I have been reading
Agile Database Techiniques by Scott Ambler recently. In chapter 5, he talks about Object Normal Form, which obviously derives from classical Data Normal Form. The brief definitions are as follows:
- First object normal form (1ONF): A class is in 1ONF when specific behavior required by an attribute that is actually a collection of similar attributes is encapsulated within its own class.
- Second object normal form (2ONF): A class is in 2ONF when it is in 1ONF and when "shared" behavior required by more than one instance of the class is encapsulated within its own class(es).
- Third object normal form (3ONF): A class is in 3ONF when it is in 2ONF and when it encapsulates only one set of cohensive behaviour.
I feel it's good as a guideline or checklist for class design, although the definitions are bit vague such as word "shared" which makes it a little hard to be applied in practice. It largely depends on the detailed business situation; yet in Data normalization, "dependency" is easier to identify than being "shared".
For further details, examples, and comments >>> (in Chinese)
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数据库设计应遵循 normalization 规则,确保数据的一致性和高效查询。 6. **Servlet**: Servlet是Java Web应用中的服务器端组件,用于处理HTTP请求。在这个系统中,Servlet可能用于接收用户请求,执行业务逻辑,并...
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Provide a detailed discussion of specific normal forms within a discussion of normal-ization that focuses on pragmatic normalization techniques. ·Use current DBMS technology:Microsoft Access 2007。...
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在这些块之间,通常会插入Transition Layers,包括一个Batch Normalization层和一个平均池化层,以降低特征图的空间尺寸并控制模型复杂度。 在math_classif.py这个文件中,你可能会看到以下关键部分: 1. 数据...
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