
How to forward requests from Servlet to JSP

  • java


<!----> <!---->
import  java.io.IOException;
import  javax.servlet.*;
import  javax.servlet.http.*;
public class  servletToJsp  extends  HttpServlet  {

   public  void  doGet ( HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response ){
     request.setAttribute ( "servletName" "servletToJsp" ) ;

     try  {
       getServletConfig () .getServletContext () .getRequestDispatcher (
         "/JSP/Demo.hello.jsp" ) .forward ( request,response ) ;

     catch  ( ServletException e ) {
       // TODO Auto-generated catch block
       e.printStackTrace () ;
     catch  ( IOException e ) {
       // TODO Auto-generated catch block
       e.printStackTrace () ;

<!----> <!---->

hello.jsp which display the servlet name passed by servletToJsp servlet.


<body bgcolor= "white" >
<h1> I have been invoked by 
out.print ( request.getAttribute ( "servletName" ) .toString ()) ;




    Forwards a request from a servlet to another resource (servlet, JSP file, or HTML file) on the server. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- G ...


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