原文: 选自<<九九文章网>>
译者: 爱尔兰都柏林大学 赖小琪
“Youth” seems to be fading away in my life, only leaving me some unforgettable and cherished memories. Something that we used to think would last forever in our lives, had actually vanished in a second before we realized it. Those who we used to deeply love or miss, have now become the most acquainted strangers. Our once pure and beautiful dream, is gradually fading away with time passing by……This is youth, which is indeed an endless cycle from familiarity to strangeness, and from strangeness to familiarity, until the curtain of our youth is closing off little by little, along with our childish fantasies.
Human is such a strange animal that when we mostly did not cherish something until we lost it. We have gained a lot of things, but also lost a lot. What we want is merely getting the peace of mind. We care for children because they are the most pure-minded and kind-hearted among human beings. We are fond of staying with the old, because we can sense their inner peace from their serene faces. Maybe for them, the essence of life is to live it in the most comfortable way they deem. We may also love cats because their relaxation renders us a substantive sense of life.
There are many things in our lives that are easily gone or broken. Therefore, we will gradually learn to become apathetic and indifferent towards everything. Maybe oftentimes, we are inclined to believe in ourselves rather than trust and rely on others, because in our lives, nothing will stay with us eternally and all will be gone one day eventually. Sometimes it is not the world that abandons us, but we who abandon the world. It can be evidenced by the fact that we have learnt to deny something habitually and therefore lost a lot of things. More often than not, we would believe that it is life that hurts us rather than believe that it is our personality flaw that hurts ourselves.
We are in strenuous effort in changing our fate, bringing more happiness to people around us, realizing our dreams and reaching the love we are anticipating. However, we soon realize it is by no means easy to achieve any of them. It is a lifelong commitment and many things would alter with time and no one can guarantee eternity. Hence, silence becomes the best solution to all difficulties and hardships. Since we cannot make a for-sure promise, why do we still bother to boast too much about it? We still need to get down to our business with our own effort.
The flying youth has deposited too many things in our heart. Life should be treated with special care like an egg in your hands. We should treasure every moment of sincerity and gratefulness because the best things will be gone very easily. Try to forgive every lie simply because everyone has ever lied sometime. If you do not want to have tearing eyes, then just try to smile and hold a positive attitude towards your life every day!
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