link` 是一个 XHTML 标签,它可以用于多种用途,如定义 RSS 提要、引入图标等,而 `@import` 是 CSS 语法规则,仅限于导入 CSS 文件。 2. 加载时机:`link` 引入的 CSS 文件会随着 HTML 页面一起...
然而,尽管使用@import能够帮助我们更好地组织和管理CSS文件,但在Web前端优化中,它的使用常常被建议避免。为什么呢? 其主要原因在于浏览器加载CSS的方式上。当@import语句被放置在一个外部样式表中时,浏览器...
1. **大多数情况下推荐使用:**由于`<link>`具有更好的兼容性和优先级优势,在大多数场景下推荐使用`<link>`来引入CSS。 2. **对页面加载速度有较高要求时:**为了避免因等待样式表加载而导致的页面渲染延迟,建议...
例如,可以先加载基础样式,然后在该基础样式表中使用`@import`引入更具体的或针对特定条件的样式表。这种方法有助于组织大型项目中的CSS结构。然而,`@import`的一个历史问题是旧版本的浏览器(如早期的Internet ...
我们知道,css文件引入方式有两种:1. HTML中使用link标签 XML/HTML Code复制内容到剪贴板 <link rel=stylesheet href=style.css /> 2.CSS中@import CSS Code复制内容到剪贴板 @import style.css; ...
在CSS中,引入外部样式表主要有两种方法:`<link>`标签和`@import`规则。两者虽然都能实现样式表的引入,但在使用场景、执行顺序、兼容性以及与JavaScript的交互等方面存在显著差异。 首先,`<link>`标签是HTML的一...
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在入口 js 文件(通常是 main.js)中,我们可以使用 import 语句来引入公共的 CSS 文件。例如: ```javascript import Vue from 'vue' import App from './App' import router from './router' import axios from '...
本资料主要介绍了引入CSS样式表的四种常见方式,帮助初学者理解并掌握如何有效地应用CSS来美化网页。 1. 内联样式: 内联样式是最基础的CSS应用方式,它通过在HTML元素的`style`属性中直接写入CSS代码。例如: ```...