本课程以Caml/Ocaml为蓝本介绍现代程序语言中的诸多特性,虽然这不是编译原理的课程,但是肯定也很合对此感兴趣的人的胃口。网站包括所有讲义pdf, 代码,作业和答案,授课视频和mp3。
1. Purpose of studying programming languages
2. Functional programming (in Caml)
* Datatypes
* Higher-order functions
* Tail recursion
* Lack of mutation
3. Defining languages
* Concrete vs. abstract syntax
* Introduction/elimination forms
* Semantics via interpretation
* Semantics via translation
4. Induction for Proving Program Properties
5. Program and Programming-Language Equivalence
6. Lambda-Calculus
7. Abstract Machines
8. Exceptions, continuations, continuation-passing style
9. Types
* Soundness vs. completeness
* Type safety
* Type inference
* Static vs. dynamic typing
10. Polymorphism
* Generics
* Parametricity
* Subtyping
* Polymorphic references
11. Laziness (thunks, streams, memoization)
12. Macros
13. Concurrency
* Threads
* Locks
* Message passing (Concurrent ML)
* Atomicity
14. Object-oriented programming
* Dynamic dispatch
* Classes vs. types
* Multimethods
* Classless OOP
* Extensibility: contrast with functional programming
15. Memory management
* Garbage collection
* Regions (a.k.a. arenas)
* Unique pointers
Programming and Programming Languages (Brown Univ)
Univ. Comenian. (N.S.)**:这是《Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae》的新系列(New Series)的缩写。该期刊由Comenius University Press在斯洛伐克的布拉迪斯拉发出版,其国际标准连续出版物号(ISSN)...
Control of linear systems with regulation and ...Eindhoven Univ. of Technology P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven The Netherlands Fax: +31-40-2442489 E-mail: Peddapullaiah Sannuti
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Los Angles: Univ. of Southern California, 1977, 461 pp., [dollar]10.00 (paper) 810 Psychology in the Schools, October, 1978, Vol. 16, No. 4. TAJRIN, G. I., MAGARY, J. F., & POULSEN, M. K. (EDs.)....
Los Angeles: Univ. of Southern California, 1975, 348 pp., [dollar]7.50 (paper) 810 Psychology in the Schools, October, 1978, Vol. 16, No. 4. TAJRIN, G. I., MAGARY, J. F., & POULSEN, M. K. (EDs.)....
Los Angeles: Univ. of Southern California, 1975, 407 pp., [dollar]8.50 (paper) 810 Psychology in the Schools, October, 1978, Vol. 16, No. 4. TAJRIN, G. I., MAGARY, J. F., & POULSEN, M. K. (EDs.)....
Image encoder/decoder-Useing Matlab-Peking Univ.
% Andy Ganse, Applied Physics Laboratory, Univ of WA, 2006. %, % % A demo of basic nonlinear tracking examples 6.1-2 & 6.1-3 from the % ...
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《无线通信基础》是通信领域的权威著作,作者David Tse是一位在无线通信领域有着深厚造诣的专家。这本书深入浅出地介绍了无线通信的基本概念、原理和技术,对于想要理解和掌握无线通信的人来说,是一本不可多得的...
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5. `err_pat_dcd_rom_univ.v`:可能是一个错误模式ROM(只读存储器),存储预定义的错误模式以进行解码测试。 6. `bch_dec_enc_univ_top.v`:可能是包含了编码和解码功能的综合模块,用于验证整个BCH编码解码流程。 ...
Random process for Engineers is written by Bruce Hajek at UIUC, which is useful for the learning of stochastic process.
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matlab精度检验代码视频异常检测 来源 - 该项目工作的主要方面是开发一种适当的分类方法和一种有效的算法,以检测跌倒活动。 异常检测是一种用于识别不符合预期行为的异常模式的技术,称为异常值。...