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Session Management



Session Management



What is a Session?

A session, or more accurately, an HttpSession, is probably the most important object in the entire Servlet API. Its importance cannot be understated.

First of all, an HttpSession object has nothing to do with a Session EJB, so let’s get that association out of your mind right away. It is a completely different monster. An HttpSession is a server-managed component completely independent of the EJB spec.

The Session Issue

Here’s the issue: the http protocol, the mechanism we use to surf the Internet and browse websites, is stateless.  Once a Web server is done handling a client request, the web server completely forgets about what it just did, kinda like that fish in Finding Nemo.

The http protocol treats every request as a brand spanking new, unassociated request, regardless of how many client-server interactions may have happened with a particular client in the past.

A web server, using the http protocol, doesn’t maintain any meaningful state with a client.

What is the impact of a Stateless protocol on our Applications?

A stateless protocol, such as http, causes all sorts of problems for our web-based applications.  For example, if someone surfs to our site and sees a product they want to buy, we want to keep track of that information until the user decides to check out.

Or perhaps a user is taking an online exam: we would want to keep track of every answer the user has provided.  The http protocol provides no mechanism for keeping track of a user’s actions from one invocation to the other.  That’s where the Servlet API, and more specifically, the HttpSession, comes in.

Canada and the http protocol have one thing in common: they are both stateless. Canada has ten provinces and three relatively empty territories, but no states. Of course, they have been eyeing Michigan for a while.

What is the purpose of the HttpSession?

The HttpSession adds state to a stateless, web based, interaction with a server. When a client makes a call to an application server, a Servlet developer can programmatically create and associate an HttpSession with that client. The session can then be used to keep track of all sorts of information about the user.

If the user tells us their favorite color, we can store that information in their session.  If the user gives us their address and phone number, we can store that in their session.  If they’re taking an online exam, we can put the answer to every question they’ve been given into the session as well.  We can then go back into that session object, at any point in time, and pull that information out.

So when a user is done taking an online exam, we can go into their session and find out which questions they got correct, and which questions they got wrong.  If the client is picking out books, or other products they want to purchase, when they click ‘check out,’ we can go into their session, process their order, and tell them how much their purchase will be.

HttpSessions add state to a stateless protocol, and they are pivotal in making online applications work.

How does WebSphere map a session to a client?

So, we’ve got this miraculous component that creates a stateful experience out of a stateless protocol.  The question is, how does WebSphere do it?

Well, when an application server creates a session for a user, a crazy, unique number is generated that immediately gets associated with that user.  Then, any time a developer puts information into a users session, the information is automatically associated with the client’s unique id.  This all happens securely on the server.

In order to tie a client’s browser to their session, WebSphere plants a transient cookie on the client’s. This transient cookie contains that crazy unique number that was generated when the users session was created.

The cookie we place on the client machine contains the client’s unique session id. On every subsequent request made by the client to the server, the cookie containing the session id is sent back across the network, and Voila!, the server ties the user to their session.

What is a transient cookie?

WebSphere plants a transient cookie on the client machine through their web browser. 

A transient cookie is maintained in the memory of the browser, and will never actually be written to a textfile. All other types of cookies actually get stored persistently on the users hard drive.

Because the cookie is resident in memory, when a client closes their browser, the cookie, and subsequently the client’s session, is lost.

Some clients see cookies as a potential security loophole, although no evidence to support this claim has ever come to light.  To appease the security conscious, users can configure their web browsers to accept transient cookies, but not cookies that actually get written to the hard drive.  As a result, a transient cookie will allow sessions to be associated with more clients than using cookies that persist to a users hard drive.

If cookies are turned off, will my applications stop working?

Yes, if cookies are turned off, your WebSphere applications will stop working - with the default WebSphere configuration at least. Cookies are the preferred mechanism for storing the session id on a client machine.

If your clients turn cookies off, your applications won’t work. This may seem detrimental to you architecture, but let me ask you a question: what are you losing if you can’t service clients that are afraid of cookies?

The fact is, if a customer is afraid that a simple little textfile called a cookie is going to wreak havoc on their computer, then what are the odds that you are going to get that paranoid user’s email address, home address, or credit card number?  I’d say the odds are somewhere between zero and negative none.

A fear of cookies is irrational.  You really shouldn’t worry about not being able to service these irrational clients.





Are there other options for managing session ids?

WebSphere provides three mechanisms for tying a user to their session:

F  Cookies
F  URLRewriting
F  SSL ID tracking

What is URL rewriting?

URL rewriting is a great session id mapping option because, unlike cookies, it can’t be turned off.  This may sound appealing at first, but it is by no means a panacea for session id tracking.

When you use URL rewriting, the unique session id of a client gets added to the end of every link on a web page.  So instead of a user going to:

F  www.ibm.com/index.html
 they go to:
F  www.ibm.com/index.html?sessionid=123xyz

As you can see, the user’s session id gets attached to the URL this is used when making a subsequent request back to the server.

The good news is that by adding the session id to every link, URL rewriting always works and it can’t be turned off.  The bad news?  Well, the fact that the session id must be added to every link on every web page on every part of your website.

How do you implement URL rewriting?

How do you add that special id to the end of every URL or link a user might click on?  Well, you have to encode the URL, which means writing Java code wherever you see a hyperlink, and turning every single page in your website into a JSP.  After all, Java code won’t work if it’s in a regular HTML page.

So, implementing URL rewriting means extra work for the web development team, and it’s going to place a much greater load on your application server.

Think about it. When you use URL rewriting, you can not allow your users to navigate to a single HTML page within your website.

HTML pages are not dynamic, and if your user navigates to a static HTML page, their session id will be lost. If you have a significant amount of static html content, your application server is going to have to assume the job of generating all of that static content and delivering it to the client with the session id embedded at the end of every internal link that might appear on the web page.  That’s a lot of extra work for the server.


How does URL rewriting effect the client?

URL rewriting makes client side navigation much less pleasant.

Imagine a user is about to buy a big ticket item off your website, but just before they do, they go to yahoo.com to check their stock portfolio.  After seeing how well their IBM stock is doing, they then type in your web site address to make their purchase, only to find out that all of the information they had provided about their big order has been destroyed.  That has happened because when they typed your address into the browser, there was no reference to their session id.  If you were using cookies, your client wouldn’t run into this problem.

What is Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encoding?

Because SSL creates a unique id to encrypt all interactions between the client and the server, the application server can piggyback off this SSL id to keep track of the client’s session id.

The two drawbacks to using this is the fact that SSL must be enabled, and the fact that SSL encoding is only supported by the IBM Http Server (IHS) and the SunOne web server. 

If you have a highly secure website, this might be a very feasible option for maintaining session ids. Furthermore, we’ll probably see more web servers supported in the future.

What is Session affinity?

The J2EE spec requires an application server to implement session affinity, also known as ‘sticky sessions.’ 

Implementing workload management means setting up multiple Java Virtual Machines that can handle client requests. In a workload-managed environment, if a client requests a JSP or a Servlet, there may be several JVMs capable of handling the request.

Session affinity states that when a server/JVM creates a session for a user, every subsequent request from that user must be directed back to that server or JVM that initially handled it. A user is tied to the server that created their session, thus the term ‘sticky sessions.’

Managing session data is quite a big job for the application server.  Ensuring that a user is always sent back to the JVM that created the user’s session makes sure that session data can be pulled out of memory quickly and efficiently.

What are the implications of session affinity on workload management and failover?

According to session affinity, if a JVM holding a given user’s session information goes down, all of that user’s session information is lost. It’s kinda weird that they’d have something in the J2EE spec that seems to work against the whole idea of workload management and failover, but believe it or not, it’s in there.

How can we provide session failover with WebSphere?

Fortunately, our beloved WebSphere goes over and above the spec by providing several options for persisting a session beyond the JVM in which it was created. The two supported mechanisms for providing session failover include:

F  Memory to memory session replication
F  Database persistence

Until WebSphere 5, using a centralized database to store session information was the only option available for persisting sessions. By and large, persisting sessions works pretty well.


How do persistent sessions work?

The basic idea behind persistent sessions is that whenever a session is created, the application server writes the session id to a special ‘session database.’ Any information subsequently stuffed into a users session gets added to the persistent session database. 

If the server that initially created the users session fails, any other server in the cluster can pick up from where the failed server left off.  If one JVM goes down, any alternate server can look up the client’s information in the session database using the session id that gets passed back to the server through the client’s cookie.  A redundant server can then pull any required session information out of the central persistent database. Any problems on the server are completely transparent, and if something does go wrong, the client never even knows there was a problem.

Of course, this scenario isn’t without its drawbacks.  First of all, persisting sessions requires quite a few database writes, which is resource intensive. Persisting session information to a database is going to slow your applications down a tad. 

Furthermore, the database becomes a central point of failure itself.  If maintaining a robust application server is important to you, you better either use db2, which we all know never fails, or else cluster your database servers.

What is ‘memory to memory’ session replication?”

If persisting sessions to a centralized database isn’t up your alley, WebSphere 5 presents a new option for session failover: memory-to-memory session replication.

The idea behind memory replication is that if servers are clustered to support an application, you can configure the application servers in the cluster to pass session information back and forth from one JVM to the other. Each application server keeps a copy of the session data being used by the other servers in the cluster.

Memory to memory session replication is said to be more efficient than writing to a centralized database, although it does present a few potential bottlenecks itself.

What are the drawbacks of memory to memory session replication?

Memory to memory replication does indeed have its drawbacks. First of all, network traffic may become large if session information is being replicated across a large number of application servers.

Secondly, a significant amount of memory is going to be consumed in order to implement session failover. 

For instance, imagine you have five servers, and each server maintains a gig of session data. That gig must be replicated on each of the other four servers, so each server would need five gigs of memory – one gig for current session data, and four gigs of failover data for each of the four servers in the cluster. That’s a lot of memory!

Of course, those clever sausages at WebSphere do provide a mechanism to address the memory and network traffic dilemma presented by memory-to-memory session replication.

Figure 13-4

Tuning Sessions

A variety of options exists for tuning session replication between cluster members.

How can the use of in memory session replication be optimized for performance?

First of all, WebSphere gives you the ability to configure how often replication occurs. That can minimize the amount of network traffic created, although it does reduce the ability of your cluster to recover from a failover as well.

Secondly, WebSphere allows you to set up a master and slave relationship between application servers. If you had five servers, you could add two servers to be dedicated session masters.  Session data would be replicated to these two masters, and these two masters only. This would significantly reduce network traffic and the memory required to support in memory replication.

What is the default mechanism for managing session failover when you set up a cluster?

By default, a cluster provides no session failover.  Session failover must be configured explicitly through the WebSphere Administrative Console.

Setting up database persistence is a bit of work, but it’s not too painful as long as your application servers can all connect to a common JDBC database.

A big benefit to in-memory session replication, on the other hand, is the fact that is can be easily set up and configured. On new installations, in-memory session replication seems to be the failover mechanism of choice.

It must be noted that session management doesn’t just happen by default.  It must be configured explicitly, and it must be tested as well. Don’t wait until your application server fails to find out if your session replication is working properly.

1 楼 niuqiang2008 2011-01-12  
晕 ... 


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