  • 浏览: 27231 次
  • 性别: Icon_minigender_1
  • 来自: 厦门




<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<script src="../include/js/bsn.AutoSuggest_c_2.0.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../include/css/autosuggest_inquisitor.css">

<table width="100%" border="1" height="100%">
     <td width="50%">ddd</td>
        <td><input id="mytest" /></td>
<script type="text/javascript">

var options = {
 script: "server.html?",
 varname: "variableName",
 json: true,
 maxresults: 35,
var as = new AutoSuggest('mytest', options);




var asObject = {}
var popupWin;

function ltrim(s){
return s.replace( /^\s*/, "");
function rtrim(s){
return s.replace( /\s*$/, "");
function trim(s){
return rtrim(ltrim(s));

var t_temp_fid ;

var useBSNns;

if (useBSNns)
 if (typeof(bsn) == "undefined")
  bsn = {}
 _bsn = bsn;
 _bsn = this;


if (typeof(_bsn.Autosuggest) == "undefined")
 _bsn.Autosuggest = {}






var offwidth=0;
var offtop=0;
_bsn.AutoSuggest = function (fldID, param,i,j)
    //set offwidth
      offwidth = i;
      offtop = j;
 // no DOM - give up!
 if (!document.getElementById)
  return false;
 // get field via DOM
 this.fld = _bsn.DOM.getElement(fldID);
    t_temp_fid = document.getElementById(fldID);
 if (!this.fld)
  return false;
 // init variables
 this.sInput   = "";
 this.nInputChars  = 0;
 this.aSuggestions  = [];
 this.iHighlighted  = 0;
 eval("asObject."+fldID+" = this");
 // parameters object
 this.oP = (param) ? param : {};
 // defaults 
 if (!this.oP.minchars)         this.oP.minchars = 1;
 if (!this.oP.method)         this.oP.meth = "get";
 if (!this.oP.varname)         this.oP.varname = "input";
 if (!this.oP.className)         this.oP.className = "autosuggest";
 if (!this.oP.timeout)         this.oP.timeout = 5000;
 if (!this.oP.delay)          this.oP.delay = 500;
 if (!this.oP.offsety)         this.oP.offsety = -5;
 if (!this.oP.shownoresults)        this.oP.shownoresults = true;
 if (!this.oP.noresults)         this.oP.noresults = "No results!";
 if (!this.oP.maxheight && this.oP.maxheight !== 0)  this.oP.maxheight = 250;
 if (!this.oP.cache && this.oP.cache != false)   this.oP.cache = true;
 // set keyup handler for field
 // and prevent autocomplete from client
 var pointer = this;
 // NOTE: not using addEventListener because UpArrow fired twice in Safari
 //_bsn.DOM.addEvent( this.fld, 'keyup', function(ev){ return pointer.onKeyPress(ev); } );
 this.fld.onkeypress  = function(ev){ return pointer.onKeyPress(ev); }
 this.fld.onkeyup   = function(ev){ return pointer.onKeyUp(ev); }
 this.fld.onblur   = function(){ return pointer.onBlur();}



_bsn.AutoSuggest.prototype.onBlur = function()




_bsn.AutoSuggest.prototype.onKeyPress = function(ev)
 var key = (window.event) ? window.event.keyCode : ev.keyCode;


 // set responses to keydown events in the field
 // this allows the user to use the arrow keys to scroll through the results
 // ESCAPE clears the list
 // TAB sets the current highlighted value
 var RETURN = 13;
 var TAB = 9;
 var ESC = 27;
 var bubble = true;


  case RETURN:
   bubble = false;

  case ESC:

 return bubble;


_bsn.AutoSuggest.prototype.onKeyUp = function(ev)
 var key = (window.event) ? window.event.keyCode : ev.keyCode;

 // set responses to keydown events in the field
 // this allows the user to use the arrow keys to scroll through the results
 // ESCAPE clears the list
 // TAB sets the current highlighted value

 var ARRUP = 38;
 var ARRDN = 40;
 var bubble = true;

  case ARRUP:
    this.sInput = this.fld.value =this.aSuggestions[this.iHighlighted-1].value;
   bubble = false;
    var table = popupWin.document.getElementById("as_table");
    var td = table.rows(this.iHighlighted-1).cells(0);
    td.style.backgroundColor = "#e3eefa";

  case ARRDN:
    this.sInput = this.fld.value = this.aSuggestions[this.iHighlighted-1].value;
   bubble = false;
    var table = popupWin.document.getElementById("as_table");
    var td = table.rows(this.iHighlighted-1).cells(0);
    td.style.backgroundColor = "#e3eefa";

 return bubble;





_bsn.AutoSuggest.prototype.getSuggestions = function (val)
 // if input stays the same, do nothing
 if (val == this.sInput)
  return false;

 // input length is less than the min required to trigger a request
 // reset input string
 // do nothing
 if (val.length < this.oP.minchars)
  this.sInput = "";
  return false;
 // if caching enabled, and user is typing (ie. length of input is increasing)
 // filter results out of aSuggestions from last request
 if (val.length>this.nInputChars && this.aSuggestions.length && this.oP.cache)
  var arr = [];
  for (var i=0;i<this.aSuggestions.length;i++)
   if (this.aSuggestions[i].value.substr(0,val.length).toLowerCase() == val.toLowerCase())
    arr.push( this.aSuggestions[i] );
  this.sInput = val;
  this.nInputChars = val.length;
  this.aSuggestions = arr;
  return false;
 // do new request
  this.sInput = val;
  this.nInputChars = val.length;  
  var pointer = this;
  this.ajID = setTimeout( function() { pointer.doAjaxRequest() }, this.oP.delay );

 return false;



_bsn.AutoSuggest.prototype.doAjaxRequest = function ()
 var pointer = this;

  // create ajax request
  //var url = this.oP.script+this.oP.varname+"="+escape(this.fld.value);
  var url = this.oP.script+this.oP.varname+"="+encodeURI(this.fld.value);
  var meth = this.oP.meth;
  var onSuccessFunc = function (req) { pointer.setSuggestions(req) };
  var onErrorFunc = function (status) { alert("AJAX error: "+status); };
  var myAjax = new _bsn.Ajax();
  myAjax.makeRequest( url, meth, onSuccessFunc, onErrorFunc );



_bsn.AutoSuggest.prototype.setSuggestions = function (req)
 this.aSuggestions = [];
 if (this.oP.json)
   var jsondata = eval('(' + req.responseText + ')');
   for (var i=0;i<jsondata.results.length;i++)
    this.aSuggestions.push(  { 'id':jsondata.results[i].id, 'value':jsondata.results[i].value, 'info':jsondata.results[i].info }  );
   return null;

  var xml = req.responseXML;
  // traverse xml
  var results = xml.getElementsByTagName('results')[0].childNodes;

  for (var i=0;i<results.length;i++)
   if (results[i].hasChildNodes())
    this.aSuggestions.push(  { 'id':results[i].getAttribute('id'), 'value':results[i].childNodes[0].nodeValue, 'info':results[i].getAttribute('info') }  );
 this.idAs = "as_"+this.fld.id;







var clearText;


_bsn.AutoSuggest.prototype.createList_old = function(arr)
 if (arr.length == 0){
 var pointer = this;
   clearText = this;
 // get rid of old list
 // and clear the list removal timeout
 // create holding div
 var div = _bsn.DOM.createElement("div", {id:this.idAs, className:this.oP.className}); 
 var hcorner = _bsn.DOM.createElement("div", {className:"as_corner"});
 var hbar = _bsn.DOM.createElement("div", {className:"as_bar"});
 var header = _bsn.DOM.createElement("div", {className:"as_header"});
 // create and populate ul
 var ul = _bsn.DOM.createElement("ul", {id:"as_ul"});
 // loop throught arr of suggestions
 // creating an LI element for each suggestion
 for (var i=0;i<arr.length;i++)
  // format output with the input enclosed in a EM element
  // (as HTML, not DOM)
  var val = arr[i].value;
  var st = val.toLowerCase().indexOf( this.sInput.toLowerCase() );
  var output = val.substring(0,st) + "<em>" + val.substring(st, st+this.sInput.length) + "</em>" + val.substring(st+this.sInput.length);
  var span   = _bsn.DOM.createElement("span", {}, output, true);
  if (arr[i].info != "")
   var br   = _bsn.DOM.createElement("br", {});
   var small  = _bsn.DOM.createElement("small", {}, arr[i].info);
  var a    = _bsn.DOM.createElement("a", { href:"#" });
  var tl   = _bsn.DOM.createElement("span", {className:"tl"}, " ");
  var tr   = _bsn.DOM.createElement("span", {className:"tr"}, " ");
  a.name = i+1;
  a.onclick = function () { pointer.setHighlightedValue(); return false; }
  a.onmouseover = function () { pointer.setHighlight(this.name); }
  var li    = _bsn.DOM.createElement(  "li", {}, a  );
  ul.appendChild( li );
 // no results
 if (arr.length == 0)
  var li    = _bsn.DOM.createElement(  "li", {className:"as_warning"}, this.oP.noresults  );
  ul.appendChild( li );
 div.appendChild( ul );
 var fcorner = _bsn.DOM.createElement("div", {className:"as_corner"});
 var fbar = _bsn.DOM.createElement("div", {className:"as_bar"});
 var footer = _bsn.DOM.createElement("div", {className:"as_footer"});
 // get position of target textfield
 // position holding div below it
 // set width of holding div to width of field
 var pos = _bsn.DOM.getPos(this.fld);
 div.style.left   = pos.x + "px";
 div.style.top   = ( pos.y + this.fld.offsetHeight + this.oP.offsety +offtop) + "px";
 div.style.width  = (this.fld.offsetWidth+offwidth) + "px";
 div.style.backgroundColor= "white";
 div.style.zindex = "1000";
 div.align = "left";
 // set mouseover functions for div
 // when mouse pointer leaves div, set a timeout to remove the list after an interval
 // when mouse enters div, kill the timeout so the list won't be removed
 div.onmouseover  = function(){ pointer.killTimeout() }
 div.onmouseout   = function(){ pointer.resetTimeout() }

 // add DIV to document
 //div.style.left = '-1000px';
 // currently no item is highlighted
 this.iHighlighted = 0;
 popupWin = window.createPopup();
 var pbody = popupWin.document.body;
 pbody.innerHTML = div.innerHTML;
 $(pbody).css({"position":"relative",border:"1px solid #000"});
 $(pbody).children("div.autosuggest").css({"position":"relative","background-position":"top","background-repeat":"no-repeat","padding":"0 0 0 0"});
 $(pbody).children("div.autosuggest div.as_header").css({"position":"relative","height":"1px","padding":"0","background-position":"top right","background-repeat":"no-repeat","overflow":"hidden"});
 //$(pbody).children("div.autosuggest div.as_header div.as_corner,div.autosuggest div.as_footer div.as_corner").css({"position":"absolute","top":"0","left":"0","height":"1px","width":"6px","background-position":"top left","background-repeat":"no-repeat"});
 //$(pbody).children("div.autosuggest div.as_header div.as_bar,div.autosuggest div.as_footer div.as_bar").css({"height":"1px","overflow":"hidden","background-color":"white"});
 $(pbody).children("div.autosuggest ul").css({"list-style":"none","margin":"0 0 -2px 0","padding":"0","overflow":"hidden","background-color":"white","border":"1px solid black"});
 $(pbody).children("div.autosuggest ul li").css({"color":"#ccc","padding":"0","margin":"0 2px 2px","text-align":"left"});
 $(pbody).children("div.autosuggest ul li a").css({"display":"block","text-decoration":"none","text-shadow":"#000 0px 0px 5px","position":"relative","padding":"0","width":"100%"});
 $(pbody).children("div.autosuggest ul li.as_highlight a:hover").css({"background-color":"#e3eefa"});
 $(pbody).children("div.autosuggest ul li a span").css({"display":"block","padding":"0px 0px"});
 $(pbody).children("div.autosuggest ul li a span small").css({"font-weight":"normal","color":"#999"});
 $(pbody).children("div.autosuggest ul li.as_highlight a span small").css({"color":"#ccc"});
 $(pbody).children("div.autosuggest ul li.as_highlight a").css({"color":"#444","background-color":"#e3eefa","background-position":"bottom right","background-repeat":"no-repeat"});
 $(pbody).children("div.autosuggest ul li.as_highlight a span").css({"background-position":"bottom left","background-repeat":"no-repeat"});
 //$(pbody).children("div.autosuggest ul li a .tl,div.autosuggest ul li a .tr").css({"background-image":"transparent","background-repeat":"no-repeat","width":"6px","height":"1px","position":"absolute","top":"0","padding":"0","margin":"0"});
 //$(pbody).children("div.autosuggest ul li a .tr").css({"right":"0"});
 //$(pbody).children("div.autosuggest ul li.as_highlight a .tl").css({"left":"0","background-position":"bottom left"});
 //$(pbody).children("div.autosuggest ul li.as_highlight a .tr").css({"right":"0","background-position":"bottom right"});
 //$(pbody).children("div.autosuggest ul li.as_warning").css({"font-weight":"bold","text-align":"center"});
 $(pbody).children("div.autosuggest ul em").css({"font-style":"normal"});
 popupWin.show(pos.x,pos.y + this.fld.offsetHeight + this.oP.offsety +offtop,div.clientWidth,div.clientHeight,document.body);
 // remove list after an interval
 var pointer = this;
 this.toID = setTimeout(function () { pointer.clearSuggestions() }, this.oP.timeout);

_bsn.AutoSuggest.prototype.createList = function(arr)
 if (arr.length == 0){
 var pointer = this;
   clearText = this;
 // get rid of old list
 // and clear the list removal timeout
 // create holding div
 var div = _bsn.DOM.createElement("div", {id:this.idAs, className:this.oP.className}); 
 var divtemp = _bsn.DOM.createElement("div", {id:this.idAs, className:this.oP.className}); 
 // create and populate table
 var table = _bsn.DOM.createElement("table", {id:"as_table"});
 table.width = "100%";
 table.cellpadding = 0;
 table.cellspacing = 0;
 table.style.border = "1px solid #000";
 // loop throught arr of suggestions
 // creating an LI element for each suggestion
 for (var i=0;i<arr.length;i++)
  // format output with the input enclosed in a EM element
  // (as HTML, not DOM)
  var val = arr[i].value;
  var st = val.toLowerCase().indexOf( this.sInput.toLowerCase() );
  var output = val.substring(0,st) + "<em>" + val.substring(st, st+this.sInput.length) + "</em>" + val.substring(st+this.sInput.length);
  var tr = table.insertRow();
  var td = tr.insertCell();
  td.innerHTML = output;
  //td.style.border = "1px solid #111";
  td.style.color = "#000";
  td.style.backgroundColor = "#fff";
  td.style.cursor = "pointer";
  td.style.paddingLeft = "3px";
  if (arr[i].info != "")
   var br   = _bsn.DOM.createElement("br", {});
   var small  = _bsn.DOM.createElement("small", {}, arr[i].info);
   small.style.color = "#999";
  td.name = i+1;
  td.onmouseover = "parent.asObject."+this.fld.id+".setHighlight(this.name); parent.asObject."+this.fld.id+".killTimeout(); ";
  td.onmouseout = "parent.asObject."+this.fld.id+".clearHighlight(); parent.asObject."+this.fld.id+".resetTimeout();";
  //td.onclick = function () { pointer.setHighlightedValue(); return false; }  
  td.onclick = "parent.asObject."+this.fld.id+".setHighlightedValue();";
 // no results
 if (arr.length == 0)
  var tr = table.insertRow();
  var td = tr.insertCell();
  td.innerText = this.oP.noresults;
 div.appendChild( table );
 // get position of target textfield
 // position holding div below it
 // set width of holding div to width of field
 var pos = _bsn.DOM.getPos(this.fld);
 div.style.left   = pos.x + "px";
 div.style.top   = ( pos.y + this.fld.offsetHeight + this.oP.offsety +offtop) + "px";
 div.style.width  = (this.fld.offsetWidth+offwidth) + "px";
 div.style.backgroundColor= "white";
 div.style.zindex = "1000";
 div.align = "left";
 // set mouseover functions for div
 // when mouse pointer leaves div, set a timeout to remove the list after an interval
 // when mouse enters div, kill the timeout so the list won't be removed
 div.onmouseover  = function(){ pointer.killTimeout() }
 div.onmouseout   = function(){ pointer.resetTimeout() }

 // add DIV to document
 div.style.left = '-1000px';
 // currently no item is highlighted
 this.iHighlighted = 0;
 popupWin = window.createPopup();
 var pbody = popupWin.document.body;
 pbody.innerHTML = div.innerHTML;
 popupWin.show(pos.x+1,pos.y + this.fld.offsetHeight +offtop+1,div.clientWidth,div.clientHeight,document.body);
 // remove list after an interval
 var pointer = this;
 this.toID = setTimeout(function () { pointer.clearSuggestions() }, this.oP.timeout);

function  clearDiv(){







_bsn.AutoSuggest.prototype.changeHighlight = function(key)

 var list = _bsn.DOM.getElement("as_table");
 if (!list)
  return false;
 var n;

 if (key == 40)
  n = this.iHighlighted + 1;
 else if (key == 38)
  n = this.iHighlighted - 1;
 if (n > list.cells.length)
  n = list.cells.length;
 if (n < 1)
  n = 1;


_bsn.AutoSuggest.prototype.setHighlight = function(n)
 var list = _bsn.DOM.getElement("as_table");
 if (!list)
  return false;
 if (this.iHighlighted > 0)
 this.iHighlighted = Number(n);
 var td = list.rows(this.iHighlighted-1).cells(0);
 td.style.backgroundColor = "#e3eefa";
 td.style.fontWeight = "bold";
  var table = popupWin.document.getElementById("as_table");
  var td = table.rows(this.iHighlighted-1).cells(0);
  td.style.backgroundColor = "#e3eefa";
  td.style.fontWeight = "bold";

_bsn.AutoSuggest.prototype.clearHighlight = function()
 var list = _bsn.DOM.getElement("as_table");
 if (!list)
  return false;
 if (this.iHighlighted > 0)
  var td = list.rows(this.iHighlighted-1).cells(0);
  td.style.backgroundColor = "#ffffff";
  td.style.fontWeight = "normal";
   var table = popupWin.document.getElementById("as_table");
   var td = table.rows(this.iHighlighted-1).cells(0);
   td.style.backgroundColor = "#ffffff";
   td.style.fontWeight = "normal";
  this.iHighlighted = 0;

_bsn.AutoSuggest.prototype.setHighlightedValue = function ()
 if (this.iHighlighted)
  this.sInput = this.fld.value = this.aSuggestions[ this.iHighlighted-1 ].value;
  // move cursor to end of input (safari)
  if (this.fld.selectionStart)
   this.fld.setSelectionRange(this.sInput.length, this.sInput.length);

  // pass selected object to callback function, if exists
  if (typeof(this.oP.callback) == "function")
   this.oP.callback( this.aSuggestions[this.iHighlighted-1] );







_bsn.AutoSuggest.prototype.killTimeout = function()

_bsn.AutoSuggest.prototype.resetTimeout = function()
 var pointer = this;
 this.toID = setTimeout(function () { pointer.clearSuggestions() }, 1000);




_bsn.AutoSuggest.prototype.clearSuggestions = function ()
 var ele = _bsn.DOM.getElement(this.idAs);
 var pointer = this;
 if (ele)
  var fade = new _bsn.Fader(ele,1,0,250,function () { _bsn.DOM.removeElement(pointer.idAs) });
 //linxuexin 增加修改成popupWin





// AJAX PROTOTYPE _____________________________________________

if (typeof(_bsn.Ajax) == "undefined")
 _bsn.Ajax = {}


_bsn.Ajax = function ()
 this.req = {};
 this.isIE = false;


_bsn.Ajax.prototype.makeRequest = function (url, meth, onComp, onErr)
 if (meth != "POST")
  meth = "GET";
 this.onComplete = onComp;
 this.onError = onErr;
 var pointer = this;
 // branch for native XMLHttpRequest object
 if (window.XMLHttpRequest)
  this.req = new XMLHttpRequest();
  this.req.onreadystatechange = function () { pointer.processReqChange() };
  this.req.open("GET", url, true); //
 // branch for IE/Windows ActiveX version
 else if (window.ActiveXObject)
  this.req = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
  if (this.req)
   this.req.onreadystatechange = function () { pointer.processReqChange() };
   this.req.open(meth, url, true);

_bsn.Ajax.prototype.processReqChange = function()
 // only if req shows "loaded"
 if (this.req.readyState == 4) {
  // only if "OK"
  if (this.req.status == 200)
   this.onComplete( this.req );
  } else {
   this.onError( this.req.status );





// DOM PROTOTYPE _____________________________________________

if (typeof(_bsn.DOM) == "undefined")
 _bsn.DOM = {}


_bsn.DOM.createElement = function ( type, attr, cont, html )
 var ne = document.createElement( type );
 if (!ne)
  return false;
 for (var a in attr)
  ne[a] = attr[a];
 if (typeof(cont) == "string" && !html)
  ne.appendChild( document.createTextNode(cont) );
 else if (typeof(cont) == "string" && html)
  ne.innerHTML = cont;
 else if (typeof(cont) == "object")
  ne.appendChild( cont );

 return ne;



_bsn.DOM.clearElement = function ( id )
 var ele = this.getElement( id );
 if (!ele)
  return false;
 while (ele.childNodes.length)
  ele.removeChild( ele.childNodes[0] );
 return true;





_bsn.DOM.removeElement = function ( ele )
 var e = this.getElement(ele);
 if (!e)
  return false;
 else if (e.parentNode.removeChild(e))
  return true;
  return false;



_bsn.DOM.replaceContent = function ( id, cont, html )
 var ele = this.getElement( id );
 if (!ele)
  return false;
 this.clearElement( ele );
 if (typeof(cont) == "string" && !html)
  ele.appendChild( document.createTextNode(cont) );
 else if (typeof(cont) == "string" && html)
  ele.innerHTML = cont;
 else if (typeof(cont) == "object")
  ele.appendChild( cont );





_bsn.DOM.getElement = function ( ele )
 if (typeof(ele) == "undefined")
  return false;
 else if (typeof(ele) == "string")
  var re = document.getElementById( ele );
  if (!re)
   return false;
  else if (typeof(re.appendChild) != "undefined" ) {
   return re;
  } else {
   return false;
 else if (typeof(ele.appendChild) != "undefined")
  return ele;
  return false;




_bsn.DOM.appendChildren = function ( id, arr )
 var ele = this.getElement( id );
 if (!ele)
  return false;
 if (typeof(arr) != "object")
  return false;
 for (var i=0;i<arr.length;i++)
  var cont = arr[i];
  if (typeof(cont) == "string")
   ele.appendChild( document.createTextNode(cont) );
  else if (typeof(cont) == "object")
   ele.appendChild( cont );





_bsn.DOM.getPos = function ( ele )
 var ele = this.getElement(ele);

 var obj = ele;

 var curleft = 0;
 if (obj.offsetParent)
  while (obj.offsetParent)
   curleft += obj.offsetLeft
   obj = obj.offsetParent;
 else if (obj.x)
  curleft += obj.x;

 var obj = ele;
 var curtop = 0;
 if (obj.offsetParent)
  while (obj.offsetParent)
   curtop += obj.offsetTop
   obj = obj.offsetParent;
 else if (obj.y)
  curtop += obj.y;

 return {x:curleft, y:curtop}





// FADER PROTOTYPE _____________________________________________


if (typeof(_bsn.Fader) == "undefined")
 _bsn.Fader = {}



_bsn.Fader = function (ele, from, to, fadetime, callback)

 if (!ele)
  return false;
 this.ele = ele;
 this.from = from;
 this.to = to;
 this.callback = callback;
 this.nDur = fadetime;
 this.nInt = 50;
 this.nTime = 0;
 var p = this;
 this.nID = setInterval(function() { p._fade() }, this.nInt);


_bsn.Fader.prototype._fade = function()
 this.nTime += this.nInt;
 var ieop = Math.round( this._tween(this.nTime, this.from, this.to, this.nDur) * 100 );
 var op = ieop / 100;
 if (this.ele.filters) // internet explorer
   this.ele.filters.item("DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha").opacity = ieop;
  } catch (e) {
   // If it is not set initially, the browser will throw an error.  This will set it if it is not set yet.
   this.ele.style.filter = 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(opacity='+ieop+')';
 else // other browsers
  this.ele.style.opacity = op;
 if (this.nTime == this.nDur)
  clearInterval( this.nID );
  if (this.callback != undefined)


_bsn.Fader.prototype._tween = function(t,b,c,d)
 return b + ( (c-b) * (t/d) );


2 楼 linxuexin 2009-03-18  
1 楼 storm119 2009-03-17  


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