BBC纪录片《Wild China — 美丽中国》
Each year, almost the entire world population of these critically endangered birds, makes a 9,000-kilometre roundtrip to spend the winter at Poyang. Like the white cranes, many of south China's unique animals face pressure of exploitation and competition with people over space and resources. But if China is living proof of anything, it's that wildlife is surprising resilient, given the right help, even the rarest creatures can return from the brink. If we show the will, nature will find the way.
The issues that face China today, increasing pressure on resources, and living space and quality of environment, are those that face us all. If there is any country in the world equipped to solve environmental problems on a vast scale, it has to be China, with its tremendous human resources and powerfull political control. The path it chooses will afact not just its own pople, and its natural environment, but the rest of the world, too.
随着《Wild-China第一集中英文字幕-英语学习》文档的推出,我们得以通过一个全新的视角,来领略这个东方大国的自然之美和文化之深厚。 打开文档,首先映入眼帘的是中国壮丽的自然景观。从巍峨的山脉到浩瀚的沙漠,...
这篇资料主要针对的是初中二年级下学期Unit 7的学习内容,主题围绕着“世界上最高的山是什么”,涵盖了地理...以上就是Unit 7的学习要点,涵盖了地理知识、自然生态和语言表达,对于学生理解和掌握相关主题非常有帮助。
1. **环境与野生动物保护** - 句子中的"the wild life is _______ danger"强调了当前环境问题对野生生物的影响。这提示我们需要关注动词短语"in danger"的用法,表示处于危险之中。学生应掌握如何描述环境问题以及...
成年动物)和“wild”(野生的)也有助于他们理解生命的过程和生态系统的多样性。 在“词组”部分,学习者需要掌握如“as far as I know”(就我所知)、“breathe in”(吸入;吞入(体内))等实用表达,这些短语在...
19. 地理分布:大熊猫只生活在中国的野外(in the wild in China),突显了其独特的生活环境。 20. 种群数量:在20世纪80年代早期,野生大熊猫仅剩下1000只左右(only 1,000 left),说明了大熊猫的数量稀少。 21....