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引用修改%apache%/conf/httpd.conf修改为 ...
Information Sources
What's Inside?
- 500,000 Users: A Simple Architecture Stumbles
- 1 Million Users:Vertical Partitioning Solves Scalability Woes
- 3 Million Users: Scale-Out Wins Over Scale-Up
- 9 Million Users: Site Migrates to ASP.NET, Adds Virtual Storage
- 26 Million Users: MySpace Embraces 64-Bit Technology
- They used a database architecture built around the concept of vertical partitioning, with separate databases for parts of the website that served different functions such as the log-in screen, user profiles and blogs.
- The vertical partitioning scheme helped divide up the workload for database reads and writes alike, and when users demanded a new feature, MySpace would put a new database online to support it.
- MySpace switched from using storage devices directly attached to its database servers to a storage area network (SAN ), in which a pool of disk storage devices are tied together by a high-speed, specialized network, and the databases connect to the SAN. The change to a SAN boosted performance, uptime and reliability.
- the vertical partitioning solution didn't last because they replicated some horizontal information like user accounts across all vertical slices. With so many replications one would fail and slow down the system.
- individual applications like blogs on sub-sections of the Web site would grow too large for a single database server
- Reorganized all the core data to be logically organized into one database
- split its user base into chunks of 1 million accounts and put all the data keyed to those accounts in a separate instance of SQL Server
- Moved to ASP.NET which used less resources than their previous architecture. 150 servers running the new code were able to do the same work that had previously required 246.
- Saw storage bottlenecks again. Implementing a SAN had solved some early performance problems, but now the Web site's demands were starting to periodically overwhelm the SAN's I/O capacity—the speed with which it could read and write data to and from disk storage.
- Hit limits with the 1 million-accounts-per-database division approach as these limits were exceeded.
- Moved to a virtualized storage architecture where the entire SAN is treated as one big pool of storage capacity , without requiring that specific disks be dedicated to serving specific applications. MySpace now standardized on equipment from a relatively new SAN vendor, 3PARdata
- Moved to 64-bit SQL server to work around their memory bottleneck issues. Their standard database server configuration uses 64 GB of RAM.
Lessons Learned
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February 2009 Web Server Survey
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December 2008 Web Server Survey
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### 从MySpace的六次重构经历探讨分布式系统的构建之道 #### 一、引言 在互联网技术迅猛发展的今天,构建能够应对大规模用户流量及数据处理的分布式系统已成为诸多在线平台面临的挑战。本文将以社交网站MySpace的...
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“个人空间(myspace)”为“私人空间(privatespace)”的精简升级版,去掉了一些不常用的增强功能。 个人空间软件力求界面的简洁、功能的简便。加、解密的操作完全和系统融为一体,成为系统的一部分。在软件大大“减肥...
【标题】: "一个myspace的爬网程序" 在IT领域,网络爬虫是一种用于自动抓取互联网数据的工具,而“一个myspace的爬网程序”是指专门针对myspace平台设计的一种爬虫软件。Myspace曾是全球最大的社交网络之一,允许...
【社交网MySpace年内将重出江湖】 昔日的社交网络巨头MySpace正准备卷土重来,但这次它的战略发生了重大转变,将重点放在音乐领域,以期重新树立其在音乐服务领域的领导地位。在被新闻集团出售之前,MySpace已经...
MySpace的体系架构展示了大型网站如何应对海量用户和高并发挑战。这个社交网络平台在初期遇到了性能问题,但通过不断的技术迭代和优化,逐步解决了这些问题。以下是从文档中提炼出的关键知识点: 1. **垂直分割与...
### MYSpace架构设计 #### 一、架构概述与历史 MYSpace作为一个知名的社交平台,在其发展历程中经历了从无到有、从小到大的过程。本文档将介绍MYSpace的空间建设思路及其技术架构的发展历程。 #### 二、初始阶段...
“myspace-api”可能意味着项目使用或实现了类似MySpace的API接口,尽管原始MySpace可能不再提供API服务;“Python”是实现这个排行榜应用的编程语言,表明项目代码是以Python编写的。 【压缩包子文件的文件名称...
MySpace(我的空间)是一款简单实用的账簿管理系统,采用.NET+ACCESS开发,简单三层结构,包含了账簿管理、网址收藏、备忘管理、密码箱、类别管理等功能。 MySpace 账簿管理系统功能描述: 一:内容管理 1:...
MySpace(我的空间)是一款简单实用的账簿管理系统,采用.NET+ACCESS开发,简单三层结构,包含了账簿管理、网址收藏、备忘管理、密码箱、类别管理等功能。MySpace 账簿管理系统功能描述:一:内容管理1:账簿管理 记账...
MySpace(我的空间)是一款简单实用的账簿管理系统,采用.NET ACCESS开发,简单三层结构,包含了账簿管理、网址收藏、备忘管理、密码箱、类别管理等功能。 MySpace 账簿管理系统功能描述: 一:内容管理 1:账簿...